
Monday 11 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th January, 2021.

11th January, 2021.

Right … It’s officially the case that — according to the BBC’s weather site — we’re going to be warmer, today, than we were, yesterday.

Which is nice.

Given I’ve reported our block’s communal TV aerial’s having issues?   And that our landlord’s aerial contractors have phone my mobile to get in touch with me?   

I’m going to have to go out to phone them back without getting charged.

And … ?

I’m going to have to do that, and be back home, before one o’clock.

That’s when I’m scheduled for a phone meeting with my Job Centre phone meeting.

That … ?

Is possibly going to go much like my last one!

In other words … it’ll be a good chance to arrange my next meeting with the Job Centre … !

Heigh Ho!


JUST as a quick thought … ?

I caught another episode of Star Trek Discovery, on Saturday night.

I finished my review — along side the corresponding video — last night.

Feel free to leave me a comment.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        11th January, 1755, saw the birth of which musical US politician?

Q2)        Throgs Neck Bridge opened in New York City: on 11th January, 1961.   It connects the Bronx … to which borough?

Q3)        Baseball’s American League adopted the Designated Hitter rule: on 11th January, 1973.   It allowed players to bat in place of which team member: catcher, infielder or pitcher?

Q4)        11th January, 1915, saw the birth of Lieutenant Colonel Robert Blair ‘Paddy’ Mayne.   He was one of the founder members of which British Army regiment?

Q5)        Finally … ?   11th January, 1978, saw the birth of Emile Heskey. Between 2000 and 2004, he played for which Premiership side?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        10th January, 1836, saw the birth of farmer, Charles Ingalls. He features in the Little House on the Prairie novels written by one of his four daughters. Which daughter: Mary Ingalls, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Carrie Ingalls Swansey or Grace Ingalls Dow?
A1)        Laura Ingalls Wilder.   (Now … lets run down a hill.)

Q2)        10th January is Fête du Vodoun.   Where: Algeria, Benin or Chad?
A2)        Benin.

Q3)        10th January, 1903, saw the birth of Dame Barbara Hepworth.   What was she: a painter, sculptor or poet?
A3)        A sculptor.

Q4)        The UN’s General Assembly met for the first time: on 10 January, 1946.   In which European city: Rome, London or Paris?
A4)        London.

Q5)        Finally … ? Milton Parker, one time owner of the Carnegie Deli, was born on 10th January, 1919.     The Deli was in which US city?
A5)        New York.
Here’s a thought … 
“I don’t know what it feels like to smoke but I couldn’t imagine that it helps you a lot.”
Emile Heskey, 11th January, 1978.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I have to confess, Olga, I’ve always had the impression that country people tend to be more conservative that city dwellers: so Rose Wilder Lane, growing up on a farm, co founding the libertarian movement?   Doesn’t seem that surprising.   I also get the impression Libertarianism was a lot more right wing when it started!
Oh, I hope so, I really do!   Somewhere out there, there’s a bunch of really annoyed Lakota!
You could always borrow mine, Olga.   If you can play left-handedly … !   (Oh, going by the BBC weather site?   It’s ten degrees in Barcelona!)

†        Ah HA!   The Scunthorpe problem … !   I bet you’re glad you were wearing the Canucks scarf, Trevor!
Now you mention it?   The first time I heard the word ‘Canuck,’ was in Julian May’s Galactic Milieu series: the narrator, Rogation ‘Rogi’ Remillard, comes from a French Canadian family who emigrated to New England in the late 19th Century.   (It’s a fascinating read: and I’m convinced she based the story loosely on a mix of the Kennedys and the Julio-Claudians in I, Claudius.   The Remillards get to be major figures in a Galactic Federation.)

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        He’s worth keeping an eye open for, Debbi!   (I mentioned the Galactic Milieu series to Trevor.   May did another set, the Pliocene Saga of Exiles: I always saw the main villain as the spit of Patrick McGoohan!)

ª        Morning, Edith!   Oh, the book you mentioned?   It’s released on the UK Amazon site about the same time as Revolution of the Daleks!   I’ve a few decisions to make!


  1. Actually, Debbi, talking of Patrick McGoohan?

    I’m reading an Arthur Machen short story collection at the moment.

    It mentions a little tourist place in North West Wales, called Meirion.

    I’m wondering where on Earth THAT’S supposed to be!

  2. Q1) Alexander Hamilton
    Q2) Queens
    Q3) Pitcher
    Q4) The Special Air Service
    Q5) Liverpool
    Thanks, Paul. Yes, it's warmer today (and sunny!), although it's quite cold at night. It's supposed to go back to business as usual around Wednesday. That's lucky, as I go back to teaching that day, and have my first lesson with the retired man (somehow, I think it will be fun)! I hope it's milder there as well, and you don't get too delayed with the call (and the meeting).

  3. A1 Alexander Hamilton
    A2 Queens
    A3 pitcher
    A4 Special Air Service (SAS)
    A5 Liverpool

    Yes it is warmer today.

    I think Olga lived in / near another English place with the “Scunthorpe” problem ---- Penistone.

  4. 1 George Washington
    2 Queens
    3 Pitcher
    4 Royal Engineers
    5 Liverpool

  5. Well, I can't begin to imagine! :)

    1. Alexander Hamilton
    2. Queens
    3. pitcher
    4. Special Air Service, aka, the SAS
    5. Liverpool


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