
Saturday 13 June 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-6-2020: Naughty Miranda

13th June, 2020.

Hmmm … 

I have to admit, I’m a Terry Pratchett fan … who’s in a couple of Terry Pratchett groups on Facebook.

The biggest one of which … ?

Has been archived!

Suspended, in other words.

After … 

Well, after civil war broke out: over J. K Rowling’s recent comments on transgendered people.

There’s possibly a lot to say about that article.

It’s a very well though out one.   Not necessarily one I agree with, nor one where Ms Rowling’s cites her figures: but well argued, well written and intelligently made.

Let me emphasises that sentence, there: not necessarily one I agree with*.

Before anyone starts!

But, lord … it’s caused a huge row on this one Facebook Group: that got the administrators suspending it.

I’m told it’s temporary … I hope it’s temporary … 

But it’s something to see.
“All I’m asking – all I want – is for similar empathy, similar understanding, to be extended to the many millions of women whose sole crime is wanting their concerns to be heard without receiving threats and abuse.”
J. K. Rowling.

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw TrevorOlga‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 13th June saw the US Court rule in the case of Miranda vs Arizona: a ruling that means US police has to inform suspects of their rights.   13th June of which year of the 1960s?
Q2) One of those rights?   Is the right to remain … what?
Q3) That particular right is governed by which amendment to the US Constitution?
Q4) Under your Miranda rights, you’re allowed to have a lawyer, with you, whilst being what?
Q5) Finally … ?   The lawyer Miranda rights allow you to consult is generally known as which A?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 12th June is Helsinki Day.   Helsinki is the capital of where?
A1) Finland.
Q2) 12th June is Russia Day.   Russia’s flag is white, blue and … what?
A2) Red.
Q3) 12th June is Dia dos Namorados — Lover’s Day — where: Portugal, Brazil or Angola?
A3) Brazil.
Q4) Purely by coincidence, it’s Loving Day in the USA: marking the day US courts ruled state laws against miscegenation were unconstitutional.   Miscegenation is a mixed race … what?
Q5) Finally … ?   12th June marks the feast 108 Martyrs of World War Two.   The Martyrs were killed by the Nazis: and from which European country?
A5) Poland.
Here’s a thought …
“If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish.”
From the Miranda warning.
And a songª …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        *        One of Ms Rowling’s relatively minor points … ?   Was that — in Scotland — you can now get gender recognition — or, at least, a certificate to say you’re transitioning — without necessarily starting the long process.   And therefore, legally access women’s toilets.   I can understand her concerns, I think she has a valid point … but, speaking as an ex barman?   One whose seen a few couples and single men sneaking into pub toilets?   I don’t think that men need that as an excuse to access women’s toilets.   I’ve seen couples sneak into pub toilets, a few time, as well as men on their own.   Usually, asking the nearest senior (preferably female) manager to wonder in and bang on the doors would help.
Again, let me reiterate: I don’t think that men need gender recognition certificates as an excuse to access women’s toilets.

†        Poet’s day?   You don’t say … !   On a less rhyming note, Trevor, I glad I didn’t use it as a theme: five rhyming questions would’ve been a bit much!

‡        A fresh start’s tempting, Olga, I know that!   The difficulty I have … ?   Is just trying to download from here.   It’s … well, I don’t know how big it is, now, but the last time I tried the total was about 20gb!   I really hope Blogger stays how it is … !   (I keep my video reviews, I know that … !)

^        Oh, yes!   The last time I tried, it took a while, Debbi!   Oh, Olga’s posted another video: I’ve added it, and your Wasp Factory review to today’s Teaser video: as a card, at the start … !   And we have something of a legal theme, today.   (One recent Spanish set on the Nineth, a legal set, today: I hope Trevor’s around for the 15th!)

ª        The song was performed on The Tube: the music show of the day.   If you were lucky, the presenters would swear … 


  1. POETS day is not a rhyming quote it is an Acronym.

    A1 1966

    A2 Silent

    A3 5th Amendment

    A4 Questioning

    A5 attorney

  2. Q1) 1966
    Q2) Silent
    Q3) The Fifth Amendment
    Q4) Questioned by the police
    Q5) Attorney
    This was useful. I hadn’t read the details of the actual case, although I knew about the warning (I guess anybody who watches American TV police shows knows it by heart).
    Thanks for the comment about the video. You’re quick! By the way, one of my usual blogger readers asked me to share links to the videos on my posts, and as I’ll be reviewing the trivia book I talked to you about on Monday, I’ve included a link to your blog there as well, so I’ll try to remember to share the link to my blog with you on Monday.

  3. Wow! A subject I know something about! :)

    I hope I don't blow it. :)

    1. 1966
    2. silent
    3. the Fifth Amendment
    4. questioned in custody ("custody" and "questioned" are terms both subject to interpretation, of course)
    5. appointed (?) attorney (??) Hope one of those is right.

    Wow! You guys in the UK have a wealth of film and TV production resources! I just listened to someone from your country talk about them. Amazing!

    BTW, thanks for the file you sent! :)

  4. And thanks for including my review in your cards! :)


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