
Wednesday 2 December 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2nd December, 2020.

2nd December, 2020

Right … we’ve worked it out, haven’t we?

Stuff’s happening … 

On the sad front … ?

It’s been known about for awhile: but it’s now official.

Toisin Cole and Bradley Walsh will be leaving Dr Who in the New Year’s Special: going by the news on the BBC’s website.

I’ll be sorry to see them go.


As an extra thought … ?

I keep my eyes on news about Universal Credit: the benefit I’m on, as I’m not currently working.

It got raised by £20 a week in March of this year: and is due to go back down in March, 2021.


According to Cornwall Live, that’s due to be reviews ‘in the new year.’

If the government’s sensible?

They’ll keep that boost in place.

For a variety of reasons, there’s roughly six million people who are unemployed, at the moment.

That could swing an election … 


Let’s move on, shall we? Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, and Debbi scoring five out of five Edith on three and Mum on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        2nd December, 2010, saw NASA discover microorganisms with cells made from what: phosphorus, arsenic or uranium?

Q2)        2nd December, 1988, saw Benazir Bhutto sworn in as the first female Prime Minister of where: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia or Iraq?

Q3)        2nd December, 1981, saw the birth of Britney Spears.   She starred — along side Christina Aguilera, and Justin Timberlake — in the All Newwhat?

Q4)        Writer, Botho Strauß, was born on 2nd December, 1944.   In what’s now which European country?   (The ß character at the end of his name is an eszett: and pronounced as if it were a double s.   Botho’s surname is therefore pronounced Strauss: as in Levi Strauss, the man who invented Jeans.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   2nd December, 1993, saw the death of drug lord, Pablo Escobar.   He was the leader of which organised crime mob: the Medellin Cartel, the Genovese Family or the Inagawa-kai?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        1st December saw the birth of comedian and actor, Richard Pryor.   In which year?
A1)        1940.

Q2)        His first album, Richard Pryor, was released in which year of the 1960s?
A2)        1968.

Q3)        The first film he was in, was released a year earlier.   What was it called?
A3)        The Busy Body.

Q4)        Pryor’s first stand up concert film was called Live &what?
A4)        Live & Smokin’.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Pryor co-wrote which 1974, Mel Brooks film?
A5)        Blazing Saddles.   (Pryor was due to play Sheriff Bart, the Cleavon Little role.   However?   The studio refused to insure him.)
Here’s a thought …
“Even Michelangelo got paid for doing the Sistine Chapel.   To those artists who say they’re doing it for the love of art, I say: Get real.”
Gianni Versace, 2 December 1946 – 15 July 1997.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That sounds like it’s Thatcher Stole My Trousers, Olga: part two of his autobiography.   I didn’t realise he’s published it!   I read Stalin Ate My Homework, a long time ago: it’s sounds like it’s just as wry.
A sardine tin?   That’s actually got me thinking of an old Jasper Carrott sketch, the Nutter on the Bus.   There’s a prominent corned beef tin … (Can you let me know if that Jasper Carrott video works, please, Olga?   Cheers!)

†        You’ve missed on out Britain’s best comedy, then, Trevor!   Either way … ?   You’ve reminded me to try and catch up with University Challenge … 

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        I can imagine, Debbi!   
Would you believe it, Debbi?   But I’ve never actually seen Blazing Saddles?   I’m going to have to do something about that … !

ª        I have to admit, that first time I’d heard of it, is when you mentioned it, Edith!   The last one was aired in 1988, I’m afraid.   It IS listed on Wikipedia, though.


  1. A1 Arsenic
    A2 Pakistan
    A3 Mickey Mouse Club
    A4 Germany
    A5 Medellin Cartel

    Caught up with my TV programs last night. Nigella is my weekly cooing porn. Last night she was cooking with some thing I cannot stand – Anchovies . I still enjoyed the program. Like the late Fanny Craddock she over dresses. I am sure most women would not cook in the kind of clothes she wears. Mind you most women cannot afford the clothes she wears.

  2. Just so everyone knows?

    The white-face owl in the introductory video is called Echo: and was one of the show, at my nephew, Jude’s, 8th birthday: the experience was organised by Exotic Explorers.

    Ben and the gang have a range of animals, and can arrange events of all sizes … 

    As a last thought … ? One of their owls, Gylgie, has gone missing. If you spot her? Contact Exotic Explorers on, or on 07877 701461

    You can also contact them via Facebook or Instagram.

  3. Q1) Arsenic
    Q2) Pakistan
    Q3) Mickey Mouse Club
    Q4) Germany
    Q5) the Medellín Cartel
    Yes, I could watch (or rather listen to) the video. I don't think the book was an autobiography, or if it was, it was so fictionalised I didn't recognise anybody, but...
    I do love owls.

  4. 1 Uranium
    2 Pakistan
    3 All New Disney Club
    4 Finland
    5 Genovese Family

  5. 1. Arsenic
    2. Packistain
    3. Mickey mouse club
    4. the UK
    5.Medellin Cartel

    Okay. As I remember Ian Martar used to be on it some weeks.

  6. The nutter on the bus! LOL!

    1. arsenic
    2. Pakistan
    3. Mickey Mouse Club
    4. Germany
    5. the Medellin Cartel

    It's even harder to whilst listening to that guy go on about the nutter!

    I like the word "whilst". We need to bring that back here. :)

    Yes, do see Blazing Saddles. It's hilarious! Totally not-PC, but hey, Richard Pryor co-wrote it. :)


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