
Thursday 20 August 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20-8-2020: Sylvester McCoy

20th August, 2020.

Right … 

I HAD woken up with Dr Feelgood’s All Through The City going through my head.

And, right now … ?

Have the rampaging hump.


Aren’t uploading.

YouTube videos … ?

Aren’t processing.

Frankly?   And given I’ve a Job Centre meeting, today?

I’m not in an especially good mood!

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 20th August, 1943, saw the birth of actor, Sylvester McCoy.   He first appeared in plays by whose theatre troop?
Q2) Which version of the Doctor did McCoy play, in Dr Who?
Q3) McCoy played Radagast the Brown in The Hobbit trilogy of films.   Who directed those films?
Q4) Sylvester appeared in a BBC show aimed at deaf children.   What was it called?
Q5) Finally … ?   Sylvester voiced the character of Aezethril.   In which children’s series?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) Shares in Google were offered to the public: on 19th August of which year?
A1) 2004.
Q2) Google’s now owned by which company?
A2) Alphabet, Inc.
Q3) Google’s Chief Executive Officer has recently appeared before Congress.   What’s the CEO’s name?
A3) Sundar Pichai.
Q4) Google makes two operating systems for the public.   Name either one.
A4) Android, for mobile devices, or Chrome OS, for more traditional PCs.
Q5) Finally … ?   Google started life as a what: search engine, online shop or social network?
A5) Search engine.
Here’s a thought …
“I don’t relax. I sit down and contemplate all the energetic things I should do.”
Sylvester McCoy, born 20th August, 1943.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

As a final thought … ?   I saw Sylvester playing Azdak in a Young Vic version of Brecht’s The Caucasian Chalk Circle, many years ago.   I would LOVE to have included it as a question.   But just couldn’t find a reference!

Have a good day.

*        There’s one relatively nearby, Olga: it’s just a case of getting it paid for!   And possibly getting a Windows based laptop … NOT what I’m happy about!
Hmmm … politics!   Nah: I did try getting involved, when a building around the corner got approved.   I think that was enough to put me off for life!   (Olga, are you getting issues with YouTube?)

†        Morning, Trevor!

‡       I’ll try and keep my eyes peeled, Debbi!   (Debbi, are you getting issues with YouTube?)


  1. Q1) The Ken Campbell Roadshow
    Q2) The seventh incarnation
    Q3) Peter Jackson
    Q4) Vision On
    Q5) Thunderbirds Are Go
    I understand. To tell you the truth, I don't have the patience for politics and I like to speak my mind too much to ever make it there, but at least at a local level there is some likelihood that you might get to see the fruit of your efforts (or get even more frustrated by them not coming to anything). An author friend I know got very involved in the community he and his husband moved into, in Wales, but he is a natural-born organizer and very sociable. I don't have much time for people I see as self-serving and only interested in blowing their own trumpet, if you know what I mean.
    I haven't tried to upload anything to YouTube for a while (I'm taking a holiday from the videos until mid-September or so, depending on how things go), and I tend to use it mostly for fitness, but I watch them on the telly, although it is true that I've had some issues trying to share links and it seems slower than usual on the computer.
    I hope things get better. I'll be happy if I don't melt.

  2. Occasionally, it seems to take forever to upload videos. But not always. Go figure, huh? :)

    1. Ken Campbell
    2. the seventh Doctor
    3. Peter Jackson
    4. Vision On
    5. Thunderbirds Are Go

  3. That video is awesome! No wonder Sylvester McCoy is my second favorite Doctor from the original series. After Tom Baker, of course! :)


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