
Monday 21 December 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21-12-2020: The Daleks

21st December, 2020.

Right … 

Did I mention I had a flu jab, on Saturday*?

It’s why I didn’t do my usual post about the most recent episode of Star Trek Discovery I’ve seen, last night.

I was feeling mildly awful, to be honest!

I’ll be remedying the lack, tonight!


Oh … I’m stuck indoors again: the gas safety check’s today.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Trevor‡, Mum^, Debbiª and Edithº putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor, Debbi and Edith scoring five out five, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        21st December saw the airing of the first Dr Who episode to feature the Daleks: albeit in a limited way.   In which year?

Q2)        The seven part serial is usually called The Daleks.   What was that first episode called: The Dead Planet, The Survivors or The Escape?

Q3)        What’s the Dalek’s home world: Telos, Mondas or Skaro?

Q4)        According to a 1975 Dr Who story called Genesis of The Daleks, the Daleks are a mutated version of which (fictional) species?

Q5)        Which writer wrote this first Dalek story?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        20th December is the feast day of Saint Dominic of Silos.   He’s a patron saint of whom: prisoners, brewers or bakers?
A1)        Prisoners.

Q2)        Harvey S. Firestone was born on 20th December, 1868.   The company he founded, and that shares his name, makes what: contraceptives, tyres or vacuum cleaners?
A2)        Tyres.   (I’ve used the British spelling, there: the US one is tire.)

Q3)        20th December, 1980, saw the birth of footballer, Ashley Cole.   He’s currently a coach for which Premiership side: Manchester City, Chelsea or Liverpool?
A3)        Chelsea.

Q4)        20th December, 1989, saw US forces invade where: Grenada, Panama or Haiti?
A4)        Panama.

Q5)        Finally? The Cheka were founded on 20th December, 1917.   The Cheka were the Soviet Union’s (then) what: tax collectors, traffic wardens or secret police?
A5)        Secret Police.
Here’s a thought …
“Stay in the light!”
A Dalek, in episode two of The Daleks.
Here’s another …
Practically any three Daleks you care to name.
There’s a playlist …

I have to admit, I like the Timelords tune!

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        They did warn me I might fell tired, heachachy and generally bleugh … 

†        I know what you mean about fruit and veg, Olga: I’ve got some sweet potatoes — some of the white ones rather than the orange ones — that have lasted.   I tend to use them in mash along side some garlic, if I have it.   (I tend to not use much garlic, though.)
If it’s any help?   Trevor and I mentioned LibreOffice, yesterday: the Windows version of LibreOffice is about a gigabyte in size: compared to MS Office’s four gigabytes.   
I would, frankly, kill — metaphorically!! — for one of those extra-wide screens!   More because I want one, rather than need one: they’d be a lot bigger than the space I’ve got.
It could still be useful, though.   I’d say go for it.   But check it would work with the graphics card in the mini-pc you’re looking at.   And you would need to make sure you have the right ports.   And you’d need to check on the price, as well.   I’ve just looked on Amazon: the (UK) prices range from £149 up to £999: €160 to €1085!   (My iMac’s screen is a 21”, 16:9, one, if that’s any comparison.)

‡        I’ve got a floppy drive reader, if needed, Trevor!   And an ageing JAZ disc, as well: I think that’s got an early version of the quiz question set!   It went with one of the old G4 PowerMacs I had.

^        Hello, Mum!   Quick, say ‘Hello,’ to Debbi!

ª        Well … as best as I could be, Debbi!   I think the ’Flu jab’s having an effect!   Actually, that’s a thought, I think Pinewood’s getting extended … 

º        We’re getting Christmassy, Edith!   Oh, the Go Go’s tune gets officially used, today, along with a couple of others!   I don’t know if they were ever up your street: but the Timelords were better known as dance band, the KLF.   They had something of a Wall of Sound feel to them.   (Apparently?   Their studio’s out in the country side: Mu Mu Land was the nickname they gave to the cow field, next door!)


  1. Oh … In the video version of today’s Video — there’s a version on Vimeo as well as YouTube — things get a bit … excitable … 


  2. JUST had another thought, Olga! You may want to get a reliable web cam and mic: Debbi’s the woman to talk to, there, her’s is impressive!

  3. Q1) 1963
    Q2) The Dead Planet
    Q3) Skaro
    Q4) Kaleds (I think. The plot description is not very clear).
    Q5) Terry Nation
    Thanks, Paul. At the moment I'm gathering information, but it's a good recommendation. I'll see what prices look like after the holidays, and I'll keep my eyes open for anything that might work. Thanks for the reminder about the ports as well, and yes, we shall see (I might find a laptop I like the look of and for the right price as well, but I'm keeping my options open). I hope you feel better soon (my mother also felt quite tired after the flu vaccine).
    By the way, are you affected by the new lockdown measure? Here it's pretty much a moveable feast, like everywhere else.

  4. A1 1963
    A2 The Dead Planet
    A3 Skaro
    A4 Kaleds.
    A5 Terry Nation

  5. 1.1963
    2 The dead planet
    4. Sontarans
    5. David Whiticker.

    I remeber that song about Mumu Land. I wondered what that meant!

  6. The mic is impressive. And I'm still learning about it.

    I wish these things came with written instructions. :)

    1. 1963
    2. The Dead Planet
    3. Skaro
    4. Kaleds
    5. the great Terry Nation

  7. managed to put her answers, here.

    1 1963
    2 The Survivors
    3 Skaro
    4 ?
    5 David Whitaker


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