
Wednesday 30 December 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-12-2020: Mr Kipling

30th December, 2020.

I think I can say I’m … if not worried … then certainly mildly concerned.

My home town of Brentwood is in Essex: which is now in Tier 4, the highest of Covid 19 restrictions.

For starters?

NHS providers in Essex, and the County Council, have declared that the county in having a Major Incident.

Quite what the implications of that are, I don’t know.

But I can’t imagine them being good.


Brexit … … 

I can’t help but think Brexit is a … bad thing: and not goo for the UK.

I honestly believe it’s bad for the UK.

The agreement that’s due to be voted on, today, that governs the UK’s relationship with the EU?   Specifically mentions ‘modern e-mail software packages,’: including Mozilla Mail and Netscape Communicator 4.x.

As far as I can see, there’s never been a Mozilla Mail: it’s always been called Thunderbird.

And the last stable release was in 2002.

It’s been retired for many years.

If the UK’s negotiators got that wrong … ?

What else have they messed up?


Just as a final thought?

I’ve managed to catch Wonder Woman 1984.

Point A)?

It’s rather good.

Point B)?

Wonder Woman 3 has been green lit!

I’m looking forward to that!

Especially if Wonder Woman crops up.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Debbi‡ and Edith^ and putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on three and Edith on one.

I’ve given every one a point for yesterday’s first question: as I’ve realised I said Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845): when I meant Andrew Johnson (December 29, 1808 – July 31, 1875)!

Here’s me ticking off the Brexit negotiators!

At any rate?   Let’s see how everyone does with today’s seriously double checked questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Rudyard Kipling was born on 30th December. On which year of the 1860s?

Q2)        What was his first name?

Q3)        Where was he born: Mumbai, Delhi or Bangalore?

Q4)        Kipling’s The Jungle Book, and The Second Jungle Book, included many stories about a little boy called what?

Q5)        Finally? Which Kipling novel sees its hero playing ‘the Great Game’?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        29th December, 1808, saw the birth of US President, Andrew Jackson. Who did he replace as US president?
A1)        Abraham Lincoln.

Q2)        29th December is the (Roman Catholic) feats day of David: the third King of Israel. Who succeeded him as King: Saul, Solomon or Ish-bosheth?
A2)        Solomon.

Q3)        Eight hundred and fifty years ago, Archbishop Thomas Becket was killed at prayer, in Canterbury Cathedral: on 29th December, 1170. On the apparent orders of which English King?
A3)        Henry 2nd.

Q4)        29th December, 1986, saw the death of Lord Stockton. He was better known as which British Prime Minister: Harold Wilson, Ted Heath or Harold Macmillan?
A4)        Harold Macmillan.

Q5)        Finally … ? Bob Monkhouse died on 29th December, 2003. His last work was as the main character in which series: Aaargh! It’s the Mr Hell Show, Mongrels or The Magic Roundabout?
A5)        Aaargh! It’s the Mr Hell Show. (It’s hysterical: but not for the faint-hearted.)
Here’s a quote … 
“I keep six honest serving-men:
(They taught me all I knew)
Their names are What and Where and When
And How and Why and Who.”
From The Elephant’s Child, by Rudyard Kipling.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’ve really got to check some of Viola’s work out, as well, Olgaº!   There’s a few few I’m missing!

†        Hello, Mumº!

‡        It’s amazing what you find out, Debbiº!   And, as a pointless bit of trivia?   Mr Hell started out as a line of greetings card!   (It’s a screaming shame about Bob Monkhouse’s death: he was perfect in the role!)

^        Wow!   That’s one heck of a video, Edithº.   Did you know Natalie Cole did something similar, with her father?   And talking of story songs?   Did you ever hear Needletooth, by Was (Not Was)?   It’s a strange one!

º        My apologies about the scores, yesterday, folks!   This is what happens when you mix up presidents!


  1. Q1) 1865
    Q2) Joseph
    Q3) Mumbai
    Q4) Mowgli
    Q5) Kim
    Perhaps presidents should do like authors are advised when giving titles to their books, and try to avoid confusing people by not using similar names to previously published presidents. ;)

  2. 1 1865
    2 Joseph
    3 Mumbai
    4 Mogli

    5 The Man Who Would Be King

  3. Yeah, those Andrews. They'll get you, if you're not careful. Easy to mix up. :)

    1. 1865
    2. Joseph
    3. Mumbai
    4. Mowgli
    5. Kim

    We've been watching the UK version of The Office. They had an episode where they did a quiz contest, with a quizmaster! Thought of you! :)

    Of course, now I have to pronounce it Quiz-MAH-ster. Like the MAH-ster in Doctor Who. :)

  4. 1.1865
    4. Mowgli
    5. Kim

    No, I hadn't heard of the Was Not Was song. Thnk you for sharing both videos


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