
Friday 3 July 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-7-2020: Québec City

3rd July, 2020.

Yes: it’s officially Friday.

And I’m definitely at home, in Brentwood … 

And very aware that I have to stay in, this afternoon.

As, finally, the new thermostat for my boiler’s arrived!


To coin a phrase … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring ten out of ten, and Debbi on eight.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Québec City was founded: on 3rd July, 1608.   It’s the capital of which Canadian province?
Q2) Most of the city’s resident’s speak which European language: English, German or French?
Q3) The name comes from a First Nation word that means ‘where the river …’ what?
Q4) Dynamo de Québec is one of the city’s sports teams.   What does it play: Canadian rules football, baseball or football/soccer?
Q5) Finally … ?   What’s the French name for Québec City?   (Boy, I know how to throw in clues!)
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Two is even.   And which P?
A1) Prime: indeed, it’s the only even prime number.   (Prime numbers are only dividable by themselves or one: they’re not a product of two smaller natural numbers.   Even numbers are multiple of two.   You can see the problem … )
Q2) What’s two: written in binary?
A2) 10₂.
Q3) The square root of two (√2) is what: perfect, irrational or composite?
A3) Irrational.   (If I’ve understood it correctly?   Irrational numbers can’t be constructed from ratios or fractions.   ½, ⅓ and ¾ are rational.   π, and square root of two, aren’t.)
Q4) What’s two to the power of two (2²)?   
Q5) What’s two … in Roman numerals?
A5) ii: or II.
Q6) In the Thomas the Tank Engine books, which of the standard gauge engines is Number 2?
Q7) According to an old saying?   Two’s company: three’s a what?
A7) Crowd: although, occasionally, you see it as three’s none.
Q8) Number Two is a character in which 1981 BBC series?
A8) The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.   (The name was assigned to different characters, depending on which version of the show you were watching.)
Q9) BBC Two started in which year of the 1960s?
A9) 1964.
Q10) Finally … ?   What’s the second month of the year?
A10) February.
Here’s a thought …
“Don de Dieu feray valoir.”
Québec City’s motto.
And a song: by Québec City native, Robert Normandeau …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’m with you there, Olga: my upstairs neighbours were putting in shelves, the other day.   Drilling noises are lovely, aren’t they … ?
Saying that … ?   It was relatively quiet … bar the thunderstorms and boy racers.   Why we’re getting boy racers, I don’t know, but they always want to go past my front window!
Oh … my boiler’s getting fixed … but O2 still haven’t got back to me, after I phoned them yesterday afternoon.   They DID try phoning, yesterday morning, when I was at home.   They tried phoning my mobile.   The one that can’t receive phone calls, when I’m at home, because the mast’s down.   Can I get sarcastic, at them, Olga?   Honestly … !

†        It’s possibly a good thing, Debbi: it means your head of state’s not related to Prince Andrew.   Or had anything to do with Ghislaine Maxwell.   Recently … … 
Battlestar Galactica … ?   Battlestar Galactica … … ?   HONESTLY, Debbi … !


  1. Q1) Quebec
    Q2) French
    Q3) narrows
    Q4) soccer
    Q5) Ville de Québec
    Good luck with the installation of the thermostat. I've had similar conversations to your issue with O2. Phoning the company because the internet was not working and them telling me to log onto their website. Eh?
    I was thinking about your comment about the storms. Well, here it rained in the early hours (it was so heavy that it woke me up, as I had left the window open (it opens into a patio) and now it's cloudy.
    Here it seems it wasn't the upstairs neighbours. There is a problem with the drains of the bathroom (the general drainage rather than ours) but because this is a rather large apartment building, that means today we can only use the small bathroom (thankfully we have two)! And yes, more noise.
    Oh, by the way, did you see my video from yesterday? I turned the light of the headphones on at the very end, so you could see it.

  2. A1 Québec

    A2 French

    A3 Narrows

    A4 Soccer

    A5 Ville de Québec

    When I first went to Canada I assumed that Canadians were Bilingual. But soon found out that the only place speaking French was Québec. In Vancouver the name of the province (British Columbia) tells you what language is spoken. There it is English, Mandarin Chinese and many languages from the Countries of India and Pakistan.

  3. Honestly, I didn't know/remember! I'll try not to panic about it! :)

    1. Quebec
    2. French
    3. narrows
    4. football/soccer
    5. Ville de Québec

    OMG! And there it is on the video. Damn. :(

    Pretty tiny part there. :) (Sneaky!)


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