
Wednesday 4 November 2020

Watchmen — Series 1 Episode 7 — An Almost Religious Awe — A Review

3rd November, 2020.

Hmmm … 

I have to admit, it’s a Tuesday evening.

You’ve possibly worked that out, looking at the date at the start of this entry.


It’s an evening on the day I’ve rearranged an appointment, and — currently — trying to register for the NHS eConsult service: so I can try and talk to my GP.

That’s … 

Well, that could be a lot simpler, let’s put it that way.

It wants my provisional driving license, a photo, wants to scan my face, what’s my NHS number — if possible — and possibly wants to sing to me.

Don’t even mention the SatNav!

At any rate … ?

It’s a Tuesday: so, given I have time?   I’m making a start of a review: of the next episode of Watchmen, series one.

I’ll finish it, tomorrow.


4th November, 2020.

It’s another day, and another dollar.

Which seems appropriate: as, whilst I write, the BBC’s news channel is covering the US Presidential election.

Right now, Joe Biden has 227 of the required 270 electoral college votes: versus Trump’s 213.

Quite what will happen, I don’t know.

I hope Joe Biden wins: President Trump seems to be the least presidential President I can remember seeing.

But, at this rate … ?

We’ll probably only know for sure, by the end of the week!


As a last thought … ?

If you haven’t read today’s Teaser?

I’m making goulash, tonight: after having to go back into town, today … to get peppers.

Which, if nothing else, means I have some more Nectar points on my loyalty card.

Hay ho!

At any rate, let’s move on, shall we?


Episode 7An Almost Religious Awe — opens with the usual summary of earlier episodes.

Showing us that Angela/Sister Night (Regina King) is being treated for her Nostalgia overdose by Lady Trieu (Hong Chau): whilst reliving her memories of growing up in a Vietnam that’s now the USA’s 51st State.

A childhood that sees her spending a lot of time in an orphanage: after her parents were killed by a Viet Cong suicide bomber.

We move forward to the now.

Showing how Angela is connected by a long tube: to someone she believes is her Grandfather … but that Lady Trieu refuses to let her meet.

But which turns out to be an unconscious elephant … 

Something that gives Angela all the grounds she needs to flee Trieu’s facility, and head home: she has things she needs to talk over with her husband … 

Things that involve a car crash, many years ago … 

And a hammer … 


I have to admit, I don’t now if An Almost Religious Awe is on a par with This Extraordinary Being.

That episode was quite a beautiful piece of storytelling, world building … and editing!

I don’t think I’ve seen editing like it: at least, not in a TV show!

So, in one sense … ?

In one sense, no, An Almost Religious Awe isn’t.

On the other hand?

Yes it bloody well is.

An Almost Religious Awe has contributed some more to the Watchmen universe.

Vietnam as an extra state: however metaphorical we may see the phrase ‘51st State’ it’s clear that it’s not a metaphor in this universe.

Lady Trieu?

For those of us familiar the original Watchman graphic novel we’re aware that Adrian Viedt, Ozymandias, is trapped on a moon of Jupiter … trapped, creating cloned life … and guilty of killing three million New Yorkers in the 11/2 attack.

Could well be inspiring Lady Trieu to do something similar with her Millennium Clock.


I’ll be watching the next episode, next week.

And yes: I’ll let you know what I think … !

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