
Wednesday 19 August 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-8-2020: Watch Out, Google’s About

19th August, 2020.

Yes … I’ve finally managed to get restarted on something new for PhoenixFM.

Hopefully?   I’s something I’ll be able to get finished quickly: and keep it relevant.


It’s going to be themed around Brentwood Council’s planning committee.

They’ve managed to make a pig’s dinner of the parking on my street.

And were — in part — responsible for the phone mast going down in the area.

That should grab someone’s attention.


That meeting I had, yesterday?   Went mildly askew!

The chap conducting it?   Got himself double booked: we ended up doing the meeting at three in the afternoon, rather than at ten.

Hmmm … 

At any rate?   I can now look for call centre work that wants me to work from home: safe in the knowledge I have provisional approval for the funding to get a Windows — yuck — laptop should I need it for work.

However?   We’ve still not found a place, locally that does the European Compute Driving License course.

We’ll have to check on that … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Shares in Google were offered to the public: on 19th August of which year?
Q2) Google’s now owned by which company?
Q3) Google’s Chief Executive Officer has recently appeared before Congress.   What’s the CEO’s name?
Q4) Google makes two operating systems for the public.   Name either one.
Q5) Finally … ?   Google started life as a what: search engine, online shop or social network?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 18th August, 1634, saw Father Urbain Grandier burned at the stake for witchcraft.   Who directed The Devils, the 1971 film about his death?
A1) Ken Russell.
Q2) South Africa was barred from taking part in the 18th Olympic Games: on 18th August, 1964.   Where were the games being held?
A2) Tokyo.
Q3) The USA ratified the 19th Amendment to the Constitution: on 18th August, 1920.   The Amendment allowed who to vote?
A3) Women.
Q4) Sukarno took office on 18th August, 1945.   As president of where?
A4) Indonesia.
Q5) Finally … ?   18th August, 2005, saw the island of Java struck by a power cut.   Java is in which nation … ?
A5) Indonesia.   (Where do I get my ideas … ?   Well … )
Here’s a thought …
“Google will make us more informed.”
The structure of the Internet, by Hal Varian.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That’s a shame, Olga: the castles look spectacular!   Funny old thing, I caught a show on iPlayer, not long after we least talked about them: a thing with Brian Cox.   Complete with Human Castles in Catalonia.   Talk about watchable TV!   There was a family involved with one team: Dad was part of the base, Mum was in the audience, and their little girl — who must have been about four! — was clambering to the top of the tower!   Whilst at least one of the other towers was collapsing next to them.   I ran out of fingernails!
Good luck for the week end!   I’m sure you’ll do well!

†        That was quite a thing to see, Trevor: although I don’t think kayaks will be long term commuter solutions.   At least, I hope they don’t!
Actually, I watched a documentary about the Crucible’s hosting of the World Championship: that covered Ronnie’s fastest 147 … but also showed us Cliff Thorburn’s first televised break.
That first red was just the flukiest thing!

‡        It’s worth a go, Debbi, I know that … mind you, I’m four episodes in.   (I know what you mean about distracting: that 147 break of Ronnie’s is still something …)


  1. Q1) 2004
    Q2) Alphabet Inc.
    Q3) Sundar Pichai
    Q4) Android
    Q5) A search engine
    It sounds good. I hope you can find a course somewhere not too far away. It's definitely not the best of times to go travelling around. At least things are looking more positive for a possible job from home (and as things are going, it might be the best option, at least for a while). The piece for the radio also sounds good. Perhaps you should get into local politics (not sure they'd like having you there, but you'd sure provide a more down to earth and useful point of view).

  2. A1 2004
    A2 Alphabet Inc.
    A3 Pichai Sundararajan, known as Sundar Pichai
    A4 Chrome OS
    A5 search engine

  3. Definitely interesting! :)

    1. 2004
    2. Alphabet Inc.
    3. Sundar Pinchai
    4. Android
    5. search engine

    If you're around at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday), you can catch the premiere of the film noir discussion I'll have up on this blog! :)


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