
Saturday 25 July 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th July, 2020.

25th July, 2020.

Yes: I’ve officially managed to catch a TV show!

The first episode of The Mandalorian, so you know: which I’d not managed to catch until last night.

It’s rather impressive.

If you’ve seen it … ?

Don’t tell me what happens!


In other news … ?

I’ve finally managed to have a haircut: at one of the recently nearby, recently re-opened, barbers.

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Which … well, still feels slightly odd … but there you go … !


In other news?

In other news, O2 are telling me the work on the local phone mast is done.

At least, according to the website.

Oh no … it isn’t … 

You possibly caught the post I put on Instagram, yesterday: the building where the mast is supposed to be, is having cladding done … !

It’s not got as far as the roof.

So, there’s that … 

And the simple fact that my phone — only a few yards away from the mast … ? — still has no signal.

You have to wonder what on earth O2 are playing at.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Mozart completed his 40th Symphony on 25th July, 1788.   What key is it in: G Major, G minor or F♭ Major?
Q2) Svetlana Savitskaya became the first woman to perform a spacewalk: on 25th July, 1984.   Which country was she from: the USA, or the USSR?
Q3) 25th July saw Belgium, Germany and the UK, suffer peaks in the hottest European heatwave on record.   25th July of which year?
Q4) 25th July, 2007, saw Pratibha Patil sworn in: as the first female president of where?
Q5) Finally … ?   25th July, 1994, saw the signing of a peace treaty between Israel and Jordan.   In which city was it signed?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 24th July is the feast day of Christina Mirabilis.   She’s also known as Christina the … what?
A1) Christina the Astonishing.
Q2) 24th July, is the feast day of Christina of Bolsena.   Bolsena is in which European country … ?
A2) Italy.
Q3) 24th July, 1897, saw the birth of which noted pilot?
A3) Amelia Earhart.
Q4) John Sparling was born on 24th July, 1938.   He played what for New Zealand: cricket, rugby league or football?
A4) Cricket.
Q5) Gerald Brooke was released from prison: on 24th July, 1969.   Where had he been held: the UK, USA or USSR?
A5) The USSR.
Here’s a thought …
“We read about the horrors of child abuse in our newspapers on a daily basis. We have to take a stance and collectively say, ‘No more!’.”
Iman, born 25 July 1955.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You’re, right, Olga, it might.   Saying that … ?   I don’t know if they’d hire me!   At any rate, I’ve started the process of complaining off: and might just email the link to yesterday’s post to my case worker.   That might just help … possibly.
And yes … it might form the basis of another piece for Phoenix … but I want to try and get the High Street one, done, first!   (There’s possibly room for it in something about the Free Software movement.)

†        So, hang on, Trevor … does that mean he’s Clever Trevor … ?

‡        Funny?   Oh, I wish, Debbi!   It’s … well … mildly annoying … !   And strange: you possibly don’t want to ask about Vajazzles!


  1. Q1) G minor (one of my favourites. Mind you, I love Mozart).
    Q2) The USSR (For what is worth, women did get to do more things there than in other places, even being snippers during the war. Mind you, working class women have always worked and done everything else but they don’t often get to tell their stories).
    Q3) 2019 (Sorry, I couldn’t resist: Or if you prefer Marilyn’s version:
    I prefer Ella Fitzgerald’s version, but it isn’t half as funny as either of those).
    Q4) India
    Q5) OK, they signed the declaration in Washington (in the White House garden, according to the pictures) on the 25th of July, as you say. The peace treaty wasn’t signed until the 26th of October of that same year in the Arava Valley of Israel (near the Jordanian Border).
    I'm looking forward to the next pieces you write for the radio. I don't need to tell you that sometimes one thing leads to another and we end up in surprising places.
    Oh, I've heard that season 4 of El ministerio del tiempo will be leaving RTVE (Spanish TV) website and no longer be accessible for free from next week, I think, so I wonder if that means it will move onto HBO (they might have had some sort of agreement about an exclusive release, perhaps. I have no idea how they work their contracts). Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for news!

  2. A1 G minor

    A2 USSR

    A3 2019 (Oh dear what a difference a year makes)

    A4 India

    A5 Arava valley of Israel, north of Eilat.

    When on contract to the IT department of the Midland Bank (now HSBC) I was one of 4 or 5 Trevors but was the only one called Clever Trevor. I was in charge of the programs which looked after the customers money. There were 6 Burroughs B6700 computers (3 in London and 3 in Bootle Liverpool). These were big machines both in size and capacity to function.

  3. Hmm ... I'll have to see what that's about. If I dare. :)

    1. G minor
    2. the USSR
    3. 2019
    4. India
    5. Washington, DC


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