
Friday 25 December 2020

Nik Nak’s Christmas Teaser — 25-12-2020: Christmas Day

Christmas Day: 25th December, 2020.

Yes: it’s officially Christmas Day.

And, to be honest?

I’m grateful I’m in a social bubble with my immediate family, and have somewhere to spend part of the day.

Some of the neighbours?

I couldn’t tell you what’s happening!

I can only hope they — and anyone who’s who on their own, this year — do well.

Happy Christmas, to them … and you.


Oh, JUST as a thought … ?

I’m guessing there’s a few Dr Who fans reading this.

And who are probably going to be glued to the New Year’s Day episode, Revolution of The Daleks.

Well, it seems that — here in the UK — it’s going to be screened in 4k, on the iPlayer: as well as the usual range of other formats.

Which should make New Year’s Day interesting.


As a final point … ?   As BBC America’s got a kind of mention, there?

I’ve unsubscribed from BBC America’s Instagram, YouTube and Twitter feeds.

Because of the utter bloody TRAVESTY that is The Watch: their utterly wrong take of the works of Terry Pratchett.

Frankly, I think the producer should have been aborted at birth.

Or possibly shot.

Either way, I don’t want any of the publicity bumf for the damn thing on my timeline.

It’s got nothing to do with the Terry Pratchett novel I know and love.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi on five out of five, Mum on four, and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        25th December is Christmas Day: the birth, in Christianity, of Jesus Christ.   In which Palestinian town?

Q2)        Jesus’ birth is usually known as which N?

Q3)        His birth’s described in two of the Four Gospels of the Bible.   Name one of the two.

Q4)        Jesus was said to have been placed in a what?

Q5)        Jesus was said to be the Messiah.   Who, according to Monty Python’s Flying Circus wasn’t a Messiah, but a “very naughty boy”?

Q6)        Moving on? In the UK, Christmas dinner usually features roast what: turkey, pork or beef?

Q7)        Christmas Day in the Morning was a 1952 album by whom: Bing Crosby, Burl Ives or Frank Sinatra?

Q8)        Christmas pudding is traditionally set on fire: after being covered in what?

Q9)        The Chimes, A Christmas Carol and The Cricket on the Hearth are Christmas stories by whom?

Q10)        Finally?   Santa Baby was a 2017 Christmas hit for which Australian act: Kylie Minogue, INXS or Vanessa Amorosi?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        24th December is Christmas Eve.   Many Western Churches will be celebrating a Midnight … what?
A1)        Midnight Mass.   (It’s one of the few times churches outside the Roman Catholic Church celebrate a service called a Mass.)

Q2)        The Simbang Gabi festival is the nine day celebration that leads up to Christmas Eve.   Where: the Philippines, Hawaii or Malaysia?
A2)        The Philippines.

Q3)        Aðfangadagur is the name for Christmas Eve, where: Greenland, Iceland or Norway?
A3)        Iceland
(Kertasníkir, one of thirteen Icelandic Yule Lads, supposedly turns up: and steals your candles.   There’s another that steals yoghurt. It’s not as odd as Guy Fawkes Night celebrations.)

Q4)        The BBC will be broadcasting the traditionally Nine Lessons and Carols Service, on Christmas Eve.   The Service is an annual tradition at which Cambridge college?
A4)        Kings College.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Quviasukvik starts on Christmas Eve.   Who celebrates Quviasukvik: the Inuit, Cherokee or Lakota?
A5)        The Inuit.
Here’s a thought …
“Merry Christmas!”
And a playlist …

I make no apologies if you’re offended by Fairytale of New York.   Rock ’n’ roll’s supposed to be offensive!

I apologise if ten question are too many: I know today is a busy one for many of us.   I felt it was the appropriate number for the day.

Those questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Whatever else you do … ?

Have a very Merry Christmas.

*        Cheers for that, Olga!   I’ve hit the Share button, already!   Have a very good day, whatever you’re doing!   Feliz Navidad!   That podcast is an an interesting listen!   (Oh … I mentioned Hancock’s Half Hour to Trevor: Would The Radio Ham and The Blood Donor grab Little Anna?)

†        Which reminds me, Trevor, I think I’ve got some of Hancock’s Half Hour lurking around.   The Blood Donor is still something!   Happy Christmas!   (Yellowjackº… !)

‡        Hello, Mum!   (See you later!)

^        And to you, Debbi: you and Rick have a very happy Christmas.   And Hogswatch.   And Hannukah!   And New Year.   And Vesak.   And Eid Mubarak … !   (Have I forgotten any?)

ª        You too, Edith: have a very Merry Christmas!

º        Yes, I know that’s from The Radio Ham, but … !


  1. A1 Bethlehem
    A2 Nativity
    A3 Luke and Matthew
    A4 Manger
    A5 Brian
    A6 Turkey but I am having Duck this year.
    A7 Burl Ives
    A8 Brandy
    A9 Charles John Huffam Dickens
    A10 Kylie Minogue

    Again Merry Christmas. Oh by the way I am wearing my new Tee Shirt showing that I am a University of Gallifrey Time Lord Academy member.

  2. I think you covered most of them! :)

    1. Nazareth
    2. Nativity
    3. Luke
    4. manger
    5. Brian
    6. turkey
    7. Burl Ives
    8. brandy
    9. Charles Dickens (Think he wrote about Christmas because his childhood was so tough?)
    10. Kylie Minogue

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

  3. 1 Bethleham
    2 Nativity
    3 Matthew
    4 Manger
    5 Brian
    6 Turkey
    7 Burl Ives
    8 Brandy
    9 Charles Dickens
    10 Eartha Kitt

  4. Q1) Bethlehem
    Q2) Nativity
    Q3) Luke
    Q4) A manger
    Q5) Brian
    Q6) Turkey
    Q7) Burl Ives
    Q8) Brandy
    Q9) Charles Dickens
    Q10) I’m a bit confused about this one. The version by Kylie Minogue I could find is from 2014 (although I assume that’s the answer, because I haven’t found versions of the song by the others). Gwen Stefani seems to be the one with a popular version in 2017. The original by Eartha Kitt is quite something…

    Thanks, Paul. I haven't told you yet that I'm supposed to have a retired gentleman start lessons in January. He told me he's an absolute beginner, but let's hope he sticks to it, as he's more interested in learning practical things than any exams or things like that, and I suspect he might be more interested in stuff (if he gets to a reasonable level).

  5. 1.Bethleham
    7.Frank Sinatra.
    8. Brandy
    9. Charles Dickens
    10. Kylie Minogue I like this song


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