
Friday 5 June 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5-6-2020: Who’s Afraid of Bose Einstein Condensates?

5th June, 2020.

Right … 

It’s Friday … 

And … ?

I have to admit, I’m taking part in an ONS survey: that’s tracking the spread of Covid-19.

Which is me being public spirited.

It ALSO helps that to say thank you?

The ONS sends me Amazon vouchers.

They’ve sent another, after yesterday’s test.

Which is nice: I’ve a few more black t-shirts on the way, along side a style guide.

And a couple of books*.

It’s all good.


I don’t know if you spotted me mentioning digital poverty — the facts some of us can’t afford a ’net connection, or a computer to go with it — towards the end of May … but I mentioned digital poverty towards the end of May.

I’ll doing at least one piece about it in the not to distant future.

I HAVE, however, had an answer from Essex County Council: about schools handling of laptops and connections.

I’m working on the post: and will let you know about it soon.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor†, Olga‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The first artificial Bose-Einstein Condensate was created: on 5th June  of which year of the 1990s?
Q2) The Condensate is incredibly what: hot, cold or cheesy?
Q3) Bose-Einstein Condensates are informally known as the fifth state of matter.   Name one of the four main states.
Q4) The state was predicted by Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose.   Dr Bose was born in which Indian city?
Q5) Finally … ?   The Condensate was created in the JILA: at a University in which US state?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Tonga achieved independence on 4th June: in which year?
A1) 1970.
Q2) From which European country?
A2) The UK.   (Technically, it Tonga had protected status under a treaty of friendship.)
Q3) Tupou 6th is Tonga’s current what: Roman Catholic cardinal, King or bishop?
A3) King.
Q4) Nukuʻalofa is Tonga’s what: capital city, Parliament or stock market?
A4) Capital.
Q5) Finally … ?   Tonga is in which ocean: the Atlantic, Pacific or the Indian?
A5) The Pacific.
Here’s a thought …
“When a Bose-Einstein condensate is trapped in a magnetic potential, the spin aligns along the direction of a local magnetic field, and the internal degrees of freedom are virtually frozen.”
Masahito Ueda.   (Physicists must be fun at parties … )
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Does anyone know how to pronounce Arthur Machen’s surname?   Is it MATCH-en?   MACK-en?   mack-EN?   HOW IS IT PRONOUNCED?

†        Now, now, Trevor, there’s been at least one drug raid in Hutton: and there was the brothel over the off-license near Shenfield Station!   (It wasn’t a house of ill-repute: apparently, it was fantastic!)
And don’t get me started on the police station: it’s actually getting turned into more flats!

‡        You’re right, Olga, it sounds like a fascinating place!   From the little I know?   Tonga’s (then) Queen, Salote, was at Queen Elizabeth’s coronation: she had the roof on her carriage down, through the whole parade.   The whole, heavily rained on, parade!   They sing songs about her!
I’ve seen a few documentaries I’ve seen about Easter Island are fascinating, as well.   Apparently, some of the statues were painted, at one point, and had hats!   And — if my memory is right — it had large forests … that got totally stripped to make boats.
Good luck with the show!

^        As I recall, Debbi?   The EU’s investigating Google’s bad habit of putting their own ads at the top of search results.   Various groups are looking at Facebook’s handling of various sorts of fake news.   UK police have found Facebook platforms are used to groom children.   I’m not sure what the EU’s investigating about Amazon: but the BBC’s picked up on price gouging and privacy concerns.   You have to love technology!
Yep, a nose flute.   I think there’s a Tibetan one, as well, but don’t quote me!

ª        I think, Olga, ‘protected status,’ meant Tonga had more independence than a colony … but a lot less self control than a sovereign nation.   I think it ALSO meant Tonga wasn’t part of the Empire … but, again, wasn’t as self governing as the dominions: places like Canada or Australia.   


  1. A1 1995

    A2 Cold at almost absolute Zero

    A3 Solid

    A4 Kolkata (Then called Calcutta)

    A5 Colorado

  2. Q1) 1995
    Q2) cold
    Q3) Plasma
    Q4) Calcutta (now Kolkata)
    Q5) Colorado (at Boulder)
    Yes, you're right about the trees in Easter Island, although according to research, that didn't have anything to do with what went wrong there (slave ships seemed to have more to do with it). And a protectorate is an interesting concept.
    I am in awe at today's topic. I always thought Maths at a high level was too abstract for me, but Physics at this level... One's mind boggles (at least mine!).
    I'm sure you've thought about it as well, but I was wondering about your article on digital poverty, and online petition platforms like or similar, in case you want to spread the word...
    I look forward to your article.

  3. Yes, technology. Love it and hate it. :)

    1. 1995
    2. cold
    3. liquid
    4. Calcutta
    5. Colorado

    My brother is a University of Colorado graduate! And Boulder, CO, is really cool. :)


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