
Saturday 28 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-11-2020: Blake

28th November, 2020.

Yes: I’m officially going to be waiting … 

Until at least Monday.

Remember that my landlord’s have loaned me a laptop, so I can do a course?

And that I need the user or admin password, so I can install some software … ?

Well … I’ve emailed my landlord’s Digital futures team: or, at least, the rep who’s dealing with my case … 

Now all I have to do … ?

Is wait for them to contact me … 

I’m inpatient: I hate waiting!


For those of you who didn’t know?

I’ve now got a great big pot.

That was yesterday: where it was getting used to boil my teatowels.

Granted, they’ve not turned out perfect … but they are better than they were.

At least, they turned out well enough that I’ve got the pot on the stove, again.

So I can boil wash my socks, and bedsheets.

At this rate … ?   My underwear could be next … 

Now … would live streaming that be a good idea … ?

Cue the music … !


Let’s move on, shall we? Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four, and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        28th November saw the birth of writer and artist, William Blake.   In which year: 1757, 1758 or 1759? 

Q2)        Blake’s seen as a key figure in the what age: Classic Age, Baroque Age or Romantic Age?

Q3)        Blake was apprenticed to James Basire, in his youth.   In other words he was training to be a what: poet, artist or engraver?

Q4)        The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in the Sun is a painting by Blake.   It’s mentioned in Thomas Harris’ Red Dragon: the first book to feature which cannibal?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Blake’s best known poem, The Tyger, was published in which collection: Songs of Innocence and of Experience, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell or Milton?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        27th November is Lancashire Day.   The county is on which coast of England: East or West?
A1)        West.

Q2)        Lancashire’s administrative centre is Preston.   What’s the county town: Lancaster, Liverpool or Manchester?
A2)        Lancaster.

Q3)        According to Wikipedia, Lancashire was first mentioned in 1168.   But formally made a shire, when: 1184, 1183 or 1182?
A3)        1182.

Q4)        Old Trafford is home to Lancashire’s what: technology industry, cricket team or county hall?
A4)        Cricket team.   (I’m no sports fan.   But, from the little I know, the county level cricket sides are Cricket’s equivalent — roughly — to English Football’s Premier League, Spain’s La Liga, Baseball’s Major Leagues or the Indian Premier League, India’s top Twenty20 cricket league.   It’s the top national level of the English game, in other words.   The ground shares its name with Old Trafford, Manchester United’s home ground.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Fisherman’s Friend are made in Fleetwood, Lancashire.   They’re what: biscuits, lozenges or apple pies?
A5)        Lozenges.
Here’s a thought …
“To Generalize is to be an Idiot.”
William Blake.
And, given it’s based on an old Blake poem … ?

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Just as a hypothetical last question? Am I the only person thinking William Blake’s portrait make him not look like an artist?

Have a good day.

*        I know one of the big chain’s has gone down, over here, Olga: Arcadia, the one fronted by Philip Green?   I don’t know that I’m entirely surprised.   I get the impression their online offering got started fairly late on: and that’s vital these days.   It’s their staff I feel sorry for!   But you’re right, the smaller businesses are really having a rough time.
Hmmm … I think I’ve had the same sort of offer from at least one Chinese company.   I turned it down … exactly for that reason: I had to pay cash, up front.   On my money?   Well, I was privately thinking they could send me a free one, then get me to review it.
Good Good luck with the lessons, by the way: it sounds like hard work!

†        Well, you learn something new, everyday, Trevor!   About the answer for yesterday’s fourth question?   Is that a good(ish) summary of county level cricket?

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        It’d be interesting To see, Debbi: although pitching it at a TV company might be an idea … !   Oh … I just clocked this going past on Facebook …
Oh, and then there’s this clip from Spitting Image … 

ª        I can’t disagree there, Edith!   Saying that?   What really annoys me is companies in the UK having Black Friday sales: a big US sales day after a US holiday … that we con’t celebrate in the UK!   It’s silly! Oh, I’ve pointed Debbi at this link, about the filming of Dr Who, series 13.   It looks like someone’s getting redesigned.
Oh, have you heard of the Radio Times, Edith?   It’s a TV listings magazine, here in the UK.   There’s a new Dalek design … 


  1. Q1) 1757
    Q2) Romantic Age
    Q3) An engraver
    Q4) Hannibal Lecter
    Q5) Songs of Innocence and Experience
    Here I keep seeing signs of for rent in local businesses of all sorts: food shops (a bit less, perhaps), clothes shops, restaurants and bars... I agree there is no reason why they should do the discounts right now. We actually have two days of holiday early in December (the 6th and the 8th) so it would make more sense there, but...
    The huge pot looks awesome, but perhaps don't share the video...

  2. A1 1757
    A2 Romantic Age
    A3 engraver
    A4 Hannibal Lecter
    A5 Songs of Innocence and of Experience

    Old Trafford is also a Test (International) match ground. Your comparisons to some of the other sports are a bit out. That Indian cricket league is not real cricket.

    We traditionalists mourn the passing of real cricket. Its destruction was started by an Australian (no not Murdock) aided by an American fast food chain. I have never been into a McDonald's since.

    First class county cricket used to be played by the major counties and the 2 universities (Oxford and Cambridge). A late county added to First class cricket was Durham. My home county of Lincolnshire plays in the minor counties league.

    A few years back First class cricket was split into 2 divisions.
    Essex is currently a major player in most types of cricket played in England and Wales.

    Back in the days of proper 3 day county matches the prime team was Yorkshire. Back in those days you could only play for Yorkshire if you were born in the 3 Ridings and the city of York.
    Michael Parkinson drove his heavily pregnant wife from Manchester to a Hospital in Yorkshire to ensure his offspring could play for Yorkshire.

    Yorkshire have now fallen into line with the other County sides and allow non Yorkshire people to play for them.

    PS for the past few days I have been unable to play your intro and today also the Trump clip. Not sure what is going on. I am now running on the latest level of Windows 10. Version 20H2.

  3. 1 1757
    2 Rmantic
    3 Poet
    4 ?
    5 Milton

  4. For some odd reason, not all your videos are playing when I click on them.

    1. 1757
    2. Romantic
    3. engraver
    4. Hannibal Lecter
    5. Songs of Innocence and of Experience

    As for pitching it, I'm picturing an indie production. A DIY production. A US-UK collaboration! I'll have to think about how that could be done. Details! :)

  5. 1,1758
    2.Romatic Age
    3. poet
    4. Hannibal Lecter
    5. Songs of Innocence and experience.

    I have heard of Radio Times. Thank you for providing the link.


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