
Tuesday 29 December 2020

Wonder Woman ’84: A Review.

28th December, 2020.

Right … 

It’s late — is — on a Monday night: and I’ve just seen a rather enjoyable movie.

One I’m going to tell you more about, in the morning.


Yes: I have seen Wonder Woman ’84.

And yes: it’s enjoyable!

29th December, 2020.

Right … It’s another day, another dollar, and another dinner.

Yes: it’s another bowl of goulash: with rice.

Whenever I make, I tend to make a great big pot full.

Just not THIS big!

At any rate?

I wanted to let you know I caught at film, last night.

Yes … 

I caught Wonder Woman 1984.


Wonder Woman 1984 — stylised as WW84 or WonderWoman84 — opens by showing us a young Wonder Woman (Princess Diana, played by Lillu Aspell in these opening scenes) in a tough competition on her island home of Thermyscira.

Only to be removed from the contest by her Aunt Antiope (Robin Wright), after she’s caught cheating.

With Antiope tell her niece “No true hero is born from lies!”

Many years later, in the 1984 of the film’s title?

We find Diana (Gal Gadot) is a senior anthropologist at Washington’s Smithsonian Institute: dealing with robbers, muggers and art thieves, between shifts.

Robbers, muggers, art thieves … and closed circuit security TV systems.

Diana is a super hero who values her privacy.

After her anonymous heroics at the mall*?

Diana heads back to work: meeting new employee, Barbera Minerva (Kristann Wigg), along the way, and new donor, Max Lord (Pedro Pascal), on the way.

And finding that Barbara’s been handed an problem: a mysterious Roman artefact known only as the Dreamstone … 

It’s only when she mets her long dead lost love, Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), at a party?

She starts to realise something.

Being careless about what you wish for, comes in handy …


Now … 

In case you’ve not seen one of my movie reviews, before now?

I have this tendency that annoys people: movies I think very well of get four stars.

Like this: ★★★★

To none what so ever.

Like this: ☆☆☆☆

It makes sense to me.

The original Wonder Woman?   Got ★★★.

So you know.

So that’s got you wondering, hasn’t it?

You’re saying to yourself, “Paul, what did you think of Wonder Woman 1984?

What did you think?

How has Wonder Woman 1984, scored?”

I’ve got to admit it, Wonder Woman 1984 is great!

Granted: Wonder Woman 1984 is some one hundred and fifty-one minutes: which almost put me off watching it.

Granted?   Steve Trevor’s appearance seemed a little forced.


The action scenes are well shot and staged, the relationships between Diana and Steve, between Barbara and Diana, play well.

And Pedro Pascal† gives a performance ranging from charming, to berserk … and very watchable at either end of the scale.

I have to say: I only know him from The Mandalorian.

Seeing him in this tells me the man’s not just a one trick pony.

As far as I’m concerned, Wonder Woman 1984 is another good entry in the franchise, and certainly on a par with the 2017 original.

If the talk is true — that a Wonder Woman 3 is in the works? — I’m looking forward to that!

If the first two are anything thing to go by, it should be good.

Wonder Woman 1984.

*        I don’t know for sure … but am I the only person thinking director Patty Jenkins filmed the Mall robbery scenes in the set used for Stranger Things, series three?   According to Wikipedia, they’re two different location: Stranger Things’s mall is in Georgia, Wonder Woman 1984, Virginia.   Either way?   The phrase, ‘off spec,’ springs to mind‡!

†        I have to say, Pascal — vocally, at least — reminded me of Bill Pullman.

‡        I’ve always understood that the phrase means ‘made to a standard design.’   I’m blowed if I can find a reference for that!

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