
Thursday 16 July 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th July, 2020.

16th July, 2020.

Yes: I’ve done something experimental.

I’ve made home made goulash.

Which wasn’t too bad.

But I would say that, would say that, wouldn’t I … ?

At any rate … ?

I now how to make goulash: and have learnt how to make a stock, as its base.

Frankly?   Next stop, chicken soup … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 16th July is the Feast Day of Saint Helier.   He’s the patron saint of which of the Channel Islands?
Q2) La Paz declared itself independent from the Spanish Crown: on 16th July, 1809.   La Paz is the capital of what’s now which South American country?
Q3) The leaders of the three main Allied nations — the UK, US and USSR — met at a major conference: on 16th July, 1945.   Where: Potsdam, Yalta or Bretton Woods?
Q4) 16th July, 1979, saw Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr resign as president of Iraq.   Who was he replaced by?
Q5) Finally … ?   16th July, 1887, saw the birth of baseball player, Shoeless Joe Jackson.   Famously, he was involved in an attempted to fix what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 15th July is the feast day of Vladimir the Great.   Vladimir was Grand Prince of where … ?
A1) Kiev.
Q2) 15th July, 2017, saw the death of actor, Martin Landau.   For which 1994 film did he win a Best Supporting Actor Oscar?
A2) Ed Wood.   (Martin’s daughter, Juliet, also appeared in the film: she’s best remembered for playing Drusilla in Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.)
Q3) 15th July, 1952, saw the birth of actress, Celia Imrie.   In which series did she play Fiona Patterson?
Q4) 15th July, 1952, saw the birth of Marc Steven Bell.   He’s better known how?
Q5) Finally … ?   15th July, 1956, saw the birth of the late Joy Division singer, Ian Curtis.   What’s the name of the 2007 film about Curtis … ?
A5) Control.
Here’s a thought …
“I have always lived in a world in which I’m just a spot in history.   My life is not the important point.   I’m just part of the continuum, and that continuum, to me, is a marvelous thing.”
Sheri Stewart Tepper (July 16, 1929 – October 22, 2016)
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I always wonder how people record phone interviews, Olga.   I mean … I could possibly bodge by using Zoom and Quicktime, but … 
At any rate, I suspect COVID-19’s the reason it was so quiet: I’d read there’s an upswing where you are.   Wasn’t there a farming area that was getting more cases?   I can remember seeing the BBC reporting on it, and thinking of you!
Nothing “outside of legality” … ?   Does Sir Humphrey has family in Madrid … ?

†        You have to ask, Trevor, did Roger Miller ever go outside London … ?   He only ever mentions Westminster Abbey, and the tower of Big Ben.   Which is an argument starter … 

‡        Pittsburgh … Pittsburgh … You know, I’m convinced I know something about Pittsburgh, Debbi, but I’m blowed if I can remember what!   Isn’t there something of a car-making industry, there?   I’m sure there’s something … (That’s going to worry me all morning.)


  1. A1 Jersey

    A2 Bolivia (The football team of La Paz played against the Iron in Scunthorpe in the early 1960’s. I was there. I think that it was one of our first matched under flood lights.)

    A3 Potsdam but was 17th July

    A4 Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti

    A5 The World Series. (Typical Americans take a sport only played in the USA and call it the World Series. At least the Soccer World cup is played for by countries from all the continents.)

  2. Q1) Jersey
    Q2) Bolivia
    Q3) If you are thinking of Potsdam, I’ve found the 17th of July rather than the 16th.
    Q4) Saddam Hussein
    Q5) The Baseball World Series
    Lleida, yes, they have good farming there, but there is a peak and now are back home. Here, several districts of a neighbouring city (neighbouring doesn't quite cover it, as the two cities, Barcelona and L'Hospitalet are touching, and there are places where one side of the street is Barcelona and another l'Hospitalet. At the bottom of the street where I live, for example, so who know? The mayor was talking about taking measures but so far nothing specific yet. Let's hope it doesn't affect my interview, if something comes to pass.
    At the radio they normally use the studio and you have different channels for the different inputs, so you can transfer the call and record it directly. But I think the phone might allow you to do that, although I've never tried.
    Keep experimenting with your cooking. It's looking good!

  3. It was more of a steel town for a while.

    Detroit is the Motor City.

    1. Jersey
    2. Bolivia
    3. Potsdam
    4. Saddam Hussein
    5. the World Series


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