
Sunday 27 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th September, 2020

27th August, 2020.


I hate that!

I prep up a video.

One telling you I’m going to have a posh lunch to celebrate my sister’s birthday on Thursday … 

And than spill my tea: spending twenties minutes mopping up.

Oy veh … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)    The Society of Jesus was formed on 27th September, 1540.   The Society is better know as whom: Opus Dei, the Freemasons or the Jesuits?

Q2)    During World War Two, 27th September, 1940, saw the signing of the Tripartite Pact.   Name any one of the three countries that signed, 27th September.

Q3)    27th September, 1896, saw the birth of cricketer, Gilbert Ashton.   Between 1922 and 1936, he played for which county side?

Q4)    The SMART-1 satellite was launched on 27th September, 2003: by the European Space Agency.   It was launched to monitor what: Mars, Earth or the Moon?

Q5)    Finally … ?   27th September, 1921, saw the birth of film producer, Milton Subotsky: of Amicus Productions fame.   His first horror film, Dr Terror’s House of Horrors, was released, when: 1967, 1966 or 1965?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)    26th September, 1977, saw the opening of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant.   What’s left of the place is in which country … ?

A1)    Ukraine.

Q2)    Abbey Road, the last album the Beatles recorded, was released on 26th September, 1969.   What, in May of 1970, was the name of the last album the band released?

A2)    Let It Be.   (The album was recorded before Abbey Road, but completed and released after it.)

Q3)    The USA’s first Presidential debate took place: on 26th September, 1960.   Who won that year’s Presidential election?

A3)    The Democrats: in the shape of Democratic candidate, John F. Kennedy.

Q4)    26th September, 1901, saw the birth of actor, George Raft.   In which film did he play trucker, Joe Fabrini?

A4)    They Drive By Night.

Q5)    Finally … ?   26th September, 1888, saw the birth of which poet?

A5)    T. S. Eliot.

Here’s a thought … 

“Karaoke bars are devil worship!”

Meat Loaf, born September 27, 1947.

And an album

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Cheers, Olga!   I’m just thankful I’ve found somewhere that would take my money: and listen to me drone on.   I also managed to post the photo on Instagram: I ended up with the owner doing my hair, and spent five minutes, showing him how to use Instagram.   Hopefully, I’ll get a discount, next time!   Oh, keep your eyes peeled for the Teaser on 5th October, you’ll like that one!   Apparently, the police are investigating four places associated with the killer.   One’s seen a ‘controlled explosion.’   Make of that what you will.

†        Cheers, Trevor: I’ll correct that, when I insert today’s link.   Play fair, though, they are both green … !   At any rate, someone’s done Dan Dare audio adventures: which seems an odd thing to do to a comic.   In all fairness?   Geoffrey McGivern plays Digby …

‡        Have fun with that one, Debbi!   Ooh, cheers for the Forbidden Planet quote: I’ve left you a reply.   Oh … I’m assuming you don’t have Britbox, is that right?   That’s possibly a shame: Spitting Image is back: and it’s going to offend someone!   (No, really: this is the uncensored trailer!)


  1. A1 Jesuits
    A2 Germany, Japan and Italy
    A3 Worcestershire County Cricket Club
    A4 Moon
    A5 Wikipedia gives two dates. On the page for the film it says 1965 but on the pages for the Producer it says (1964) after the title of the film.

    Good old Radio Luxembourg. When I was a teenager the stuffy BBC did not play pop music so we would take our new transistor radios out with us and in the early evening would listen to pop music broadcast from Luxembourg. You got used to variable sound due to the weathe conditions over the North Sea. Also one knew by heart how to spell the name of a village near Bristol ( from the Adverts for Horace Batchelor’s football Pool prediction service.

    The Dan Dare was on when I was very young.

  2. Q1) The Jesuits
    Q2) Germany
    Q3) Worcestershire
    Q4) The Moon
    Q5) 1965 (There seems to be an earlier American movie with the same title, but I remember this one).
    Well, the hairdresser should offer you a discount. I did a feature for the radio about a hairdresser's in the neighbourhood, a shop that had been there for over a hundred years, and he was quite an amusing character.
    Oh, I loved the Spitting Image trailer. I hope it comes here (oh, that Putin! I can't remember if I told you, but in Saint Petersburg there were some wonderfully funny, but totally serious, or perhaps not, carvings of him riding a bear). And just in case I forget, happy birthday to your sister on Thursday.

  3. That does look like fun! :)

    1. the Jesuits
    2. Germany, Italy, and Japan Take your pick. :)
    3. Worcestershire
    4. the Moon
    5. 1965


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