
Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-6-2020: Asteroid Day.

30th June, 2020.

Did I mention I have a mobile phone … ?

I’ve got a mobile phone: on O2, so you know.

The week before last?

A local mast went down: meaning I couldn’t make, or accept, calls when at home.

If you’re jobhunting, that can be … 

Can be unhelpful: if the mast’s down, there’s a very good chance you can’t receive incoming calls about interviews, or appointments.

Annoying?   Yes!

There was little I could do about it, except wait.

Until, in theory, yesterday.

As that, according to the O2 website, was when we’d hear whether the mast was back in action.

I went back to the site, yesterday.

To find that date had been revised.

We’s now going to find out that will be happening … next Monday.

I’m not happy.

And thinking I should emend some form of compensation.

Especially as O2 have this habit of handing out refunds.


Did you follow my digital poverty pieces?

This, this, this and this?

Broadly, I’m trying to find out how various people are helping those of us who can’t get online: especially with Lockdown in place.

The first piece I did was all about schools.

And I’ve managed to follow that up … by sending an email to the Department for Education.

Last night.

From what I can see, it’ll take three working weeks to hear back from them: at least.

We’ll have to see what happens.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 30th June is Asteroid Day.   The date was chosen, as it’s the anniversary of the Tunguska Event.   The event was in which year?
Q2) The event was in Siberia.   In other words, in which country … ?
Q3) Asteroid Day was co-founded by which wheelchair bound scientist.
Q4) The Solar System’s main Asteroid belt is between Jupiter … and where?
Q5) Finally … ?   The largest Astroid in the Asteroid belt is also a dwarf planet.   What’s the object called?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 29th June, 1995, saw NASA’s Space Shuttle dock with Russia’s one space station.   Which Shuttle?
A1) The Atlantis.
Q2) Which Russian space station?
A2) Mir.
Q3) NASA was which country’s space agency?
A3) The USA’s.
Q4) What’s Russia’s Space agency?
A4) Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities: also known as Roscosmos.
Q5) Finally?   Was this the first, second or third  time the shuttle had docked with the station?
A5) The first.
Here’s a thought …
“The chances that your tombstone will read ‘Killed by Asteroid’ are about the same as they’d be for ‘Killed in Airplane Crash’.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson.
And the Pearl and Dean jingle: which, as it turns out, called Asteroid.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

I’m going to buy a hot dog …

*        I’ll have to keep an eye open for Salyut 7, Olga: it sounds interesting.   Plus, of course, I’ve now got Sunday nights free.   Saying that … ?   I’ve got a few things I need to do, first.   Getting stuff off my sisters old laptop, emailing the DfE … and prepping an article … !   Oh, and making videos … !
(Internal Medical Resident, Olga?   Or Resident Medical Intern?   I’m assuming, there … !)

†        It’s seriously worth the effort, Debbi!   It’s done my watch hours a favour, as well!   (I might JUST have to watch The Mandalorian, next: or possibly Westworld.)


  1. A1 1908

    A2 Russia

    A3 Stephen William Hawking

    A4 Mars

    A5 Ceres

    I see that you are living on the edge of a 24 hour dispersal zone set up by the police. It is Brentwood high street and then roads to Brentwood station. Reason is feral teenagers causing trouble.

  2. Q1) 1908
    Q2) Russia
    Q3) Stephen Hawking,
    Q4) Mars
    Q5) Ceres
    Resident Medical Intern probably. Yes, what in the UK where either SHO (senior house officers) the first few years and later SR (Specialist registrars). Here you just attach the number of the year to MIR. So a first-year resident would be MIR-1 and in the final year a MIR-5 (well, it depends on the speciality. Some last only three or four years. Yes, in Medicine you're never done).
    Good luck with O2 and the mobile connection. Life and lemons come to mind.

  3. I saw one episode of Westworld and couldn't quite warm up to it. Not sure why.

    1. 1908
    2. Russia
    3. Stephen Hawking
    4. Mars
    5. Ceres


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