
Saturday 6 June 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6-6-2020: I Am Not A Number … !

6th June, 2020.

Yep: it’s official: I’ve forgotten to mention something.

The library’s re-opening!


Let’s get a little restrained, there, shall we?

Over the past few weeks, libraries in Essex have been closed down: as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak.

However, with Lockdown easing?

It seems a small number of libraries in Essex will be re-opening: from 6th July.

Mostly ones — like Brentwood’s — that have also home registry offices.


I’m looking forward to that.

It’d be nice to use the laptop … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) It’s the sixth day of the sixth month.   Is the number six odd or even?
Q2) Six is which P: prime, perfect or persistent?
Q3) What’s six … written in binary?
Q4) The platonic object with six faces is a … what?
Q5) A polygon with six sides is a … ?
Q6) There are six strings on a standard guitar.   How many of them — in standard, ‘Spanish’, tuning — are E strings?
Q7) № 6 is a manga: in other words, a series of comics from which country?
Q8) Number 6 — played by Patrick McGoohan — is the main character in which 1960s series?
Q9) Number Six — played by Tricia Helfer — is a recurring character in which 21st Century series?
Q10) Finally … ?   The UK’s Secret Intelligence Service is also known as what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The first artificial Bose-Einstein Condensate was created: on 5th June  of which year of the 1990s?
A1) 1995.
Q2) The Condensate is incredibly what: hot, cold or cheesy?
A2) Cold.   (From what I can see, a Bose-Einstein Condensate is usually formed near absolute zero: in other words, -273.15℃.)
Q3) Bose-Einstein Condensates are informally known as the fifth state of matter.   Name one of the four main states.
Q4) The state was predicted by Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose.   Dr Bose was born in which Indian city?
A4) Calcutta.   The city’s now known as Kolkata.   Apparently, bosons are named after him.
Q5) Finally … ?   The Condensate was created in the JILA: at a University in which US state?
A5) Colorado: the University of Colorado Boulder.   They also do Fermionic condensates.
Here’s a thought …
“6 (six) is the natural number following 5 and preceding 7.”
From the Wikipedia entry about the number, six.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Trevor … !   Apparently, a condensate’s just above 0°K.

†        You know, I hadn’t thought of flagging it up on Change, Olgaº¹: or on the the government’s Petition page.   It’s still at the first draft stage, at the moment^.   That’s possibly something to look at, though.   Saying that … ?   There’s only two petitions on the government site: petitions with only a few signatures … 
And, yes: any slave trading in the area wouldn’t surprise me.
As for yesterday’s subject … ?   Well … *shuffle’s around embarrassedly*.

‡        You’re right, there, Debbiº!   Now I think of it, I’ll have to look up Boulder: just to find out how it ended up with a name like Boulder!   Now … when you say Boulder’s cool, Debbi, does that mean it rocksª … ?
(I don’t know if your brother covered it, Debbi, but University of Colorado Boulder also does Fermionic condensates.   Apparently.)
Oh, sorry about the amount of questions … but five questions about a number always seems … under doing it …

^        I’ve got the initial stuff done about the schools questions I’ve asked Essex County Council: so I’m moving onto the questions I’ve broadband companies.   Which will also mention the fact four companies haven’t got back to me.

ª        Sorry, Debbi, but that gag’s been staring me in the face all morning!

º        Oh, Debbi, Olga, I feature your channels in the start cards on yesterday’s Video teaser.

¹      Talking of physics, Olga … 

1 comment:

  1. Q1) Even
    Q2) Perfect
    Q3) 1102
    Q4) A cube
    Q5) hexagon
    Q6) two
    Q7) Japan
    Q8) The Prisoner
    Q9) Battlestar Galactica
    Q10) MI6
    Thank you for the cards! I think I'll probably share a post as well on my blog, just copying the content of the page, because people might not notice it is there otherwise. And I can't say I'm surprised about the petition's page. Probably people don't even realise there is one. On the other hand, I do get a lot of requests from signatures from organisations, and I normally check them out, so it might be worth thinking about when you have all the information ready.
    Have a great weekend and good luck (and good news about the libraries. We're moving to phase 2 on Monday. I think here the libraries are open as well, but initially they were only handing out books people had requested rather than letting people in. Not sure with restrictions and minimum distance how it will work).


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