
Monday 30 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-11-2020: Saint Andrew’s Day

30th November, 2020.

Right … 

Right at the moment, I’m quietly hoping that intro video works.

It should: as far as I can tell, from the feedback I’ve had.

Thanking you for helping!


At any rate … ?

I’ve a phone meeting, today: with my case worker from the Work and Health Programme.

It should go well enough.

Although, to be frank … ?

I’m not expecting very much from it.

Although, frankly?

That could well be the psychological effects of blah years of job hunting.

Out of work for this long?

Frankly, I’m not in the best frame of mind.


As a last point?

The trailer for the upcoming Dr Who New Years Day special, Revolution of The Daleks, has been released.

And looks interesting.

Defence drones … hmmm … 


Let’s move on, shall we? Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, Mum and Debbi scoring five out of five and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        It’s Saint Andrew’s Day. Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland … and which island: Bahrain, Cyprus or Guernsey?

Q2)        What’s Scotland’s capital?

Q3)        The Scottish Parliament’s in Scotland’s capital.   In which area: Leith, Holyrood or Sciennes (pronounced sheenz.)?

Q4)        What’s the Scots Gaelic name for Scotland: Alba, Hibernia or Caledonia?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Which verdict is exclusive to Scotland: Guilty, Not Guilty or Not Proven?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)         29th November, 1963, saw the release of the original version of I Want to Hold Your Hand. Which band released it?
A1)        The Beatles.

Q2)        It was written by which song writing partnership?
A2)        John Lennon and Paul McCartney: collectively known as Lennon-McCartney. (Or McCartney-Lennon)

Q3)        I Want to Hold Your Hand would have gone straight to number one: had it not been block by which song?
A3)        She Loves You.

Q4)        Which band performed that latter song?
A4)        It’s them again: The Beatles.

Q5)        Finally … ?   I Want to Hold Your Hand was in which key: G Major, G minor or E♭ minor?
A5)        G Major.
Here’s a thought …
“From its destitution of trees, Scotland was once a by-word; now it is a garden of beauty.”
Frederick Douglass.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It was sad to see him go, Trevor.   The Today programme’s just done an interview with Anthony Daniels about him: that was sad to hear.   (Cheers for the video help!)

†        Cheers for checking, Olga|.   It seems to be the ones I embed directly into the posts that are affected.   The bizarre thing?   Is that sometimes, they’ll play once … and then jam!   Quite what’s happening, I don’t know.
Actually, the licensing issue is why I started embedding some videos into a blog post: it means you (usually) can get around the restrictions.   There’s other routes, though.
By the way … the Nessie Live Cam will be going back up, soon … (Cheers for the video help!)
Oh, did you ever hear I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue, while you were here?   The new series starts, tonight: with some of the last appearances from Tim Brooke Taylor.

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        Cheers, Debbiº!   Glad to know they worked!   I can only hope the Dr Who trailer, does, too!   And, yeah: there’s good and bad, out there.
You know, I saw Didn’t You Kill My Brother, the comic Strip episode, many years ago: Alexei Sayle is quite a talent.   His biography, Stalin Ate My Homework, is a fascinating read.
Plus, he played most of the Balowski family, in The Young Ones.

ª        I think I remember hearing about that, Edithº!   I do know there’s plenty of aquarium screensavers doing the rounds, too!   And a quick Google search tells me there’s all sorts of weird and wonderful live Streams lurking about!   There’s one that let’s you watch grass growing on someone’s front lawn!   It’s a funny old world, isn’t it … ?

º        Debbi, Edith, JUST as a thought?   I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue, Britain’s best comedy show, re-starts tonight: it should be on the World Service, or BBC Sounds, at some point: it’s well worth a listen!


  1. A1 Cyprus
    A2 Edinburgh
    A3 Holyrood
    A4 Alba
    A5 Not Proven

    Yes your Dr Who video worked.

  2. Q1) Cyprus
    Q2) Edinburgh
    Q3) Holyrood
    Q4) Alba
    Q5) Not Proven
    I think I listened to it a few times when I first arrived in the UK (I was trying to improve my listening skills), but although I used to listen to the radio quite often, I can't recall catching it in recent years. I downloaded an App to be able to listen to BBC radio on my tablet but the tablet itself is quite old and I'm not sure it would work here. I'll investigate.
    Good luck with the meeting, although I know what you mean about not being too hopeful...


  3. 1 Bahrain
    2 Edinburgh
    3 Holyrood
    4 Caledonia
    5 Not Proven

  4. 1.Guersey
    2. Glasgow
    3. Holyrood
    4. Caledonia
    5. Not Proven.

    Sounds good. I wrote the title down.

  5. The guy is hilarious. The one in the video, right? :)

    The things I learn from you! :)

    1. Cyprus
    2. Edinburgh
    3. Holyrood
    4. Alba
    5. not proven

    "Not proven" ... interesting! :)


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