
Tuesday 29 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th September, 2020.

29th September, 2020.

Right … 

This is getting silly … 

I have a chap asleep on my doorstep!

And yes: he’s still here, at what’s now eight in the morning!

He seems pleasant enough: and is going to be moving on: “… in a minute.”

He’s been there since four in the morning.

I minute is taking a long time … 


With lines from Dune going through my head, about the sleeper awakening … ?

I notice there‘s news.   There’s always news.

However?   It seems the Government is planning to offer fully funded a-levels from April.

To help those of us without a job, find one.

I might just have to think about that.

Assuming I get — say — an O-level, or GCSE, in a helpful subject, first.

It’s something to think about.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)    29th September, 1829, saw the founding of the Metropolitan Police: one of London’s two police forces.   Name London’s other police force.

Q2)    The 1st US Congress did what on 29th September, 1789: convene or adjourn?

Q3)    29th September, 106BC, saw the birth of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus.   He’s usually called Pompey the what?

Q4)    29th September, 1899, saw the birth of holiday camp founder, Billy Butlin.   His first Camp opened near where: Blackpool, Skegness or Brighton?

Q5)    Finally … ?   29th September, 1942, saw the birth of actor, Ian McShane.   In which series does he play Mr. Wednesday?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)    28th September is World Rabies Day. It’s held on the 28th, as that marks which scientist’s death?

A1)    Louis Pasteur’s: one of the first scientists to work on a rabies vaccine.

Q2)    Rabies, itself, is caused by what: a virus or a bacteria?

A2)    A virus.   (It’s a specific one: that’s apparently part of a genus called the lyssa viruses.)

Q3)    Rabies causes inflammation of what: the lungs, the brain or the liver?

A3)    The brain.

Q4)    In most of the world, we’ll get rabies if we’re bitten by what: dogs, rats or snakes?

A4)    Dogs. (Apparently, it can be spread by rodents: although that’s rare. In parts of America, it’s more commonly spread by bats.   That’s a thought, Debbi: is it possible that’s the reason describing someone crazy as ‘bats’ is more common in US English?   There’s a discussion!)

Q5)    Finally … ?   Rabies is also known as which ‘H’?

A5)    Hydrophobia.

Here’s a thought …

“I became a high-functioning alcoholic and drug taker. I would always remember my lines, and always be on time, but some of the films I was in then I have no recollection of having done them.”

Ian McShane, born 29th September, 1942.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You mentioning that, Olga?   Reminds me: I’ve copies of Survivors sitting around: I really should get to watching it!   Right at the moment, I’ve got Watchmen on the go: and that’s quite something!   

Moi!   Teach … ?   I haven’t got the patience, Olga: but thanks for the thought!   Now … have you got a way of shifting sleeping drunks?

†        The various Ukulele orchestras have been going for a while, Trevor!

‡        It’ll go down a treat, then, Debbi!   How is he at turfing drunks off doorsteps?!   Oh … !   You’ve got a mention in today’s Teaser video: in the answers section.


  1. Q1) The City of London Police
    Q2) Adjourn
    Q3) The Great
    Q4) Skegness
    Q5) American Gods
    A bucket of water? I mean for the sleeping guy. Or a cup of coffee if you'd rather be kind. Perhaps and A level (and O level) on some computer-related subject...

  2. A1 City of London police and on Transport British Transport Police
    A2 Adjourn
    A3 The Great
    A4 Skegness known to us from Lincolnshire as Skeggy
    A5 American Gods

  3. Well, thank you so much! As for your doorstep visitor ... I'll admit I've never had anyone do that, so ... short of calling the cops ... you could try just sliding him a note saying that the rent for the space is due on the first of the month. Make him an offer he must refuse. :)

    1. City of London Police
    2. adjourn
    3. Great
    4. Skegness
    5. American Gods (I love Ian McShane!)

  4. where are my answers from yesterday?

  5. Good job i keep a copy of my answers.

    A1 City of London police and on Transport British Transport Police
    A2 Adjourn
    A3 The Great
    A4 Skegness known to us from Lincolnshire as Skeggy
    A5 American Gods


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