
Tuesday 15 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-9-2020: Rather Corse

15th September, 2020.

It’s got to be said, I had an early late night, last night.

I was up … watching TV: and didn’t do a review.

I saw the first episode of the ITV miniseries, Des, last night.

I didn’t review it: in part, because crime series aren’t usually something I’d usually cover for the blog.

And partly?   Because — knowing me — I’d actually finish the review, and get to bed, by two in the morning!

Saying that … ?

The actually episode itself?   The episode covers Nilsen’s original arrest: after human remains were found in the drains of his flat*.

It’s beautifully done, with the main cast — David Tennant as Nilsen, Daniel Mays as DCI Peter Jay and Jason Watkins as Nilsen’s biographer, Brian Masters† — being absolutely riveting.

I have to say, the last few things I’ve Daniel Mays in, he’s impressed me.

I first saw him in Outcasts, many years ago: which was god awful.

He has, thankfully, picked up better scripts: choosing ones where he can play the everyman, and play the part very well.

In doing so … ?   Managed to get himself cast, up against an on-form David Tennant:  playing a sympathetically creepy killer.

And up against Jason Watkins, playing a killer obsessed Masters.

All of this in a script that’s taking its stylistic cues from Chernobyl.

Frankly?   I’ll be watching episode two … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor‡, Olga^, and Debbiª putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The French department, Corse, was split into two: on 15th September, 1975.   Name either one of the two new departments.
Q2) Corse is otherwise known as which French island?
Q3) Which sea is Corse, in?
Q4) Name either one of the two languages spoken there.
Q5) Finally … ?   The Unione Corse are what: gangsters, power suppliers or truckers?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 14th September, 1985, saw twenty-five British nationals expelled from where?
A1) The USSR.
Q2) 14th September, 1812, saw Napoleon’s Grand Armée occupy which city?
A2) Moscow.
Q3) 14th September, 1812, saw a fire hit  which city?
A3) By a total coincidence?   Moscow.   The fire was a coincidence.   Apparently …
Moscow’s good: so good, they sing about it.
Q4) 14th September, 1960, saw the found of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.   Name any one of the thirteen current members.   (Take 2)
A4) Algeria, Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates or Venezuela.
Q5) Finally … ?   14th September, 2015, saw the Virgo and LIGO observatories become the become the first to observe what: a black hole, gravity waves or a neutron star?
Here’s a proverb …
“Courage cannot be bought at the inn.”
Proverb from Corse.
And a song …

Tino’s a native of the island.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I was about fifteen or so, when Nilsen was arrested: and had grown up fascinated with Jack the Ripper, during a period when the Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe, had been … operating.   Seeing another killer like that?   Piqued my morbid interest.

†        Something that Masters said about Nilsen was what got me thinking death sentences weren’t a good idea.   If I understood it correctly, Masters’ view was that Nilsen’s actions were — in part — motivated by a distorted death wish.   My teenage reasoning?   Was that if Nilsen had a death wish, punishing Nilsen by giving him what he wanted was a bit stupid.   (I’ve also come to the conclusion that, should the US government catch the organisers of the 9/11 Attacks, those organisers should also not get death sentences.   The organisers promote martyrdom in their cause.   Why should the US government kill people happy to die for the cause?)

‡        Cheers, Trevor: hopefully Olga will find them handy!   You know, I’m going to half to look Mr Wu up, I’m sure there’s a reference to him in Interesting Times.

^        Hopefully, Olga, between Trevor, Debbi, the Terry Pratchett fan group and I, we’ve found something suitable!   Actually, Debbi’s reminded me, I haven’t seen Quadrophenia in a while!
I was wondering how confident she’s be.   My Ol’ Man’s a Dustman mention’s cor blimey trousers … and I don’t think that translates well!
(I know what you mean about speed: I hate deadlines!)

ª        That reminds me, Debbi, I’ve not sat down with the movie version of Quadrophenia for a while.   Or Tommy!   I’m going to have to look them up!
And thank you … I’m going to blush!   :D
Oh, I know I’ve mentioned it already: but can you get hold of Des, over the pond?   It’s seriously worth the effort.   (Tennant does unnerving, well … )


  1. Hey, I am from For the Ideal world ( I have subscribed to you and I would like you to return the favour. Thank you for your time.
    Subscribe and follow!
    I have only 3 posts

  2. Q1) Haute-Corse
    Q2) Corsica
    Q3) The Mediterranean (I always think of this song by a very well-known and wonderful singer from Barcelona, Joan Manuel Serrat
    Here you can see him and with English subtitles, although I would question some of them, but I’ve checked several translations of the lyrics and they are far worse, so you can get some idea.
    Q4) French
    Q5) Gangsters
    Thanks for all the suggestions! It's a bit difficult at the moment because I don't know how the girl's family is set up. I've realised that if I take everything I think I might need I'll end up with a suitcase full of things, so I hope once I've been today I can organise the resources more effectively.
    Oh, you made me check. It's David Tennant with an "a" (sorry, I'm in teacher mood already).

  3. A1 Haute-Corse
    A2 Corsica
    A3 Mediterranean Sea
    A4 Italian and French
    A5 gangsters - Mafia

    I watched “The Sky at Night” last evening. Interesting idea that microbes may live in the upper clouds of Venus.

  4. Actually, I wasn't able to access the video. But it sounds interesting. :)

    1. Corse-du-Sud
    2. Corsica
    3. the Mediterranean
    4. French
    5. gangsters


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