
Sunday 20 December 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th December, 2020

20th December, 2020.

Yes: the morning’s started off better than yesterday.

Well … 

In theory, better than yesterday.

Bar the television playing up.

As far as I can tell?

The communal aerial is having problems!



The upside … ?

Is that my sister, Anna, gave me a few quid: to refill my freezer with.   She got a very big thank you!

I’ve got enough to last until payday, and some potatoes … 

And a jar of Marmite, as well.

So that’s something.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Mum†, Olga‡, David^, Debbiª and Edithº putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and David scoring five out five, and Mum, Debbi and Edith on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        20th December is the feast day of Saint Dominic of Silos.   He’s a patron saint of whom: prisoners, brewers or bakers?

Q2)        Harvey S. Firestone was born on 20th December, 1868.   The company he founded, and that shares his name, makes what: contraceptives, tyres or vacuum cleaners?

Q3)        20th December, 1980, saw the birth of footballer, Ashley Cole.   He’s currently a coach for which Premiership side: Manchester City, Chelsea or Liverpool?

Q4)        20th December, 1989, saw US forces invade where: Grenada, Panama or Haiti?

Q5)        Finally?   The Cheka were founded on 20th December, 1917.   The Cheka were the Soviet Union’s (then) what: tax collectors, traffic wardens or secret police?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        19th December saw the birth of Édith Piaf.   In which year of the 20th Century?
A1)        1915.

Q2)        She was born in Belleville: a suburb of which French city?
A2)        Paris.

Q3)        Édith was known as La Môme Piaf.   In other words, the Little … what?
A3)        The Little Sparrow.

Q4)        Her first appearances were in Le Gerny’s.   What was Le Gerny’s: a night club, cabaret or coffee bar?
A4)        A cabaret.   (Apparently, the bad leader for her first professional gig?   Was Django Reinhardt!   Django Reinhardt!   That’s like Chris Tarrant offering to read my questions out … !)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Who played Édith in the biography, La Vie en rose: Marion Cotillard, Cate Blanchette or Róisín Murphy?
A5)        Marion Cotillard.
Here’s a thought … 
“While freedom of speech gives you the right to dissent and, yes, to offend, it does not give you the right to abuse.”
Billy Bragg, born 20 December 1957.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Probably sensible, Trevor¹!   Actually, I wish a few more companies and educational places would use LibreOffice, or Open Office!   The fact they’re free at the point of use is a bonus!   (I tend to use Pages and Keynote as my word processor and PowerPoint equivalents: the user interface is VERY good.   But I still have a copy of LibreOffice around: it’s equivalent to Excel is a lot better at the heavy lifting involved with my question database.   Certainly better than Numbers, Apple’s equivalent.   The question set used to fit on a floppy drive, would you believe?)

†        Hello, Mum¹!

‡        Well … lets just say I’m grateful to my sister, Olga¹!   I’ve thrown every thing, just to be on the safe side.   Saying that?   The runner beans survived, if nothing else!
And you’re not the first person to suggest cooking, and re-freezing, everything: Mum did, too.
Oh!   I’ve got the app installing.   That looks good: if for now other reason than having an extra option.   The one local food bank that delivered, has stopped!   The other is quite a distance away.

^        Morning, David¹!

ª        It’s … well, I think the less said, the better, there, Debbi¹: but ‘disappointing’ is putting it mildly!   ‘Bloody angry,’ is a bit more on the mark!
And cheers: I’ll keep my eyes peeled!
Oh, JUST as a thought … ?
How did Santa feel when he got stuck in the chimney?   Claustrophobic.
Donner and Blitzen were put on Ebay, but didn’t sell.   They were too dear.
I’m here all week.

º        I’ll keep my eyes peeled for that one, Edith¹!   Actually, Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer’s a story song: and very appropriate, given the time of year!

¹        Just so everyone knows?   Tomorrow Teaser is a five question set about Daleks … !


  1. As a vague thought for anyone interested?

    My question set is in ODS format: I use LibreOffice’s Calc app to edit it.

    I’ve just double checked. In the format LibreOffice uses, the film is roughly three megabytes in size.

    The Excel equivalent? Is six megabytes.

    There’s advantages to open source.

  2. Q1) Prisoners
    Q2) tyres
    Q3) Chelsea
    Q4) Panama
    Q5) Secret police

    It's good news about your sister. I know my mother has done the cooking and refreezing thing at some point, and we're still around to tell the tale, although we don't have particular digestive problems, and I know you do, so you're probably right not taking any risks. Some vegetables and fruits can be very tough. (I remember coming back from several months away and finding some apples and oranges still in fairly good shape).
    Thanks for the advice on open source. As I keep pondering about getting a mini-PC in the near future, it can come in handy. (I've used more of Google's own versions of things for the teaching course, but some I find difficult to get used to... Oh, do you have any thoughts on extra-wide screens? My cousin suggested those as a monitor, and it seems like a possible option to using several screens (I don't have a lot of space).

  3. A1 prisoners
    A2 tyres (for some reason the Yanks call them Tires)
    A3 Chelsea
    A4 Panama
    A5 secret police

    Floppy Discs I may have the odd one some where in the house. I think I have used just about every type of external storage device ever used by computers.

  4. 1 Brewers
    2 Tyres
    3 Chelsea
    4 Grenada
    5 Secret Police

  5. Well, now you know how I felt about The Prisoner! What a travesty. Ack!

    And about that movie version of The Avengers (as in the 60s TV show) ... you're right. The less said, the better!

    1. prisoners
    2. tyres (or tires) (just sayin' :) )
    3. Chelsea (Woke up, it was a Chelsea morning ...) (just sayin') (I'll stop!)
    4. Panama
    5. secret police

    Oh, and as to your puns ... *groan* LOL!

    And, hi everyone! I'm that weird American writer who likes Marmite! :)

    Not to mention my weird fascination with British cinema. Hammer Studios. Pinewood? I think I've seen that one mentioned in credits. Or maybe it was Shepperton. And the great Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock hailed from your country!

    Well, anyhoo ... glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. I hope.

  6. 1 prisoners
    3. Chelsea
    4. Panama
    5. Secret Police

    Frosty The Snowman
    I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus,


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