
Sunday 29 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29-11-2020: I Want To Hold Your Hand.

29th November, 2020.

It’s got to said, I’ve woken up to issues.

It turns out that some videos — ones I directly upload to a post, and represented by the blue square in the accompanying picture — don’t play.

Or, at least, haven’t played for a couple of days.

I got tipped off about it by both Trevor and Debbi, when they left they’re answers on yesterday’s Teaser: thanking you both.

I’ve filled out the relevant forms in Google’s online Help form: and posted a question on the Google Communities.

We’ll have to see how that goes.

At any rate … ?

If you’re reading this, could you let me know which one of the above videos plays?

I’d appreciate it.


At any rate, and on other fronts … ?

I’ve noticed the rather sad news about the death of actor and bodybuilder, Dave Prowse.

At 6’6”?   The man was a giant.

But also left an impression in other ways.

As a bodyguard … 

As the Green Cross Code Man … 

And, of course, as Darth Vader … 

He’ll be much missed … 


Let’s move on, shall we? Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, and Debbi scoring five out of five, Edith on three and Mum on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        29th November, 1963, saw the release of the original version of I Want to Hold Your Hand.   Which band released it?

Q2)        It was written by which song writing partnership?

Q3)        I Want to Hold Your Hand would have gone straight to number one: had it not been blocked by which song?

Q4)        Which band performed that latter song?

Q5)        Finally … ?   I Want to Hold Your Hand was in which key: G Major, G minor or E♭ minor?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        28th November saw the birth of writer and artist, William Blake.   In which year: 1757, 1758 or 1759?
A1)        1757.

Q2)        Blake’s seen as a key figure in the what age: Classic Age, Baroque Age or Romantic Age?
A2)        The Romantic Age.

Q3)        Blake was apprenticed to James Basire, in his youth. In other words he was training to be a what: poet, artist or engraver?
A3)        Engraver.

Q4)        The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in the Sun is a painting by Blake.   It’s mentioned in Thomas Harris’ Red Dragon: the first book to feature which cannibal?
A4)        Dr Hannibal Lector.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Blake’s best known poem, The Tyger, was published in which collection: Songs of Innocence and of Experience, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell or Milton?
Here’s a lyric …
“Oh yeah, I’ll tell you something
I think you’ll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand.”
From I Want to Hold Your Hand.
And, funnily, a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        For rent signs, Olgaº?   That doesn’t surprise me, somehow.   If Spain’s anything like the UK, online shops will be cleaning up, right now.   I got some underwear on Amazon, recently: finding my size is a lot easier, to be honest!   And bars closing … ?   The industry’s having it rough.
Now I think of it … ?   Having sales in the fortnight around the end of the month is a good idea, regardless of the excuse.   Usually, it’s payday.   (I’d notice that, working in the pub game.)
Actually, while I’ve got your attention?   Are the videos showing up?   The intros, that is … ?

†        Cheers for that, Trevor, that’s good to know.   You know, I seem to recall Geoffrey Boycott banging on about that Born in Yorkshire rule.
Cheers for the tip: it’s happening at my end, as well: on the iMac, my Ubuntu laptop, and the Windows machine.   And on Debbi’s iMac, as well.   As far as I can tell, Blogger’s playing silly buggers: I}ve reported it, none the less.

‡        Hello, Mum!   Are we still on for dinner, today … ?

^        The devil’s always in the details, aren’t they, Debbi?   And in all sorts of other places, if we believe half of what we read!   At ANY rate?   Cheers for the news about the videos.   The ones that seem to be having issues are the ones I’ve uploaded directly to the blog post editing form.   The ones that get embedded into a post from Youtube seem to not be causing issues.
If you can let me know if these work?   Or, at least, if they get a “This Video Cannot Be Played in your country for Licensing Reasons” type message?   Cheers!

ª        Pleasure, every time, Edith!   Oh, could you can let me know if you get any troubles with the intro videos, please?   It looks like Blogger’s causing problems!

º        Now I think of it, Olga?   There’s some really odd live Stream, out there.   I could only find goldfish: but there’s supposed to be live stream vending machines out there … 


  1. A1 The Beatles
    A2 John Lennon and Paul McCartney
    A3 She loves you
    A4 The Beatles
    A5 G Major

    All videos are working today.

    May the Force be with you. RIP Darth Vader.

  2. Q1) The Beatles
    Q2) John Lennon and Paul McCartney
    Q3) She Loves You
    Q4) The Beatles as well.
    Q5) G Major
    You're right about odd live streams. Oh, sorry about the video issue. Because I connect to YouTube early for my workouts I tend to catch up on things there (but I usually play them with no sound on as I listen to books at the same time). As for today's post, I could watch all the videos apart from the one that says 'Now read'. I could only see a black screen with 'Now read' written on it and an arrow, but nothing happens when I press on it, as if it was only a picture. (Some of the videos I cannot watch, sometimes, because the content is not available at my end, but this is different).

  3. 1 The Beatles
    2 Lennon & McCartney
    3 Shes Loves You By the Beatles
    4 The Beatles
    5 GMajor

  4. They both worked. Interesting isn't it? The Internet started as a means to better connect society in an emergency. A nuclear-type emergency. And now look where we are.

    Good? Bad? I'd like to think there's good in it.

    BTW, that song you posted on Twitter led me to search for the lyrics. That led me to this!

    Which led me to this!

    Talk about rabbit holes! :)

    1. The Beatles
    2. John Lennon and Paul McCartney
    3. She Loves You
    4. The Beatles
    5. G Major

  5. 1.Beatels
    3.Please please me
    4. The Beatles
    5. G minor

    There was a cable company years ago that need to fill a channel. So they set up a fish tank in front of a camera. Then they got a real channel again. So, goodbye to the fish channel. But, people wrote in and explained that they found the fish channel soothing and wanted it back.


I love it when someone comments. But, having had anonymous comments I feel may be libellous, actionable or just plain offensive, over the years?

I’d appreciate you* leaving your name — with a link to your website or social-media profile†, for preference — before you post a comment.

Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.

Contentious, actionable or abusive posts left anonymously will not be posted. Nor will comments using offensive pseudonyms or language, or that are abusive of other commenters.

Thank you.

*   I know many value their online privacy. I respect that. But hope you respect my wish to see who’s commenting on my blog: and my wish for you to introduce your self to me, and to your fellow commentors.

†   Your Facebook, X/Twitter, Blogger, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn profile are acceptable. I also like seeing folks webpages.