
Thursday 2 July 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-7-2020: Two’s Company

2nd July, 2020.


I hate it, when I get an earworm, first thing in the morning … 

Especially when it’s Bad Lip Reading at their oddest … !



Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring nine out of nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Two is even.   And which P?
Q2) What’s two: written in binary?
Q3) The square root of two (√2) is what: perfect, irrational or composite?
Q4) What’s two to the power of two (2²)?
Q5) What’s two … in Roman numerals?
Q6) In the Thomas the Tank Engine books, which of the standard gauge engines is Number 2?
Q7) According to an old saying?   Two’s company: three’s a what?
Q8) Number Two is a character in which 1981 BBC series?
Q9) BBC Two started in which year of the 1960s?
Q10) Finally … ?   What’s the second month of the year?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The number one is what: odd, or even?
A1) Odd.
Q2) True or false: 1 is a prime number?
A2) False: according to Wikipedia, a prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that is not a product of two smaller natural numbers.
Q3) One cubed — one to the power of three, or 1³ — equals what?
A3) 1.
Q4) One squared — one to the power of two, or 1² — equals what?
A4) 1.
Q5) What’s one … in binary … ?
A5) 1.
Q6) Which element has the atomic number, 1?
A6) Hydrogen.
Q7) Number One is — in the James Bond franchise — the leader of SPECTRE.   What’s his name?
A7) Ernst Stavro Blofeld.
Q8) There’s an M1 motorway in Northern Ireland.   And in which other nation of the UK?
A8) England.   It connects London to Leeds.
Q9) Formula One is competitive what: motor-racing, backgammon or swimming?
Q10) Finally … ?   The 1916 film, One A.M. stars who, as a drunk … ?
Here’s a thought …
“This is your world. I am your world. If you insist on living a dream you may be taken for mad.”
Number 2 (Mary Morris), From Dance of the Dead, The Prisoner.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I get the feeling it’s going to be a long wait, Olga!   I may have to send another email!
Talking to Lego … ?   Did I mention a New Scientist exhibition I went to, a while back: my sister took me, Jude, and Jude’s friend, Jaskaran, down to London for it.   Stafford University had something similar going on.   I could’ve sworn I video’d it!   Hopefully, the school should have video available, themselves!
(Oh, I’m assuming you meant 1₂?   Apparently it’s ALT + 8322 … )
As for the phones … ?   ‘Unhelpful’ is putting it mildly!   But the masts will be going up at the same spot.   At least, going by the crane and scaffolding … (I’ve only seen the odd episode of The Apprentice.   But you could tell when Lord Sugar was at the Brentwood office.   There’s only so many Rolls-Royces with AMS1 number plates.)

†        Short doesn’t even start, Debbi!   I was thinking of making every single answer, one: but couldn’t get it to fly!   Although, now I say it?   Writing a question whose answer was ‘won’ could’ve worked.   Oh, well!   (Just so you know?   England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland usually get called countries, or the home countries: usually, the term is ‘home nations.’   Ireland only got included, up until 1922 …)


  1. Q1) prime
    Q2) 10
    Q3) irrational
    Q4) 4
    Q5) II
    Q6) Edward, the Blue Engine
    Q7) A crowd
    Q8) The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
    Q9) 1964
    Q10) February
    Oh, it wasn't meant to be a 12. I didn't realise it was a 1 with a note on it (2 for note number two) in small, so I copied it as well. I think the heat is melting my brain, and on top of that, the upstairs neighbours have decided to do some renovations and they are banging along all day. I hope it is quieter for you there.

  2. Okay, then. I know there are also Commonwealth countries and we're not one of them. :) For good or ill. :)

    1. prime
    2. 10
    3. irrational
    4. 4
    5. II
    6. LB&SCR E2
    7. crowd
    8. no idea Battlestar Gallactica? No? Not The Prisoner! :)
    9. 1964
    10. February


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