
Tuesday 15 December 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th December, 2020.

15th December, 2020.

Right … I now have a functioning laptop!

Or, at least, have a laptop that I can now use for the ECDL course I’m enrolled on.

Goody gum drops!

I just need to do a diagnostic test, now: to see which version best suits me!

Heigh ho!


Oh, just so you know … ?

Yes: the thumbnail picture in today’s Intro video?

Is definitely a Dalek!

Just so my Teaser regulars know: the 21st of December is Dalek Day … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡,Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, Edith on eight and Mum on seven.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        15th December, 1978, saw President Jimmy Carter sever US diplomatic ties with whom: Taiwan, Israel or China?

Q2)        15th December, 1892, saw the birth of Jean Paul Getty.   His company made it’s money in what: computers, telecommunications or oil?

Q3)        15th December, 1923, saw the birth of physicist, Freeman Dyson.   During the 1950s, he was one of the scientists working on Project Orion.   Project Orion was a spacecraft powered by what: atomic bombs, solar sails or ram scoops?

Q4)        15th December, 1933, saw the birth of director, Bapu.   He worked in which country’s cinema industry: America’s, Russia’s or India’s?

Q5)        Finally … ?   15th December, 1939, saw the birth of Dave Clark: of the Dave Clark Five.   What instrument did he play?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        14th December marks the day Alabama joined the USA.   In which year?
A1)        1819.

Q2)        Was it the twenty third, twenty second or twenty-first state to join?
A2)        The twenty-second.

Q3)        Alabama’s known as the heart of where?
A3)        Dixie.

Q4)        Alabama’s capital is Montgomery.   What’s Alabama’s largest city by population: Auburn, Birmingham or Decatur?
A4)        Birmingham.

Q5)        Alabama’s known as the Cotton State: but isn’t the USA’s largest producer of cotton.   Which state is: Texas, Rhode Island or Washington?
A5)        Texas.

Q6)        Alabama’s also known as the Yellowhammer state.   What is a Yellowhammer: a bird, cat or crocodile?
A6)        A bird.   (It’s also known as the Northern Flicker, and the Heigh Ho.   Unlike the European Yellowhammer, it isn’t yellow …)

Q7)        AFC Mobile is a team from Alabama.   What do they play: American Football, Association Football or Baseball?
A7)        Association Football, or Soccer.   (Here in Europe, the game’s called Football.)

Q8)        Mobile, itself, is Alabama’s only port.   It’s on the Gulf of where: Mexico, Arabia or Aden?
A8)        Mexico.

Q9)        Muscle Shoals, Alabama, is home to one of the world’s best known what: special effects companies, server farms or recording studios?
A9)        Recording studios.   (The house band, at its height, was THE band …)

Q10)        Finally … ?   Alabama’s flag features a red cross: on what colour background?
A10)        White.
Here’s a thought … 
“The laws of nature are constructed in such a way as to make the universe as interesting as possible.”
Freeman Dyson, December 15, 1923 – February 28, 2020.
And, given the LP was co-written by birthday boy, Paul Simonon?

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Not into games?   Olga, you’ve possibly got an odd one, there!   At ANY rate?   She share’s her name with one of my sisters: Jude’s aunty Anna.
Oooh … there’s a phrase that — apparently — crops up in Puzo’s original novel, The Godfather: going to the mattresses.   If I’ve understood it, it’s on a par with going ‘on the lam’: hiding out, in other words.   I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it outside the novel, though.
And thankfully?   The IT guy had turned up at 14:00.   He’d been double booked as well!

†        Oh, well, if we’re going foodie, Trevor?   Christmas Day’s going to be interesting, it’s a ten question set.   31st December is a twelve question set: one for each month.   You might need extra bacon … 

‡        Hello, Mum!   (You might like The song I’ve played Edith, Mum.)

^        That there is, Debbi!   I don’t think Frank owned horses, though!   I go know he co-owned the Cal-Neva Lodge, though!

ª        My pleasure, Edith!   Any time!   Did you hear about electro-swing?   I think that song you played me would count, to give you an example!   (It’s lots of brass, with a drum machine doing a swing beat!)


  1. right, eventually).
    Q2) Oil
    Q3) Atomic bombs (it sounds like a terrible idea, but the man had a brain…)
    Q4) India
    Q5) The drums (Bizarre. In the day’s Wikipedia article it says he was born in 1942 but in his own article it says 1939)
    Anna, my student, is pretty weird. It's a bit difficult to get some sense of the kind of person she is, because while the other girl (9 years old) used to talk a lot about herself and her family, this one is pretty work-oriented, so other than topics that come up in the lessons or exercises, we haven't talked about much else.
    Good job about the IT guy. It's short of a miracle when everybody turns up at the expected time. (When I moved into my house in Penistone, I managed to book three deliveries of furniture and electrical goods for the same day, just a few hours apart from each other, as I didn't want to take too much time off. Incredibly enough, it worked!)
    I've read more non-fiction than fiction about the Mafia (one of the chapters on my PhD was about 'Things Change' a movie by David Mamet about the mafia (a very gentle comedy, with Joe Mantegna and Don Ameche, quite sweet. Not sure how easy or difficult it is to get, but it's worth a watch. Shel Silverstein cowrote the script, and it's a joy).
    Finger's crossed everything will be, more or less, plain sailing for the course from now on (let's not get too ambitious);)

  2. A1 Taiwan
    A2 Oil (or Gas as they call ikt in the USA)
    A3 atomic bombs
    A4 India
    A5 Drums (He was born in both 1942 and 1939 according to different pages on Wikipedia)

    As a northerner I was never into London groups. I was into real groups such as the Beatles.

  3. 1 Israel
    2 Oil
    3 Solar Sails
    4 India
    5 Drums

  4. There's a movie about that place. Bad Times at the El Royale. Not a terrible movie. Just slightly irritating fun. :)

    1. Taiwan
    2. oil
    3. atomic bombs
    4. India
    5. drums

    Here's my review of El Royale! :)

  5. 1.china
    2. oil
    3. Solar sails
    4. India
    5. Guitar

    No, I haven't, but it makes sense. The Dalek song is so funny. Thank you. It made me laugh out loud. May I please post it? One of my followers thinks I have no sense of humor.


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