
Wednesday 18 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-11-2020: Oman

18th November, 2020

Right … 

It’s Wednesday: which means … ?

Well, a lot of things.

The main one … ?

Is that the surgery appointment went well.

There’s a course of antibiotics involved, at least!

Hey … ho!


Let’s move on, shall we? Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        Oman declared itself independent form the UK: on 18th November, 1971.   Oman is a what: sultanate, emirate or caliphate?

Q2)        Oman’s at the mouth of which Gulf?

Q3)        Oman’s on which Peninsula?

Q4)        What’s Oman’s capital city: Abu Dhabi, Muscat or Angelo?

Q5)        Finally … ?   What’s Oman’s official language: English, Arabic or Spanish?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        17th November, 1839, saw the opening of an opera called Oberto.   Oberto was the first opera composed by whom: Giuseppe Verdi, Gaetano Donizetti or Richard Wagner?
A1)        Giuseppe Verdi.

Q2)        17th November, 1973, saw someone say “Well, I’m not a crook.”   Saw who say “Well, I’m not a crook”?
A2)        Former US President Richard Nixon.

Q3)        17th November, 1925, saw the birth of Roy Harold Scherer, Jr.   He was better known as which movie star?
A3)        Rock Hudson.

Q4)        17th November, 1292, saw John Balliol named as King of where?
A4)        Scotland. (His coronation was on the 30th.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   17th November, 1894, saw the arrest of serial killer, H. H. Holmes.   On charges of what: illegal distilling, tax evasion or horse theft?
A5)        Horse theft.
Here’s a quote …
“The inhabitants of the area of Oman have long prospered from Indian Ocean trade.” 
From the World Fact Book entry on Oman.
And a National Anthem …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Trevor!   Did I mention The Vicar of Dibley, recently?   Peter Capaldi turns up in a episode.

†        Well … I’ve got some antibiotics, Olga!   So I’ve had a result … !
And, yeah, comedy could well be good: especially I’m Sorry, I Haven’t a Clue!   Or Just a Minute, now I think of it.   I’m watching The Vicar of Dibley, if that’s any help.   And caught The IT Crowd, a few months back!   Oh … and grew up on The Young Ones, but that might just be a bit much!
You know, I think H. H. Holmes gets a mention in at least one episode of American Horror Story: but could well be wrong.

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        Well … I was going for restrained, Debbi!

ª        It’s been years since I’ve seen it, Edith, it really is!   As I recall, Eddit Tenpole’s in it, as well: in a minor role.   (Spunky, hey … ?   There’s a word that’s changed about … !)


  1. Actually, Olga, you might want to avoid Mongrels.

    Apart from a few songs, it’s a bit … um … ripe!

    Why that song reminds me of my Street, I don’t know!

  2. Q1) sultanate
    Q2) The Persian Gulf
    Q3) The Arabian Peninsula
    Q4) Muscat
    Q5) Arabic
    Fingers crossed the antibiotics do their work soon. I remember the Young Ones. Like Alas, Smith and Jones, that was one of my cousin John's favourites, although it might also depend on the age of the student. I seemed to be more in tune with my 9 y.o. student than with the 16 y.o. (she doesn't know any actors or actresses and seems to have few references to popular culture at all, and that makes finding interesting materials a bit complicated).

  3. A1 sultanate
    A2 Persian Gulf
    A3 Arabian
    A4 Muscat
    A5 Arabic

    Funny. You say 5 people answered the quiz yesterday but only 4 appear on the blog.

  4. Drat!

    I deleted Mum’s answers, by mistake, yesterday!

    They were:

    1 Verdi
    2 Richard Nixon
    3 Rock Hudson
    4 Scotland
    5 Tax Evasion

  5. 1 Sulanate
    2 Gulf of Oman
    3 ?
    4 Muscat
    5 Arabic

  6. 1. Emirate
    2. Persian
    3. Iranian
    4. muscat
    5. Arabic

    I didn't' realize about "spunky" evolving. How has it?

  7. Restrained? Yeah, I'd say. :)

    1. sultanate
    2. the Persian Gulf
    3. the Arabian Peninsula
    4. Muscat
    5. Arabic


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