
Thursday 17 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-9-2020: The National Football League

17th September, 2020.

Yep: I managed to finish watching Des, last night.

And … ?

I think I’ve just seen one hell of a series.

Last night’s episode covered the trial.

Actually, I remember the trial!

As I recall, the newspaper coverage of the psychiatric elements of the trial were quite something.

From what I remember, there were arguments about whether Nilsen had Borderline Personality Disorder, or Narcissistic Personality Disorder, what either of them were … and whether they actually existed.

Yes: I can see why David Tennant’s getting the plaudits he is.

He’s done his usually fantastic job.

That’s … 

Actually unsurprising: it’s David Tennant.

We expect the man to do a fantastic job: which he has, in his take on the serial killer.

Like I say, it’s unsurprising.

The actor who does get my praise is Daniel Mays.

I first saw him in Outcasts, many year ago.

And didn’t necessarily come away impressed with him, or it.

The things I’ve seen him in, since, though?

Have been definitely better choices.


Was an utter winner, in that sense.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The National Football League elected its president: on 17th September, 1920.   Which American sport does it organise?
Q2) It was founded in Canton.   Canton’s in which US state?
Q3) The third oldest team in the league is also the oldest team in the league to play in the same location.   Which team is it?
Q4) There’s two conferences in the NFL.   Name either.
Q5) Finally … ?   The League’s championship game is usually played in February.   That game is the what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Paolo di Lauro was arrested on 16th September.   He was a leader of which Mafia organisation: La Cosa Nostra, the Camorra or the American Mafia?
A1) The Camorra.
Q2) This particular organisation is from where: Campania, Calabria or Sicily?
A2) Campania.
Q3) Di Lauro’s branch of the organisation was a what: clan, family or lodge?
A3) Clan.
Q4) In which year was di Lauro arrested?
A4) 2005.
Q5) Finally … ?   Di Lauro was charged with what: tax evasion, drug trafficking or procuring?
Here’s a thought …
“We didn’t lose the game; we just ran out of time.”
Vince Lombardi, the coach from one of the NFL’s best known teams.   The sport’s best known trophy is named for him.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It is a good tune, Olga, isn’t it?   And it’s nice to know your new student’s got a good start!   I’m just wondering how she do with some of the song list.   Someone’s just mentioned Patricia the Stripper … which might not be appropriate!    (But at least the video version I’ve found, spells gaol correctly!)

†        Yep: I’ve managed to get that corrected, Trevor!

‡        Actually … ?   Someone’s uploaded the series to YouTube: although, quite how long that will last, I don’t know.   You can find them here, here and here.   At least one episode — going by the watermark — has been downloaded from a torrent site, and posted to Youtube.
On slightly less shaky ground … !?   Is Safari 14 now available for you, Debbi?   It looks interesting: there’s now a Privacy button, that lets you know how many trackers are monitoring you.
The guilty parties in my case are Facebook, Google and Amazon.
(Sorry about the subject, I know how much of a baseball fan you are!)


  1. Q1) American Football
    Q2) Ohio
    Q3) The Green Bay Packers (originally, the Green Bay Acme Packers)
    Q4) The National Football Conference
    Q5) The Super Bowl
    Although I had a general chat with the girl's mother, I'm not sure what resources, other than what I take with me, I can use. She sort of agreed to possibly listening to audios but I'm not sure about songs or videos. I'll have to explore as I go along.
    Des looks good. I'll keep my eyes peeled...

  2. A1 What we English call Grid iron football but it is also called American Football
    A2 Ohio
    A3 Green Bay Packers
    A4 National Football Conference and American Football Conference
    A5 The Super Bowl

    I see that BBC4 is showing The Sky at Night again at 19.00 tonight.

  3. No worries. Actually, I used to follow football more than I do now.

    1. football
    2. Ohio
    3. Green Bay Packers
    4. the AFC and the NFC
    5. Super Bowl


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