
Tuesday 3 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd November, 2020

3rd November, 2020.

Yes: it’s officially the case.

I’m going to filling in an online form.

I’ve been trying to apply for a European Computer Driving License course: for some time.

I just needing a computer running Windows to do the course.

Given I’m a rabid Mac fan?   You can imagine how I feel about that.

Needs must, those.

Today, I’ve got a meeting with my landlord’s Digital Futures team: to apply for the loan of a laptop.

Here’s hoping it goes well.


If nothing else?

I know roughly what I’ll be doing this evening.

I’ll be watching TV.


Those reviews of Watchmen don’t write themselves!

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Edith‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        3rd November is the feast day of Saint Hubertus.   He’s the patron saint of whom: architects, mathematicians or musicians?

Q2)        3rd November, 1592, saw the founding of San Luis Potosí City.   It’s in which American country?

Q3)        3rd November, 1949, saw the birth of magazine, Dame Anna Wintour.   She edited the American edition of which fashion magazine?

Q4)        3rd November, 39 AD, saw the birth of Roman poet, Lucan.   In what’s now which European country … ?

Q5)        Finally … ?   3rd November, 1957, saw the birth of actor, Dolph Lundgren.   In which film did he play Ivan Drago?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        British Satellite Broadcasting, and Sky TV, merged: on 2nd November of which year of the 1990s?
A1)        1990.

Q2)        British Satellite Broadcasting used an aerial shaped like a what?
A2)        Square.   It was known as the Squarial.   (The smaller size was matched by the BSB satellite’s more powerful signal.)

Q3)        What was the new company called: BSkyB, BSquareB or BSquirrelB?
A3)        BSkyB.

Q4)        The new company uses a satellite dish to receive a signal.   That dish is usually what shape: parabolic, hyperbolic or elliptic?
A4)        Parabolic.   (If I’ve understood it correctly?   All three are different types of conic section.   They’re cones sliced up in different ways.   Again, if I’ve understood it correctly? The important difference — as far as an aerial’s concerned — is the way light or radio waves bounce off the surface.   The modern, standard, dish is shaped so that the radio waves hit it, then bounce off to head for a focal point.   The focal point is where the receiver is.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   All the companies are know as what TV: digital TV, terrestrial TV or satellite TV?
A5)        Satellite TV.
Here’s a thought …
“Fashion’s not about looking back.   It’s always about looking forward.”
Anna Wintour, born 3rd November, 1949.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah: that’s pretty much how libraries are working at the moment, Olga.   You can browse, borrow: and use the computers for a limited amount of time.   I suspect that — from Thursday — they’ll be shut.   I did message my work coach: my Job Centre case worker.   Apparently, they’ll be taking things on a case by case basis.   I’ve got my next meeting with them on the 5th.   Fireworks night is going to go with a whimper.   Oh … I’m getting the hang of the new Blogger modes: the html mode still isn’t easy: but I’m getting a better idea of where to put embed codes.

†        Hello, Mum!   (What are we doing about babysitting Jude on Thursday?   Can you ask Ruth, please?   Ta!)

‡        That he was, Edith.   Waters of Mars was quite something!   Saying that, I grew up on Tom Baker’s episodes.   I might just have to dig up Genesis of the Daleks, or Talons of Weng-Chiang.   They’re utter classics!

^        You should hear Mum, Debbi!   Apparently, these are nothing like easy!   (Oh, I hope Rick enjoyed the Spitting Image clip: they’re not given Donald an easy time!)


  1. Q1) Mathematicians
    Q2) Mexico
    Q3) Vogue
    Q4) Spain
    Q5) Rocky IV (and Creed II, it seems). Impressive to know Grace Jones convinced him to leave MIT. Well, I guess it worked out all right for him
    Good luck with this afternoon's meeting.

  2. 1 Musicians
    2 Argentina
    3 Vogue
    4 Italy
    5 Rocky 1V

  3. He liked it. And Donald deserves it so thoroughly. :)

    1. mathematicians
    2. Mexico
    3. Vogue
    4. Spain
    5. Rocky IV

    Cross your fingers for us. We need all the luck we can get. :)


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