
Saturday 26 December 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26-12-2020: Boxed In.

26th December, 2020.

It’s officially official: Christmas Day has — with its traditional grumpiness — now passed!

And … ?

I think I can say my family’s enjoyed the presents its been given.

I’m equally grateful for mine.

There’s socks involved: as well as masks and a lego Baby Yoda.

And some vouchers for Amazon: which are always appreciated.

At ANY rate … ?

It went well.

How was yours?


In amongst the news?

I couldn’t help but notice Nashville.

It seems that — early on Christmas Day — a camper-van exploded in Nashville.

Why … ?

No-ones knows.

Although, apparently, humans remains have been found in what’s left of the vehicle.

To me?   That sounds like an act of domestic terrorism.

I’ve a nasty suspicion it’s some sort of White supremacists, acting in the wake of a contentious election.


I think we’re not going to find out if it’s right-wing militia, or Jihadi terrorists, until an investigation’s done.

Whatever happens, there?

I can only hope this is an isolated incident: and not the start of something worse.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, DebbiMum‡, Olga^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Mum and Olga on ten out of ten, Debbi on nine, and Edith on eight.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        26th December is Boxing Day.   A box usually has how many sides: four, six or eight?

Q2)        In the UK, a pillar box holds what?

Q3)        ‘Box’ is the singular version of the word.   What’s the plural?

Q4)        A humidor is a box for storing cigars.   A humidor can also be used to store what: baseballs, cheese or hats?

Q5)        Finally … ?   An airplane’s flight recorder records everything that goes on on an airplane: and is usually orange or bright red. It’s usually known as the what box?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        25th December is Christmas Day: the birth, in Christianity, of Jesus Christ.   In which Palestinian town?
A1)        Bethlehem.

Q2)        Jesus’ birth is usually known as which N?
A2)        The Nativity.

Q3)        His birth’s described in two of the Four Gospels of the Bible.   Name one of the two.
A3)        The Gospel of Luke or the Gospel of Matthew.

Q4)        Jesus was said to have been placed in a what?
A4)        Manger.

Q5)        Jesus was said to be the Messiah.   Who, according to Monty Python’s Flying Circus wasn’t a Messiah, but a “very naughty boy”?
A5)        Brian Cohen, the main character of Monty Python’s Life of Brian.   (I’ll accept Brian, so everyone knows.)

Q6)        Moving on?   In the UK, Christmas dinner usually features roast what: turkey, pork or beef?
A6)        Turkey.

Q7)        Christmas Day in the Morning was a 1952 album by whom: Bing Crosby, Burl Ives or Frank Sinatra?
A7)        Burl Ives.   (I can remember listening to Ives’ Ugly Bug Ball, when I was a child. )

Q8)        Christmas pudding is traditionally set on fire: after being covered in what?
A8)        Brandy.

Q9)        The Chimes, A Christmas Carol and The Cricket on the Hearth are Christmas stories by whom?
A9)        Charles Dickens.

Q10)        Finally?   Santa Baby was a 2017 Christmas hit for which Australian act: Kylie Minogue, INXS or Vanessa Amorosi?
A10)        It’s her: Kylie Minogue.
Here’s a thought …
“Life is like a box of sardines and we are all looking for the key.”
Alan Bennett.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yep, I saw that, Trevor!   I think I’ve got one myself!   Duck, you say?   I think my aunty Bella used to like duck, at Christmas.   Or possibly goose … I’ll have to ask Mum … !

†        I couldn’t tell you, Debbi, I really couldn’t.   I do know we expect snow at Christmas because that’s how Dickens wrote it: apparently, the UK was going through a mini ice-age, when he was a child.
Oh, talking of tough, I used Eartha Kitt’s version of Santa Baby in yesterday’s playlist.   I don’t think she had a tough childhood, she had one that was bloody frightening!

‡        Hello, Mum!   Oh, Edith’s posted an Ella Fitzgerald song!

^        Yes, I knew about Eartha’s version, Olga: it was in yesterday’s playlist.   She had a frightening childhood.   I can still remember seeing her in a Wogan interview, crying, after confessing she’d been abused as a child … 
As for Kylie’s version?   If I’ve got it right, it was originally released in 2014: but was a bigger hit, on it’s 2017 re-release.
And good luck with the new pupil!   Why have I got this sudden mental image of a very regal, retired Army major?   What my head’s doing, I don’t know!

ª        Oooh!   Cheers for the tune, Edith: Mum’s a bit of an Ella Fitzgerald fan!   The woman had quite a voice!


  1. A1 six
    A2 Mail or post
    A3 Boxes
    A4 cheese ( and Cannabis too according to Wikipedia)
    A5 Black Box

    In the 1950’s my Maternal grand parents used to Have a brace of Pheasants for Christmas.
    My fathers brother my Uncle George used to go round the local farms in his 3 wheeler van to buy about 10 birds for all his brothers and sisters and their families to buy at a discount. So some years we had goose for Christmas and some years we had Turkey.

    Great fun was had by us children plucking the bird a couple of days before Christmas.

  2. Q1) Six
    Q2) The post. It’s a mailbox.
    Q3) Boxes
    Q4) Baseballs (I never knew this, although it makes some sort of sense)
    Q5) The Black box
    You're probably right about Kylie's version, but I couldn't find anything when I checked that song, her name, and that year.
    Great interview. Poor woman, indeed. I liked Terry Wogan and listened to his radio programme on Radio 2. It made my drive to work much better. I also got a Grogu, although not the Lego one. My mother got bored with me stopping at every shop window I saw one...

  3. 1 6
    2 lETTERS
    3 Boxes
    4 Hats
    5 Black Box

  4. Well, happy Boxing Day! :)

    1. six
    2. mail
    3. boxes
    4. baseballs
    5. black

  5. 1. 4
    2. Post, mail
    3 Boxes
    4. Cheese
    5. Black Box

    I received a custom made TARDIS beanie. It is absolutely beautiful. Blue on a blue and purple background. My brother Daniel is so good to me when it comes to presents.


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