
Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th July, 2020.

15th July, 2020.

It’s happened, again!

I’ve got Bowie’s Girl Loves Me — possibly the only song I know, written partially in Nadsat — banging around my head.

Why, I don’t know.


That’s one thing.

The other thing … ?

Is I’ve now been published on the Phoenix FM site.

You can read my piece on digital poverty, here.

I don’t know if I’ll be asked to a follow interview.

But DO know Paul — the DJ I was dealing with at the station — is planning to mention the thing on air.

Here’s hoping I get a response … !


I’m assuming you’re in the UK, yes?   Unless you’re some of my regular readers, of course!

At any rate, it you’re in the UK, you’ll have noticed that the UK government’s banned the use of Huawei equipment in UK phone networks.

I’m in two minds.

I understand their stuff’s a security risk.

But, if I’ve understood what the news has told me over the years?

A big factor in Huawei kit being used, is simply that it’s cheap.

I think the ban is good … if the government introduced price controls, with it.

After all, the telecoms companies that now have to strip Huawei kit from their networks, are going to have to spend a fortune to do so^.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 15th July is the feast day of Vladimir the Great.   Vladimir was Grand Prince of where … ?
Q2) 15th July, 2017, saw the death of actor, Martin Landau.   For which 1994 film did he win a Best Supporting Actor Oscar?
Q3) 15th July, 1952, saw the birth of actress, Celia Imrie.   In which series did she play Fiona Patterson?
Q4) 15th July, 1952, saw the birth of Marc Steven Bell.   He’s better known how?
Q5) Finally … ?   15th July, 1956, saw the birth of the late Joy Division singer, Ian Curtis.   What’s the name of the 2007 film about Curtis … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 14th July is Black Country Day: celebrating the Black Country area of England.   It’s in the West Midlands: between Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall … and where?
Q2) The Black Country was called the ‘Black Country’ because of the high amount of industrial what: pollution, aerosols or crabs?
A2) Pollution.
Q3) Pays Noir is a similar industrial area, where: France, Belgium or Luxembourg?
A3) Belgium.
Q4) Who — when passing through the Black Country — said “I cannot by any description give an idea of its strange and extraordinary appearance.”
A4) Queen Victoria: back when she was Princes Victoria.
Q5) Finally … ?   14th July, 1946, saw the birth of Black Country native, Sue Lawley.   Which radio show did she present, between 1988 and 2006?
Here’s a thought …
“When we started making electronic music I imagined that the reaction we got from the rock musicians must have been similar to the one the beat groups got from people like my dad.”
Trevor Horn, born 15 July 1949.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Cheers, Olga: I think I’m going to need it!   I’ll have to give Survivor Song a listen, when I get a chance.   Saying that … ?   I’ve got a copy of Survivors, somewhere: the old TV series?    Outside of the fact it’s a series about a killer disease from China, it’s supposed to be fantastic!
Good luck with the report!

†        Rozzers, Trevorª?   Rozzers?   No!   They’re peelers!

‡        Oh, cheers for that, Debbiª: I’ve just looked it up.   I never knew which bit of the USA it was!   Isn’t Chicago part of it?   I’ve still got mental image of the opening of The Blues Brothers: lots of oil flares, and chimneys, and smoke … 

^        If I’ve understood the reports about the ban, correctly?   Huawei kit can no longer be installed, after 2021.   Huawei kit that’s currently in place, has to be removed by 2027.   I’m very aware that — at the moment — O2 is replacing the local phone mast, nearest to where I live.   I’m hoping they’re not using Huawei gear in it: as I’d hate to have another black out in seven years time!

ª        Debbi, Trevor, I don’t know if you knew: but I’ve mentioned you both, alongside Olga, on the PhoenixFM piece.   It only seemed polite … 


  1. Q1) Kiev
    Q2) Ed Wood
    Q3) The Nightmare Man
    Q4) Marky Ramone
    Q5) Control
    Keep us posted on the reactions to the article. Oh, Survivor Song is a book (you might find it on audio, it would make sense) by Paul Tremblay. I've read great reviews of many of his books but this is the first one I've read.
    The report... Well, there was supposed to be the opening of an art exhibition in remembrance of the anniversary of the death of a local artist (sculptor and painter), but I think the editor and the radio station boss (and I) assumed there would be some sort of official opening, speeches and the rest, but no. Yes, I took pictures of the paintings but there was nothing else to do (and only a couple of people who wandered in to have a look). I spoke to the editor and I'll go to the radio today to return the camera. I've prepared an article but... He told me he'd see if somebody from the group of artists she belonged to could come to be interviewed, but I doubt that will work. He can always arrange some time and do a phone interview himself, if not. We did try. (I suspect the exhibition had been programmed in advance and probably the dates had to be changed due to the COVID-19, and everything fell into disarray. I have met the members of the group of artists and most of them are of a certain age, so I'm not sure they'd want to meet in a large group anyway. Also, the number of cases are going up in Barcelona, so better not to risk it).
    I've read about the Huawei mess. Here the mess is to do with spy software that it seems the Spanish government has used to spy on some of the Catalonian politicians (pro-independence). They haven't denied it, only said they didn't do anything outside of legality, and that makes me think it must be true. It is a joint investigation from the Guardian, El País and an international organization. It seems the software is made in Israel and only sold to governments, seemingly with the intention of allowing them to track terrorist threats. Between that, the scandals of the previous King (Juan Carlos I), and COVID-19 there's not a single moment of peace. Well, it was quiet at the exhibition!

  2. A1 Novgorod Also Kiev

    A2 Ed Wood

    A3 The Nightmare Man

    A4 Marky Ramone

    A5 Control

    Perhaps I should have called them Bobbies. I think the use of nicknames for the Police Force depends where you were born and maybe the year you were born.

    A little song mentioning Bobbies.

  3. How nice! Thank you, Paul!

    Yeah, Chicago, Pittsburgh, pretty much the Mid-Western cities.

    I'm reminded of Pittsburgh, because I used to live there. It's mountainous and full of industrial areas. Coal mining, etc.

    1. Kiev
    2. Ed Wood
    3. The Nightmare Man
    4. Marky Ramone
    5. Control


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