
Wednesday 16 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-9-2020: Di Lauro

16th September, 2020

Right … I’m officially baby sitting my nephew, this afternoon.

Which will be fun and games!

Or, at least, see a hell of a lot of videos by Jelly, being watched.

It should be an interesting afternoon.


I can’t help but notice — the UK’s Justice Secretary is getting interviewed on Radio 4’s Today programme as we speak — that the Government’s announced it will be toughening prison sentences.

Violent offenders will have to serve more of their sentence.

Younger offenders will be given longer sentences.

What have you.

From where I’m sitting?

That means more offenders in prison … alongside no announcements about building more prisons.

What am I not surprised?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Paolo di Lauro was arrested on 16th September.   He was a leader of which Mafia organisation: La Cosa Nostra, the Camorra or the American Mafia?
Q2) This particular organisation is from where: Campania, Calabria or Sicily?
Q3) Di Lauro’s branch of the organisation was a what: clan, family or lodge?
Q4) In which year was di Lauro arrested?
Q5) Finally … ?   Di Lauro was charged with what: tax evasion, drug trafficking or procuring?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The French department, Corse, was split into two: on 15th September, 1975.   Name either one of the two new departments.
A1) Haute-Corse (Upper Corse) or Corse-du-Sud (Southern Corsica).
Q2) Corse is otherwise known as which French island?
A2) Corsica.
Q3) Which sea is Corse, in?
A3) The Mediterranean.
Q4) Name either one of the two languages spoken there.
A4) French or Cosican.
Q5) Finally … ?   The Unione Corse are what: gangsters, power suppliers or truckers?
A5) Corsican gangsters.
Here’s a thought …
“He is also known as ‘Ciruzzo ’o milionario’ among other aliases.”
From the Wikipedia entry on di Lauro.
And a playlist

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’m glad you mentioned that, Olga: I corrected the spelling as soon as I got the email.   It now reads Tennant.   And if you can get the show on Britbox, it’s well worth it!
As we’re on the subject, remember me mentioning I’d asked for songs on a Terry Pratchett group I’m in?   The list’s still growing: I’ve just seen someone mention Ernie for the nth time!

†        It’s got to be said, Trevor, that chemist was no Chris Hadfield!

‡        Oh, that it is, Debbi!   It’s a bit of a Dr Who re-union, as well.   David Tennant was the Doctor, Daniel Mays — Detective Peter Jay — cropped up as the father in a Matt Smith episode called Night Terrors, and Jason Watkins turns up in Nightmare in Silver.


  1. Q1) La Cosa Nostra, the Camorra or the American Mafia? The Camorra
    Q2) Campania.
    Q3) A clan
    Q4) 2005
    Q5) Drug trafficking
    Oh, I love Ernie! The girl’s level of spoken English is quite good, and she understands it quite well, but we need to work on the grammar and expand her vocabulary. Funny thing as well, we share the same birthday.
    Have fun with Jude!

  2. A1 Camorra (his forename is Paolo not Paulo)
    A2 Campania
    A3 Clan
    A4 2005
    A5 drug trafficking

  3. I see. Interesting. :)

    1. the Camorra
    2. Campania
    3. clan
    4. his first arrest was in 1982 and his second (and the one I think you had in mind) in 2005
    5. drug trafficking


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