
Tuesday 1 December 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-12-2020: Richard Pryor.

1st December, 2020.

Yes: It’s officially official.

It’s nippy out.

I’ve just had a look, quickly, to take a photo for a friend.

Calling it cold is possibly undercooking it.


Let’s move on, shall we? Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Edith^ and Debbiª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on three and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        1st December saw the birth of comedian and actor, Richard Pryor.   In which year?

Q2)        His first album, Richard Pryor, was released in which year of the 1960s?

Q3)        The first film he was in, was released a year earlier.   What was it called?

Q4)        Pryor’s first stand up concert film was called Live &what?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Pryor co-wrote which 1974, Mel Brooks film?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        It’s Saint Andrew’s Day. Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland … and which island: Bahrain, Cyprus or Guernsey?
A1)        Cyprus.

Q2)        What’s Scotland’s capital?
A2)        Edinburgh.

Q3)        The Scottish Parliament’s in Scotland’s capital.   In which area: Leith, Holyrood or Sciennes?
A3)        Holyrood.

Q4)        What’s the Scots Gaelic name for Scotland: Alba, Hibernia or Caledonia?
A4)        Alba.   (Hibernia refers to Ireland.   Caledonia is the Latin term for what’s now Scotland.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Which verdict is exclusive to Scotland: Guilty, Not Guilty or Not Proven?
A5)        Not Proven.   (Sir Walter Scott famously referred to it as the ‘Bastard verdict.’)
Here’s a thought …
“Let me tell you what really happened... Every night before I go to bed, I have milk and cookies. One night I mixed some low-fat milk and some pasteurized, then I dipped my cookie in and the shit blew up.”
Richard Pryor.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Glad to hear it, Trevor.   Oh, did you catch I’m Sorry, I Haven’t a Clue, last night?   Jack did a nice little dedication to Tim Brooke Taylor, at the start.

†        Yeah: these things can be iffy, Olga!
Hmmm … OK, the app might might not work … but would having a look at the BBC World Service be an idea … ?   (Actually, Rachel Paris was on last night’s episode: the woman’s got quite a good singing voice!)

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        Glad to hear it, Edith?   (There’s a very funny game called Word for Word.   It’s amazing what you can find out!)

ª        That’s him, Debbi: Alexei Sayle.   He’s a bit left wing, and blames his parents.
As for Not Proven?   I’m really no expert: but the impression I get is it makes re-trials easier to arrange … if extra evidence can be found … !


  1. Q1) 1940
    Q2) 1968
    Q3) The Busy Body
    Q4) Smokin’
    Q5) Blazing Saddles
    I listened to the radio mostly as I drove, and as I don't drive now I don't seem to find the time (that and I listen to books as well. I have so many I've agreed to review!)
    I saw your comment to Debbie about Alex Sayle. I read a book by him, years back, and wasn't half bad, although the thing I most remember about it is a homeless guy, dressed in a smart suit, and talking on something that looked like a mobile phone but ended up being a tin of sardines.

  2. A1 1940
    A2 1968
    A3 The Busy Body
    A4 Smokin
    A5 Blazing Saddles.

    I never listen to the radio. At the moment I am too busy watching the “Free” soccer matches on Sky sport, Amazon prime and the BBC. Last night I had to use the BBC iPlayer to catch up on Only Connect and University Challenge. I have yet to catch up on Master Mind and Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat.

  3. 1 1940
    2 1963
    3 ?
    4 & Smokin'
    5 ?

  4. It is hedging one's bets in favor of the prosecution. :)

    1. 1940
    2. 1968
    3. The Busy Body
    4. Smokin'
    5. Blazing Saddles (a movie that's sheer genius!)

  5. 1.1940
    2. 1968
    3. Salt and Pepper
    4. Raw
    5. Blazing Saddles

    I've written that show title down as well. Do you know if they still make My Word!? I just loved that show when I was a little girl.


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