
Monday 9 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9-11-2020: Cambodia.

9th November, 2020.

Right … 

We have a dangling thingy … wossname … 

Door handle!

Which would be easy to solve: by reporting it on the website.

Except, of course, the website’s refusing to accept I’ve typed my name in!

Do you get the feeling I’m going to be phoning this in … ?


Either way?   It’s distracting.

Which isn’t the first time I said that about it.

I actually said it last night: when talking about Star Trek Discovery.

At any rate … ?

The series looks good.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª, putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        9th November is Independence Day in Cambodia.   Marking its independence from which European country?

Q2)        Cambodia achieved Independence in which year of the 1950s?

Q3)        Cambodia is where: Africa, Asia or South America?

Q4)        Cambodia is a what: republic, monarchy or federal theocracy?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Cambodia’s most famous temple is Angkor Wat.   The Temple was originally dedicated to which Hindu deity: Brahma, Shiva or Vishnu?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        Which pay TV service debuted on 8th November, 1972?
A1)        Home Box Office: also known as HBO.

Q2)        The Shunzi Emperor was enthroned on 8th November, 1644.   He was the Third Qing Emperor … but the first to rule where?
A2)        China.

Q3)        8th November, 1974, saw police start hunting for which British peer?
A3)        Lord Lucan.

Q4)        8th November, 1836, saw the birth of Milton Bradley.   The company that bears his name, makes what: board games, dolls or cheese?
A4)        Board games.

Q5)        Finally … ?   8th November, 1927, saw the birth of Britain’s — arguable — last music hall entertainer, Ken Dodd.   His last performance was in which year?
A5)        2017.
Here’s a quote …
“Heir to the ancient Khmer Empire, modern-day Cambodia is benefiting from two decades of relative stability, having endured civil war and the murderous rule of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.”
From the BBC’s Cambodia profile.
And some early 1980s pop …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You know, it’s starting to sound like one of the pipes needs serious replacing, Olga: replacing boilers really isn’t easy!   (It took my landlords years … !)

†        I don’t think I’ve got space for that many cookbooks, Trevor, let along any others!   I do know I’ve still got the original The Stainless Steel Rat lurking around: I’ve just checked.   I’ll have to see if I can get hold of the 2000AD version.   They do reprints, occasionally.

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        Actually, the chap that plays him turns up in Blade 2, Debbi.   He doesn’t sing, though.   Or scent mark the corridors.

ª        I think he blocked me, years ago, Edith!   Which is a shame: I always liked the idea of winding up a president!   (Actually?   I don’t think he’s seen this photo …)


  1. Q1) France
    Q2) 1953
    Q3) Asia
    Q4) A monarchy
    Q5) Vishnu
    Yes, I think you're right. No more water since I did more of my mummifying the pipe, but I don't think it will work as a long term solution. Of course, the original work was supposed to be carried out by the company installing the system for the whole building, but it seems they didn't do a proper job and it eventually became a matter for each individual flat to sort out.
    Things going wrong never end, do they? That's definitely more the case when there are many neighbours, but still... I hope you manage to sort it out.

  2. A1 France
    A2 1953
    A3 Asia
    A4 Monarchy It is actually a Kingdom
    A5 Vishnu

    Talking of reprints I do have a collection of 11 of the 10 book set of reproductions of the front and back covers of the Eagle comic. I have both the soft backed and normal hard backed versions of book 1.

    The reason I have these large books is for the adventures of Dan Dare (Pilot of the future) who defended Earth with his space ships.

    I bought most of them at marked down prices from a book shop in Croydon when I worked there.

  3. 1. France
    2. 1953
    3. Asia
    4. Monarchy
    5. Vishnu



  4. 1 France
    2 1958
    3 Asia
    4 Republic
    5 Vishnu

  5. Danny John-Jules, right? He made a great cat. :)

    1. France
    2. 1953
    3. Asia
    4. monarchy
    5. Vishnu

  6. 1 The UK
    2. 1958
    3. Africa
    4. Monarchy
    5. Brahma

    I really like that photo. I can think of a few others who might as well.


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