
Wednesday 11 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11-11-2020: Armistice Day

11th November, 2020

Yeah: stuff’s happening.


You’ll remember me saying that an old friend had died, recently?

I’ve managed to get hold of a card, and some lined paper: to send a condolence message.

One that gets posted, today.

I just hope my handwriting’s legible: it’s been a while since I’ve used a pen … 


You’re possibly aware I’m something of a Mac fan: and have been for years.

So, whilst I didn’t watch it live, was very well aware of Apple’s big launch event, yesterday.

Seemingly?   macOS 11 Big Sur is due to be released, tomorrow.

I’m expecting to see it crop up on my updates, within the next few days.

Quite how that’ll work out, I don’t know, although I know it’s compatible with my machine.

I’m tempted to install it as soon as it’s available: although I’m very aware of the usual advise, when it comes to updates.

Leave it awhile, before installing.   That way, any bugs can be worked through.


That same event, of course, saw Apple introduce new Macs: with Apple’s range of ARM based processor chips.

Two new low end Mac minis, a new MacBook Air, and a 13” MacBook Pro.

It has to be said, the new base model Mac mini — with stock 256gb SSD, and 8gb of what Apple’s calling unified* memory — is being advertised at £699.99p.

Which, for Apple, is comparatively reasonable.

The baseline 13” MacBook Air?   I notice that looks good: although it has a 720p webcam, on a par with my 2017 model iMac.

That’s something that could have had a 1080p camera: it would’ve made the price more reasonable.

At any rate?

From the little I’ve understood, the ARM based M1 chips have been released in the Air, Mini, and 13” models:  machines that are comparatively light weight, and could benefit from the low energy use that ARM chips provide.

That’s a good thing.

Frankly?   Yes: I’d like one.

It’s me you’re talking to.

Although, frankly?

I’d have to wait.

Partly to save up some cash.

Partly … ?

To wait for an M1 based iMac to be released.

And partly?

For any mission critical software to be re-written for the new processors.

I don’t want to give up playing Backgammon, just yet!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Trevor‡, Mum^, Debbiª and Edithº, putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        11th November is Armistice Day: marking the end of World War One.   In which year?

Q2)        It’s also known — in many Commonwealth countries — as what Day?

Q3)        Name any one of the six main powers who signed the Armistice.

Q4)        Name any one of the four Central powers who signed the Armistice.

Q5)        Finally, and traditionally?   Many in the UK will mark the end of World War One and Two, on Remembrance … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        NASA’s Phoenix mission concluded: on 10th November, 2008.   The spacecraft, and mission, were on which planet?
A1)        Mars.

Q2)        Todor Zhivkov was removed from office on 10th October, 1989.   He’d been the Communist leader of where?
A2)        Bulgaria.

Q3)        10th November, 1960, saw the birth of writer, Neil Gaiman.   What was the name of the first graphic novel he wrote for DC: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader, Violent Cases or Black Orchid?
A3)        He wrote all three: but the answer I’m after is Black Orchid.

Q4)        Which of the USA’s Armed Forces was founded on 10th November, 1775?
A4)        The US Marine Corp.  

Q5)        Finally … ?   10th November, 1483, saw the birth of religious reformer, Martin Luther.   In what’s now which European country?
A5)        Germany.
Here’s a quote …
“We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
  Loved and were loved, and now we lie
      In Flanders fields.”
From In Flanders Field, by John McCrae.
Or two …
“If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood

Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest

To children ardent for some desperate glory,

The old Lie:
Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.”
From Dulce et decorum est by Wilfred Owen.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        From what the website’s saying, the memory is shared between the main processor, and the graphics card.   How’s that’s different from current systems, I couldn’t tell you.   I think, though, that it’s a variation of how most cheaper computers are set up: a certain amount of RAM will be shared between the CPU, and the graphics card.

†        Ah … !   Yeah … if it’s the building’s pipes, Olga, that’s going to take more time and money … and will probably need permission from the building’s managers!   I’m guessing they’ll be tough ones to find … !   Good luck on THAT front!

‡      It’s a numbers one, Trevor, just so you know!
At any rate, I got looking up Neighbourhood Watch schemes in the area: there’s none in Rollason Way, itself.   I might just have to start asking questions.   And yes: we know about mail box theft, there’s a lot of it about.   One of my neighbours now has a credit credit they didn’t apply for: : and someone’s tried re-directing they mail.
It wouldn’t surprise me that Amazon deliveries are going astray: assuming the drivers can find the place they’re supposed to go!   I know I had a copy of Fury from the Deep go missing!   Although I suspect that was a mistake by the seller I got it from … !

^        Hello Mum!

ª        I’ve not seen it, Debbi: I was never that much of a fan.   But it’s possibly floating around BritBox.   (Oh, did you manage to update to Catalina?   Only there was a security patch, yesterday.   Oh … and Big Sur get’s realised, tomorrow.   And the new Mac mini supports 6k displays!   Dear GODS!)

º        Glad to be of help, Edith!   Hopefully, it’ll be interestingly enjoyable!


  1. Q1) 1918
    Q2) Remembrance Day
    Q3) France
    Q4) Germany
    Q5) Sunday
    Fingers crossed the updates work well. I've been reading a lot about these mini PCs recently and wondering, because I've never bothered about desk computers because of size and mobility, but it might be an option...

  2. A1 1918
    A2 Poppy
    A3 France
    A4 Germany
    A5 Day (11th Nov) and Sunday (nearest |Sunday to 11th Nov)

    Numbers. Well 13 is my luck number but that is Friday this month.
    I was born in my grandmothers house which was no 13.
    I met my first wife on her 21st birthday in an hotel in Austria and her birthday was 13th September.

  3. 1 1918
    2 Poppy Day
    3 France
    4 UK
    5 Day

  4. привет!

    1. 1918
    2. Remembrance Day
    3. Japan
    4. Bulgaria
    5. Sunday



  5. Yeah, I did that a while ago. Hard to keep up with all these updates. :)

    1. 1918
    2. Remembrance Day
    3. France
    4. Germany
    5. Sunday

  6. 1. 1918
    2.Veterens Day
    3. France
    4. the USA
    5. Day

    T got my groceries and stayed nice and dry.


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