
Thursday 24 December 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-12-2020: Christmas Eve

24th December, 2020.

Right … 

It’s that day of the year where I wish you a Happy Christmas Eve.

I hope it goes well for you.

But just as an observation?

If you haven’t bought the presents by now?

It’s a bit late!


Just as a quite thought?

You remember the Warner Brothers is due to release a number of its big release films, next year: including a version of Dune I’d like to see.

Due to release them both theatrically, and via US-only streaming

According to this piece from Indie Wire, it seems Legendary, one of the films financiers, are negotiating with Warner Brothers: to try and guarantee a cinema only release.

I gather they believe that — by the film’s expected release date of October 2021 — enough social distancing measures will have been removed to allow serious moment to be earned.

Hmmm … 

I … 

I think that’s possibly a good thing.

After all, this version is only the first half of the story: it needs to do well, in order to guarantee the second half being made.

I can’t help but think a joint international release — as opposed to a joint release, just in the US — could be a far better option.


Just as a quick point?

Thank you to both Debbi and Olga for the video mentions.

And thank Edith: as she gives us a timely reminder … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi on five out of five, Mum on four, and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        24th December is Christmas Eve.   Many Western Churches will be celebrating a Midnight … what?

Q2)        The Simbang Gabi festival is the nine day celebration that leads up to Christmas Eve.   Where: the Philippines, Hawaii or Malaysia?

Q3)        Aðfangadagur is the name for Christmas Eve, where: Greenland, Iceland or Norway?

Q4)        The BBC will be broadcasting the traditionally Nine Lessons and Carols Service, on Christmas Eve.   The Service is an annual tradition at which Cambridge college?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Quviasukvik starts on Christmas Eve.  Who celebrates Quviasukvik: the Inuit, Cherokee or Lakota?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        23rd December is the feast day of Saint Thorlak Thorhallsson.   He’s the patron saint of where: Denmark, Iceland or Sweden?
A1)        Iceland.

Q2)        23rd December is Tom Bawcock’s Eve, in the fishing port of Mousehole.  Mousehole is in which English county?
A2)        Cornwall.   It’s pronounced mauz-all, so you know.   Traditionally? Stargazy Pie’s eaten on the day. I have to confess I don’t like the look of it, it’s got fish heads sticking out of it!

Q3)        23rd December is Tibb’s Eve: in which Canadian province?
A3)        Newfoundland and Labrador.

Q4)        Singer, Eddie Vedder was born on 23rd December, 1964.   He was lead singer for which US rock band: Nirvana, Pearl Jam or L7?
A4)        Pearl Jam.

Q5)        Finally … ?   President Woodrow Wilson signed the act that created the US Federal Reserve: on 23rd December, 1913.   The Fed is the US what: central bank, internal revenue service or customs service?
A5)        Central Bank.
Here’s a quotation …
“Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;”
From ’A Visit from Saint Nicholas, Dr Clement C. Moore.
And a gorgeous version of Silent Night

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Didn’t Beryl Reid get her start on that, Trevor?   I always thought she was fantastic in Earthshock!

†        Cheers, Olga!   Every little helps!   Oh, did you catch Debbi’s recent Crime Cafe Podcast?   With a writer called Avanti Centrae?   Carlos Ruiz Zafón gets a mention.

‡        Hello Mum!

^        You’re not wrong, there, Debbi!   Oh, about the New Years’s Day episode of Dr Who?   Apparently it’s getting shown in 4k, as well as high definition!

ª        Oh, cheers for that one, Edith!   It’s always a timely reminder!


  1. Just so everyone knows?

    There is, as ever, a Christmas Day Teaser: with ten questions.

    Whether you join us or not?

    Have a VERY merry Xmas!

  2. Q1) Mass
    Q2) The Philippines
    Q3) Iceland
    Q4) King’s College
    Q5) The Inuit
    Oh, I'll have to check her podcast out. I've been a bit busy with the radio and other bits. We have a cousin coming tomorrow, but I'll try and catch up on the quiz before.
    Oh, this is the link to my post on the blog that includes the mention...

  3. A1 Mass
    A2 the Philippines
    A3 Iceland
    A4 King’s College
    A5 the Inuit

    Yes it was a Radio show that helped a number of stars such as Tony Hancock and Julie Andrews.

    Merry Christmas to all who do this quiz.

  4. 1 Mass
    2 Hawail
    3 Iceland
    4 Kings College
    5 Inuit

  5. Thanks for the mention, Paul! :) Merry Christmas! Happy Hogswatch! :)

    1. mass
    2. the Philippines
    3. Iceland
    4. King's College
    5. the Inuit

  6. 1.Mass
    2. Malaysia
    4. Anglican
    5. Inuit

    Merry Christmas Everyone!


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