
Friday 27 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27-11-2020: Lancashire Day

27th November, 2020.

It’s a Friday … 

It’s quite assertively a Friday … and it’s Black Friday, if you didn’t know it.

In other words, it’s the Friday after the US Thanksgiving holiday: as anyone who read yesterday’s teaser would realise.

If I’ve understood it correctly?

Many Americans will be making a long weekend of it: I’m assuming that would include Old Peculiar regulars Debbi Mac, and her husband, Rick, and Edith will be have having a weekend off.

There’s one thing

The Black Friday sales.

From what I’ve understood, many US businesses will be holding sales: knowing well that their fellow Americans will have plenty of time to browse shops, websites and catalogues.

My issue?   Is that, over the past few years, many companies in the UK will be having Black Friday events.   Including Apple, this year.

I know KFC was, when I worked there.

To me, it’s stupid, and offensive.

Stupid, because we, in the UK, don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.   We the United Kingdom: Thanksgiving’s not our holiday.


Because, to me, it smacks of the USA trying to conquer the world.

I voted Remain in the referendum: because I think the UK’s better off as part of the European Union.   Many will have voted Leave, as they felt — and still feel — Britain should be independent of outside influence …

And yet … ?

Will be happily buying something cheaply, on Black Friday … an event imposed, effectively, by a foreign power.

But if anything sounds like cultural imperialism … ?

Or the US equivalent of the East India Company, slowly buying power for its home nation*?

Well … 

All I can do is congratulate those companies not joining in with the silliness.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor†, Olga‡, Debbi^, Edithª and Mumº putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, Debbi and Edith scoring five out of five, with Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        27th November is Lancashire Day.   The county is on which coast of England: East or West?

Q2)        Lancashire’s administrative centre is Preston.   What’s the county town: Lancaster, Liverpool or Manchester?

Q3)        According to Wikipedia, Lancashire was first mentioned in 1168.   But formally made a shire, when: 1184, 1183 or 1182?

Q4)        Old Trafford is home to Lancashire’s what: technology industry, cricket team or county hall?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Fisherman’s Friend are made in Fleetwood, Lancashire.   They’re what: biscuits, lozenges or apple pies?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        26th November, 2020, is Thanksgiving in the USA.   It’s usually marked on the fourth what of November?
A1)        Thursday.

Q2)        The traditional Thanksgiving Dinner usually features mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce … and a roasted what: duck, goose or turkey?
A2)        Turkey.   (The ones presented to the President are traditionally pardoned.)

Q3)        Thanksgiving Dinner traditionally includes pies made from what: oranges, limes or pumpkins?
A3)        Pumpkins.

Q4)        The night before Thanksgiving is usually the busiest night of the year for many US bars.   It’s usually known as Blackout what?
A4)        Blackout Wednesday.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Since 1924, a well known New York department store has held a Thanksgiving Parade.   Which department store?
A5)        Macy’s.

Here’s a motto …

“In Concilio Consilium.”
“In Council, Wisdom.”
Lancashire’s motto.

And some clog dancing …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

 *        I’m sure you’re aware there’s arguments about using Huawei equipment in UK phone networks.   It’s a security issue.   And ignores the fact we’ve been using American software — Windows, macOS, Red Hat, Android, iOs — in our computers phones and tablets for years.   Much as I’ve loved using the several Macs I’ve owned over the years?   I’m aware the same argument applies: US software makers are subject the the US goverment … 

†        Now, now, Trevor: if The US and Canada want to have a domestic, they can do it in the carpark, like everyone else!   At any rate … ?   Canda has a Thanksgiving holiday … ?

‡        Sounds like her heart’s not in it, Olga!
I’ve politely turned them down, to be honest.   It looks like they specialise getting people to favourable mention they product … Without me mentioning I was being paid to do so.   Which can get you in. trouble, on most platforms.   The thing that got me?   Was that they were asking me to promote things that went directly against the answers I’d given.   Oy!
Graphic novels!?  Oy!   (That could be worth it … but only if you get a reputable independent phoning you!   Or Dave Gibbons: the man is a giant!)
As for Black Friday … well … I’ve managed the intro … !

^      Me neither, Debbi!   😂   At ANY rate … ?   Sorry about the America bashing, in the Intro: but the UK having Black Friday sales has annoyed me for years!

ª        A pleasure as ever, Edith!   Oh, and well done for yesterday’s 5/5 score.   (Like I said to Debbi, I’m sorry About the US bashing: but having Black Friday sales, when we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving is … well …  bloody stupid!)

º        Hello, Mum!   (You put the answers on the wrong page, yesterday!)


  1. Q1) West
    Q2) Lancaster
    Q3) 1182
    Q4) Cricket
    Q5) Lozenges, and they’re pretty strong as well (I quite like them)!
    You're preaching to the converted on the subject of Black Friday. Although, perhaps this year that has been so horrendous, I can sympathise with the shops (especially the small ones) more. Many have gone under, and I suspect more will follow.
    Well, the girl told me she thought the test had gone quite well, and although next week we'll only do the one lesson, the following one, where Tuesday is a holiday here, we'll still do the lesson on Monday (I thought she'd say no to that one, as I think she won't have to go to school, but her mother has prevailed...)
    I've had Chinese companies offering me their products in exchange for a review on Amazon, although they didn't insist the review had to be good, but because of the change in rules, and so it appears that you have bought the product, you have to buy it first, write the review, and then they send you the money back. Well, that's against the rules anyway, and you can see the problem (although, of course, you can always change your review later).

  2. A1 West (North West actually)
    A2 Lancaster
    A3 1182
    A4 Cricket and some small soccer team(Man U).
    A5 lozenges

    Fisherman’s Friend has almost blown my head off in the past.

    And yes Canada does have a Thanksgiving day.

  3. 1 West
    2 Lancaster
    3 1184
    Cricket Team
    5 Lozenges

  4. I don't blame you one bit! Not a bit of it. :)

    I get tired of American smugness, at times.

    I have this great idea for an international quiz show. I'll have to email you about it. At some point. Maybe. It's ... different. :)

    1. West
    2. Lancaster
    3. 1182
    4. cricket team
    5. lozenges

  5. 1.West
    2. Liverpool
    3. 1183
    4.county hall
    5. lozenges

    I understand Paul. Some places are having Black Friday prices all season long. That way there are fewer crowds. having crowds during a pandemic is just foolish.


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Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.

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