
Sunday 23 August 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23-8-2020: Gene Kelly

23rd August, 2020.

Yes: it’s official … 

I’m waiting for Monday.

I’ve put in for a new laptop: as I’m going to need it for both a course, and a job assessment.

My case worker?

Has to consult with management.

The earliest I’ll hear?

Is tomorrow: Monday.

I’m … 

Well, I’m an impatient old wossname … 


A little bit of sad news — one I know Old Peculiar regular, Debbi Mack will know — is that Penny Dreadful: City of Angels has been cancelled.


That’s a disappointment: that was a fantastic show, one with plenty of potential, great writing, and a superb cast.

What can I tell you?


Just as a quick final thought — before we get to the goods! — there’s a new Batman movie in production.

Called The Batman and starring Robert Pattinson as the main character, Jeffrey Wright as Jim Gordon and Andy Serkis as Alfred.   Oh, and Colin Farrell as the Penguin*.

It looks dark … and interesting … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 23rd August saw the birth of actor, singer and dancer, Gene Kelly.   In which year?
Q2) The first film he directed was released in 1951.   What was it called?
Q3) The first film he appeared in was For Me and My Gal.   The film was made by MGM, co-starred Kelly and Judy Garland, and directed by whom … ?
Q4) From 1941 to 1957, Kelly made films for which studio?
Q5) Finally?   He played Donald Lockwood in Singin’ In the Rain.   Who played Kathy Selden?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Is twenty-two (22) odd or even?
A1) Even.
Q2) Twenty-two (22) is two (2) time what?
A2) Eleven.
Q3) Is twenty-two (22) a prime number?
A3) No.
Q4) Twenty-two (22) is a what number: triangular, square or pentagonal?
A4) Pentagonal.   It’s also a centred hexagonal number.   Apparently …
Q5) Twenty-two (22) divided by seven (7) approximately equals what?
A5) Pi.   (The number is usually represented by the lower case Greek letter, π.)
Q6) Twenty-two (22) is the atomic number of which metal?
A6) Titanium.   (It seems titanium doesn’t dissolve in aqua regia.   As aqua regia is a mix of nitric, and hydrochloric, acid, I’m mildly impressed.)
Q7) Which alphabet has twenty-two (22) letters: the Islamic, Hebrew or Latin?
A7) The Hebrew.   (I was going to use ‘Japanese alphabet’ as an option, there: but, depending on what you’re using it for, the language has anything up to three of them … )
Q8) There are twenty-two (22) balls in a game of snooker.   How many of them are red?
A8) Fifteen.
Q9) A traditional Tarot deck has a twenty-two (22) card Major Arcana and a fifty-six card Minor Arcana.   The Tarot deck therefore has how many card in total?
A9) Seventy-eight.   (78)
Q10) Finally … ?   There’s twenty-two (22) yards in which ‘C’?
A10) Chain.
Here’s a thought …
“What I really wanted to be was a shortstop for the Pittsburgh Pirates.”
Gene Kelly.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Farrell’s got a job in front of him.   Robin Lord Taylor as Gotham’s version of the villain?   Was superb!

†        Good luck with the radio, Olga!   Break a leg!   Somehow, it’s no surprise they keeping stum!   (Oh, I know a cricket pitch is twenty-two yards long: but I was after the rather obscure length.)

‡        I know exactly what you mean, Debbi!   Subscriptions are getting expensive.   Oh, did you see the Penny Dreadful video I put up … ?

^        Trevor, I still think just HANDING Jimmy the World Championship title would be the right thing to do.   There’s only, what, four other people who’ve been in that many finals?!   I mean, come on!


  1. Oh, JUST as a thought, Olga? I got another blessed comment on YouTube: from the same scammer.

    Ye gods

  2. Q1) 1912
    Q2) According to the records, the first film he directed was ‘On the Town’ but that was listed as 1949, and then ‘Singin’ In The Rain’, that’s supposed to be 1952, so…
    Q3) The famed Busby Berkeley
    Q4) MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)
    Q5) Debbie Reynolds
    I so love Gene Kelly so this was a joy (and reading more details about his life I like him even more). I can't resist watching any of his movies when they are shown. Such joy! (I also love Fred Astaire's movies, but I've always preferred Kelly's penchant for acrobatics and his work as a director and choreographer was superb).
    Good luck with the computer! The radio programme went well, but I wonder about today. It's raining at the moment (although it was only forecast as cloudy), and most of the activities are outdoors, so...
    Sorry about the series. I haven't managed to catch it yet. There are so many programmes on offer these days that it must be quite difficult to decide what is a decent audience. In the past the offer was so limited...

  3. Spammers seem to abound! It's inhuman. :)

    1. 1912
    2. On the Town was his first, but it came out in 1949
    3. Busby Berkeley
    4. MGM
    5. Debbie Reynolds


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