
Sunday 29 November 2020

Star Trek Discovery — Series 3 Episode 4 — Forget Me Not — A Review

28th November, 2020.

Right … 

I have to admit it, I‘ve just been watching TV: after having dinner.


I’ve had one of my regular commenters let me know, this morning, that there’s a problem.

That videos I’ve uploaded to the post — rather than embedded into the post from YouTube — don’t seem to be playing.

If you can let me know which of the above play?

I can try and do something about it.

Or, at least, complain to Google!


Something I’ve now done.

After much swearing.

At ANY rate?

It’s been a usual Saturday night: I’ve watched another episode of Star Trek Discovery.

And will tell you more in the morning.


29th November, 2020.

Hmm … 

It’s got to be said: I think the video intros are having issues.

The ones on recent Daily Teasers, I should add.

From the feedback I’ve had?

The ones I embed into the post, shown in blue, in the picture, are the ones causing the problems.

If you, dear reader, can confirm that, by letting me know which one won’t play?

I’d love to hear from you!

At any rate … ?

I caught more TV, last night.

And, as you may have guessed, right now, it’s the next episode of Star Trek Discovery, Series three …


Episode 4 — Forget Me Not — opens with the traditional summary of previous episodes.

Then shifts.   To Medical Officer Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz), dictating an update to his medical log: recording how the crew are finding it difficult to connect.

Especially the damaged Lieutenant Detmer (Emily Coutts): left psychologically damaged after the crash when the Discovery arrived in the 32nd Century.

His advise to Captain Saru?

Is that the crew need time off.

The bridge crew need to see their captain values them.

And Adira (Blu del Barrio)?

Needs to be taken to the Trill home world: she has a serious case of amnesia.

It’s only when Commender Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Adira get there … ?   They find they have problems: problems that can only be solved at the Caves of Mak’ala … 

Caves they can’t visit without permission … 


Now … what did I make of this episode?

I hate the old game of Top Ten Episodes of Whatever Series, I really do.

It’s always struck me that putting episodes in that sort of This One’s Bad, That’s Good heap is a cheap way of stirring controversy.

Saying that … ?

Saying that, I felt more enamoured of the first two episodes of series three — That Hope is You, and Far From Home — than I did with People of Earth, and Forget Me Not.

Possibly the Adira Tal story line has put me off.   I’ve too many good memories of Terry Farrell and Nicole De Boer’s portrayals of Dax, to be totally happy with a new Trill character in the mix.

On the upside … ?

They — Blu del Barrio* — is doing a competent job in the role.

And, in focusing on Dr Culber … ?   And Lieutenant Detmer?

Is making sure every member of the crew gets both airtime, and history.


I’m going to be watching another episode, next Saturday.

I’d love it if you joined me!

*        Blu identifies as non-binary, I should add.   Which has always struck me as … slightly odd.   More power to Blu for coming out, that way.   But I don’t think it’s something for me: or something, right now, I’m comfortable with.   Time will tell.

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