
Friday 24 July 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th July, 2020

24th July, 2020.

Can I make a confession … ?

I got paid, yesterday: or, at least, got my benefits through.

I’m happyish about that.   It means I could pay my bills, and buy shopping.

Including the makings of another goulash.

Or stew.

Or something.

We’ll have to see, there.

At ANY rate … ?

I’ve got just enough cash left to have a haircut.


With COVID 19 lurking about … ?

I’m getting distinctly shaggy.


The other thing I know I have to do, today … ?

Is attend a phone meeting!

Believe it or not with my work coach — my case officer — at Brentwood Job Centre.

I’m nervous: as, of course, they have my mobile number, but I’m not sure they have my landline number.

I wanted to make sure they have it, as the mobile signal’s down.

I have messaged him.


And emailed him.

And made sure I took screenshots of all of them.

I’d rather not get sanctioned for ‘not turning up,’ especially under the circumstances.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 24th July is the feast day of Christina Mirabilis.   She’s also known as Christina the what?
Q2) 24th July, is the feast day of Christina of Bolsena.   Bolsena is in which European country … ?
Q3) 24th July, 1897, saw the birth of which noted pilot?
Q4) John Sparling was born on 24th July, 1938.   He played what for New Zealand: cricket, rugby league or football?
Q5) Gerald Brooke was released from prison: on 24th July, 1969.   Where had he been held: the UK, USA or USSR?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Kepler-452b was discovered: on 23rd July of which year?
A1) 2015.
Q2) It’s what: a planet, a black hole or a supernova?
A2) A planet: specifically, an exoplanet, one outside out solar system.
Q3) It’s orbiting Kepler-452.   Kepler-452 is a what: yellow dwarf, red giant or super giant?
Q4) Both Kepler-452b and Kepler-452 are in which constellation: Aquarius, Cygnus or Eridanus?
A4) Cygnus.
Q5) Finally … ?   Kepler-452b was spotted by which telescope … ?
A5) The Kepler telescope.
Here’s a thought …
“The second I wanted to be a director there were constant flirtations and inappropriate overtures and requests to have meetings in weird places.”
Patty Jenkins, born July 24, 1971.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Cheers, Olga, you’re an angel for doing that!
Now, about the Pythons being in charge … ?   That could be a nightmare … if staff from the Ministry of Silly Walks get transferred to the Ministry of Time.   If John Cleese makes one wrong step?   Well, I’d like to see Don Diego’s portrait of it.
Hmmm … 
I can understand Google wanting a Gmail address for GoogleDrive: it’s basically advertising what they can do for you.   What gets me … ?   Is a charity having just one option … and looking lots of smart phone owners out of the service, let along anyone else.   It’s a devil, either way!

†        It always surprises me, Debbi, it does.   But, there you go!   At any rate, the rest of the article’s going to look at the High Street.   Hopefully, I’ll be able to avoid some of the TOWIE twits!   (It’s sort of the UK equivalent of Jersey Shore, so you know … )


  1. Q1) Astonishing
    Q2) Italy
    Q3) Amelia Earhart
    Q4) Cricket
    Q5) USSR (It seems he said that the conditions in prison there “were not particularly soft”. Such a lovely understatement!)

    The issue with the email just goes to prove that many organisations don't have enough members from varied backgrounds to realise not everybody has access to all the options. Recruiting some of the people they are trying to help into the project would increase the chances of things working out better, perhaps. Another article, methinks?

  2. A1 Christina the Astonishing

    A2 Italy

    A3 Amelia Mary Earhart

    A4 Cricket ( his middle name is Trevor)

    A5 USSR

  3. OMG! Jersey Shore! Funny! :)

    1. Astonishing
    2. Italy
    3. Amelia Earhart
    4. cricket
    5. the USSR


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