
Tuesday 10 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th November, 2020.

10th November, 2020

Wouldn’t you know it … ?

There’s now a supplemental update for macOS Catalina 10.15.7 … !

Which sounds a bit underwhelming, I know.

I’m also aware the update includes several security patches.

So installing it, as soon as possible?

Would be a good idea.

Apple — being garrulous for once — and telling us that exploits that use the feature being spotted in the wild is … rare … 


It’s officially official.

I’ve just had a phone call: from my landlord.

The repair man is due down, today, to reinstall the security bar on the from door.

And, as I managed to get the call in, in time?

ALSO have a look at the internal door handle.

Here’s hoping … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, David‡, Mum^, Debbiª and Edithº, putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor, David and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four, and Edith on one.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        NASA’s Phoenix mission concluded: on 10th November, 2008.   Spacecraft, and mission, were on which planet?

Q2)        Todor Zhivkov was removed from office on 10th October, 1989.   He’d been the Communist leader of where?

Q3)        10th November, 1960, saw the birth of writer, Neil Gaiman.   What was the name of the first graphic novel he wrote for DC: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader, Violent Cases or Black Orchid?

Q4)        Which of the USA’s Armed Forces was founded on 10th November, 1775?

Q5)        Finally … ?   10th November, 1483, saw the birth of religious reformer, Martin Luther.   In what’s now which European country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        9th November is Independence Day in Cambodia.   Marking its independence from which European country?
A1)        France.

Q2)        Cambodia achieved Independence in which year of the 1950s?
A2)        1953.

Q3)        Cambodia is where: Africa, Asia or South America?
A3)        Asia.

Q4)        Cambodia is a what: republic, monarchy or federal theocracy?
A4)        A monarchy.   (Technically, it’s a constitutional monarchy: the current king is His Majesty, King Norodom Sihamoni.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Cambodia’s most famous temple is Angkor Wat.   The Temple was originally dedicated to which Hindu deity: Brahma, Shiva or Vishnu?
A5)        Vishu.   (These days, Cambodia’s a Buddhist country.)
Here’s a thought …
“It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes.”
The Sandman, Neil Gaiman, born 10th November, 1960.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Well … the new boiler’s been up and running for a while, Olga¹: with very little in the way of issues, thankfully!   I think it’s a few quid cheaper, too.   At least, there’s more money on my pay-as-you-go meter at the end of the monrth … !   I’ve had some other good news, as well: the laptop loan’s been approved.   Hopefully, that’ll include a copy of MS Office!   (Not that I want it … but the course insists on it … !)

†        My Uncle Brian was a bit of a fan, Trevor¹: although I don’t know if he had any of the reprints.   I know I bought the remake, in the early 80s: Doomlord was a highlight.

‡        Morning, David: how DID the job-hunt work out?   (Ohhh … Д is a D sound … !   What that says about В, I don’t know … )

^        Hello, Mum¹!   (What WAS the comic you bought for Uncle Brian, a few years ago?   The one with the Native American on it?)

ª        He does do rather well, Debbi¹!   Did you know there’s new series of Red Dwarf available?   On a UK channel called Dave?

º        I’m just glad you managed to download it, Edith¹: and glad to help!

¹        Oh, Edith, Debbi, JUST so you, Mum and Trevor, know?   I’ve got a ten question numbers set coming up on Thursday!   (Olga?   I’ve got a ten question number set coming up on Thursday … um … )


  1. Just thought, Trevor: and just so you know? We’ve a ten question number’s set on Thursday!

  2. Q1) Mars
    Q2) Bulgaria
    Q3) Black Orchid
    Q4) The United States Marine Corps
    Q5) Germany
    I hope everything is sorted with the door. Here, it seems that the problem is not ours but it has to go with the general building pipe... Oh well...

  3. A1 Mars
    A2 Bulgaria
    A3 Black Orchid
    A4 United States Marine Corps (USMC)
    A5 Germany

    I was reading my Neighbourhood watch email earlier and saw that some parcels had been stolen from inside the entrance hall of flats on Rollason way and thought about your front door.

    Depending upon what Brain I put on that day I may try the 10 question set.

  4. 1 Mars
    2 Belarus
    3 Black Orchid
    4 Army
    5 Germany

  5. How interesting. I did not know that. :)

    1. Mars
    2. Bulgaria
    3. Black Orchid
    4. the Marine Corps
    5. Germany

  6. 1. Mars
    2. Poland
    3. Black Orchid
    4. Navy
    5. England

    Tanks for the heads up about the 10 questions


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