
Wednesday 12 August 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12th August, 2020.

 12th August, 2020.

Right … 

Right now, it’s just coming up to eight o’clock in the morning: and, even with the windows open, it’s hot and sticky.

And distinctly unpleasant.


The BBC’s Weather page tell us we’re expecting a thunderstorm.

I hope so … !

Something’s got to clear the air.


While I’ve got the BBC’s new pages open … ?

Apparently, the UK is now in a recession: one on a par with the last one, back in 2008/9.

I’m … 

Not surprised, to be honest.

I do remember the first time I met my current case officer at the local Job Centre: he’s a nice chap who’s recently become a father.

Which is a side issue, maybe.

My point?   Is that, when we first met, I told him I’d be very surprised if I got a job, before I retired.

His reply was that he intended to try and help me avoid that.

Some × years on … ?

I’m still trying to find an employer that’ll have me.

And thinking a recession going to really slow my job hunting down … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 12th August is Sea Org Day.   It’s a holiday in which religion?
Q2) US Baseball players went on strike, on 12th August, 1994.   What was cancelled as a result: the World Cup, World Series or Super Bowl?
Q3) Helena Blavatskaya was born on 12th August, 1831.   The occultist was born in what’s now which country … ?
Q4) 12th August, 1881, saw the birth of director, Cecil B. DeMille.   What was the name of his first, 1914, film?
Q5) DeMille did a biopic of Cleopatra: who, by a huge coincidence, died on 12th August, 30BC.   After — apparently — being bitten by what: asps, spiders or Venus flytraps?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 11th August saw the birth of Enid Blyton.   In which year?
A1) 1897.
Q2) Her first  was a book of poetry called Child Whispers.   It was published in which year of the 1920s?
A2) 1922.
Q3) Which of her characters has a blue hat and a best friend called Big Ears?
A3) Noddy.
Q4) Julian, Dick Anne, George and Timmy the Dog are better known how?
A4) The Famous Five.   (Enid wrote twenty-one of the stories.)
Q5) Finally … ?   1946 saw Enid start writing about which fictional school?
Here’s a thought …
“Every year a new lesson is learned, but the one precept that never fails to be true is that a good picture will always be well received by the public.”
Cecil B. DeMille, August 12, 1881 – January 21, 1959.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’ve got to admit, Trevor, it’s been years since I’ve read either!   I do remember this TV version of The Famous Five, though.   Turns out the chap who played Dick has done a lot of Dr Who novels.   (Ever heard of an actress called Jemima Rooper?   Turns out she played George, in the 1995 series.)

†        Ah HA!   Are we talking about Saint Olga of Kiev, Olga?   Turns out her husband, Igor, was the second ruler from the Rurik dynasty: so she’d be very distantly related to Ivan the Terrible.   Olga managed to subjugate the tribe that killed her husband.   Sounds like a very assertive woman!
Actually, it looks like there’s two Saint Olga’s.   It seems the other is Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna Romanova: Nicholas 2nd’s eldest daughter.   The family got canonised not long after they were killed.
Finally!   The book’s in!   It’s fascinatingly distracting!

‡        I know what you mean, Debbi: the stuff I find out always surprises me!   And you’re right, Enid certainly was … um … yeah … um … 
At ANY rate … ?   Did you know enyd was another word for these guys … ?


  1. A1 Church of Scientology
    A2 World Series
    A3 Ukraine
    A4 The Squaw Man
    A5 Asps

    Like you I am suffering in the heat. Sleeping on top of bed with a tall fan going all night. Sat here with small fan trying to keep me cool.

  2. Q1) Scientology
    Q2) The World Series
    Q3) Ukraine
    Q4) The Squaw Man
    Q5) Asps
    My aunt Olga and I celebrate it on the 11th of July (well, don't do much to celebrate it, but tend to call each other on the day). I'm pleased you're being entertained by the book. Here it's terribly hot as well. There have been some huge thunderstorms, but not in this part of the country (huge hail, like golf balls).

  3. Another new thing learned! :)

    1. Scientology
    2. the World Series
    3. Ukraine
    4. The Squaw Man
    5. asps


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