
Wednesday 4 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4th November, 2020

4th November, 2020.


I was going to make Goulash, tonight.


Enough of it to last two or three days.

Guess what, though?

I forgot to get peppers!



I have to also confess, I’m not one for conspiracy theorists.

They’s usually got a blatant flaw in their logic, somewhere, that even I can spot.

David Icke?   Is one of the most annoying, over the past few years: claiming, repeatedly, that we’re being controlled by a race of lizard people called Archons.

I’m half convinced he’s taken the original V series a bit too seriously.

At ANY rate … ?

The man’s now been officially banned from Twitter: for Covid misinformation.

Thanks heavens for that!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 4th November, 1916, saw the birth the most trusted man in America. In other words, which news anchor?

Q2) 4th November, 1946, saw the birth of Robert Mapplethorpe. He found fame as a what: a painter, sculptor or photographer?

Q3) 4th November, 1935, saw the birth of Australian actor and singer, Barry Crocker. Who did he play in The Adventures of Barry McKenzie?

Q4) 4th November, 1923, saw the birth Dutch businessman, Freddy Heineken. The company he was chairman of, Heineken International, was a what: brewery, pharmaceutical company or hotel chain?

Q5) Finally … ? 4th November, 1918, saw the birth of actor, Art Carney. In which 1993 film did he play Frank?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 3rd November is the feast day of Saint Hubertus. He’s the patron saint of whom: architects, mathematicians or musicians?

Q2) 3rd November, 1592, saw the founding of San Luis Potosí City. It’s in which American country?
A2) Mexico.

Q3) 3rd November, 1949, saw the birth of magazine, Dame Anna Wintour. She edited the American edition of which fashion magazine?
A3) Vogue.

Q4) 3rd November, 39 AD, saw the birth of Roman poet, Lucan. In what’s now which European country … ?
A4) Spain. (In what’s now the Andalusian city of Córdoba.)

Q5) Finally … ? 3rd November, 1957, saw the birth of actor, Dolph Lundgren. In which film did he play Ivan Drago?
A5) Rocky 4.   (Stylised as Rocky IV.)
Here’s a thought …
“Telling parents in New Jersey you want to act isn’t exactly like telling them you want to be a doctor or a dentist. There are no guarantees.”
Loretta Swit, born 4th November, 1937.
Given it’s Squeeze co-founder, Chris Difford’s, birthday?

There’s a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        She did?   Bloody hell, Grace Jones is persuasive, Olga!
At ANY rate … ?   I had to cancel the meeting, yesterday: as the call to arrange the assessment for the course, over-ran.   On the upside?   The loan meeting’s been rearranged for Thursday.

†        Hello, Mum!

‡        It sounds like it, Debbi.   So far, the BBC’s saying it’s two hundred and twenty electoral votes to Joe Biden, and two hundred and thirteen to Donald Trump.   Trump says he’s winning.   At least someone had a cheap laugh from the Spitting Image sketch … !


  1. Q1) Walter Cronkite
    Q2) Photographer
    Q3) Barry McKenzie
    Q4) A brewery
    Q5) Last Action Hero
    We shall see how the American elections end. Not clear yet. In other news, my mother bought a new washing machine last month, as the old one had died, and this morning it has broken down. Let's hope they don't decide it's something we've done wrong rather than their own fault, because it's evidently, still under guarantee.

  2. 1 Walter Cronkite I remember his news report when Kennedy died , he was quite tearful I remember the evening very well. I was waiting for your dad Jack, to come and pick me up. Grandad and I were watching on TV in dining room. Only one TV in house in those days.

    2 Photographer
    3 ?
    4 Brewery
    5 ?

  3. Yeah, it's a bit early for him to call anything.

    Why can't he be banned from Twitter? He's spread enough misinformation about COVID-19.

    1. Walter Cronkite
    2. photographer
    3. Barry McKenzie
    4. brewery
    5. Last Action Hero

  4. !. David Brinkley
    2. photographer
    3. Sam
    4. Brewery
    5. Nothing In Common

    It is looking better for Biden. We haven't won until we have won.


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