
Friday 4 December 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4th December, 2020.

4th December, 2020.

Right … 

I’ve officially had to re-arrange my dentist appointment.

I had a dentist appointment arranged for yesterday: but suspected it had been cancelled.

As it turned out?   It had been.

The surgery hadn’t managed to get in touch with me to say so.

But, given the COVID 19 situation, and the continuing issues with the phone mast … ?

I can’t say I blame them.

I have managed to re-book the check up for late January, 2021.

Hopefully, that’ll go ahead.


Actually, talking of COVID 19?   Which we went, entirely, but it’s going to crop up!

Warners Brothers recently announced they would be releasing Wonder Woman 1984 to cinemas — and to the HBO streaming service — on Christmas Day, this year: as a result of the COVID 19 situation.

I’m looking forward to it, frankly.   The first one was very impressive.

At any rate?

They’ve also announced they’re going to be doing something similar with a lot of their other releases: including Dune.

OK, granted: that’s going to lead to a lot of web ripped pirate copies.

But hopefully?

It’ll mean you and me get to see a movie, legitimately.

And a movie company — and those that depend on it for work — get to keep working.


Let’s move on, shall we? Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        4th December is National Cookie Day. Where: the USA, UK or the People’s Republic of China?

Q2)        4th December is the feast day of Saint Ada, the patron saint of whom: nuns, monks, deacons or vergers?

Q3)        The Unity module was launched: on 4th December, 1998.   It was the second for which station?

Q4)        4th December, 1875, saw the birth of Agnes Forbes who: Baldrick, Percy or Blackadder?

Q5)        Finally … ?   4th December, 1964, saw the birth of actress, Marisa Tomei.   In which film does she play Mona Lisa?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        December 3rd saw the birth of actress, Julianne Moore.   In which year?
A1)        1960.

Q2)        What was her birth name: Julie Anne Smith, Julie Murdoch or Julia de Vere Farquharson-Smythe?
A2)        Julie Anne Smith.   (The de Vere Farquharson-Smythes are from Surrey … he says … )

Q3)        She plays a porn actress in which 1997, Mark Wahlberg, film … ?
A3)        Boogie Nights.

Q4)        She plays Special Agent Clarice Starling: in which film?
 A4)        Hannibal.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Julianne Moore won the 2015 Best Actress Oscar for which film?
A5)        Still Alice.
Here’s a thought …
“The really funny moments you notice throughout your life are very seldom generated by one person telling a joke.”
Ronnie Corbett, 4 December 1930 – 31 March 2016.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Cheers for that, Olga!   I think I’ve seen something like it, before: the results are always … odd.   I’ve got a Frank Sinatra Teaser coming up: so had an old photo of him I put through it.
The results are definitely odd!   I think the algorithm uses a lot of pinks and blues to do it’s job … with the net result that Frank’s teeth aren’t as Colgate white as they could be.   It’s done a better job with Nat King Cole.   However … ?   Frank’s right ear is still in black and white, and Nat’s hand’s are different colours.   You can see why people get paid to do that, manually!

†        You can see why Douglas Adams’ Babel fish caught on, Trevor!   (The movie version of that scene had a cow in it.   I always felt David Dixon did a good job as Ford: but Mos Def, in the film version?   Nailed it!)

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        You know, you could always scoot around the office in a wheeled office chair, Debbi?   If you DO need to run?   It’s possibly the best way we can impersonate a Dalek, on a budget!

ª        Morning, Edith!   Oh, talking of Ian Marter … ?   Did you know he wrote some of the old Target Dr Who novels?   His version of Enemy of the World was the only way to ‘see’ the story, for many years.


  1. A1 USA
    A2 Nuns
    A3 International Space Station (ISS)
    A4 Blackadder
    A5 My Cousin Vinny

    Well that was all for Debbi as she want to reintroduce the word in the states.

  2. Q1) USA
    Q2) Nuns
    Q3) The International Space Station
    Q4) Blackadder.
    Q5) My Cousin Vinny
    Yes, the results are very mixed, although I wonder if the version they advertise, where one can retouch the original, might work out better. Funny you should mention Frank Sinatra because I was watching a documentary about him yesterday. I hope the dentist appointment goes ahead. I finally got the CELTA Certificate! They only took 9 months to send it... Well, at least I have it now.

  3. 1 USA
    2 NuNS
    3 ?
    4 Blackadder
    5 ?

  4. What an interesting thought. Along with my idea of starting a blog or a book or a podcast about being an American Doctor Who fan! :) I have way too many ideas.

    You'll like this, I think. I just interviewed another mystery author who writes fantasy and fantasy/mystery.

    Got in a mention of Good Omens and Terry Pratchett. And Neil Gaiman! :)

    1. the USA
    2. nuns
    3. the International Space Station
    4. Blackadder
    5. My Cousin Vinnie

  5. 1. the UK
    3.BBC 1
    4 Percy
    5. My Cousin Vinny

    Yes, Paul. I think he was a fine writer.


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