
Tuesday 12 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-1-2021: Dynasty

12th January, 2021

I’ve got to admit, Britain’s undergoing a spate of weather, at the moment.

Brentwood, my home town … ?

Has rain.

I know that for a fact, because I can hear the sloshing noise of cars going past.

The only upside … ?

It’s comparatively warm.

At least … warmer than Finland!


Oh, about the US … ?

We know that President Elect Biden is due to be sworn in, next Wednesday.

Which is worrying me.

Given the situation in the US, I’m half expecting someone to take a potshot at Mr Biden.

I’m not the only one who’s worried, from what I can see.

The FBI have warned — on much better evidence than I could get hold of — about the potential of armed protests over the weekend.

Armed ones.

Outside every state capitol.

I’m assuming some of the more right wing protestors will tell us these are going to be peaceful protests.

I can’t see how: if protesters are armed.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        12th January saw the debut of soap opera, Dynasty.   On which US channel?

Q2)        In which year?

Q3)        The show was about which family?

Q4)        The family was led by oil tycoon, Blake: who played Blake?

Q5)        Finally?   Esther Shapiro, one of the show’s creators, said the developers based Dynasty on which British TV show: Coronation Street, I, Claudius or The Prisoner?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        11th January, 1755, saw the birth of which musical US politician?
A1)        Alexander Hamilton.

Q2)        Throgs Neck Bridge opened in New York City: on 11th January, 1961.   It connects the Bronx … to which borough?
A2)        Queens.

Q3)        Baseball’s American League adopted the Designated Hitter rule: on 11th January, 1973.   It allowed players to bat: in place of which team member: catcher, infielder or pitcher?
A3)        Pitcher.

Q4)        11th January, 1915, saw the birth of Lieutenant Colonel Robert Blair ‘Paddy’ Mayne.   He was one of the founder members of which British Army regiment?
A4)        The 22nd Special Air Service Regiment: better known as the SAS.   (If I’ve understood what little I know of the man? The SAS made good use of him: but some saw him as potentially homicidal.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   11th January, 1978, saw the birth of Emile Heskey.   Between 2000 and 2004, he played for which Premiership side?
A5)        Liverpool FC.
Here’s a thought … 
“We wanted to do something that would be fun, an American fantasy.”
Dynasty co-creator, Esther Shapiro, born June 6, 1928.
And a theme tune …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Well … it’s official, Olga!   We’ve got rain … !   It’s (comparatively) mild … but we have rain.   My daily stroll around the block might just suffer!
At ANY rate … ?   Here’s hoping the lessons go well!   (Oh … Trevor and i get talking about it … you might want to gloss over the Scunthorpe problem!)

†        That she did, Trevor.   I’m just betting the pair of you are glad the issues solved … ish!   (Apparently?   Anyone with the surname Cockburn gets affected.   As do people who sell Shitake mushrooms.)

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        Yes you can, Debbi!   You’re a writer!   😃   At any rate … ?   That’s book’s interesting reading … … (Or, did Trevor, Olga or I mention the Scunthorpe issue … ?)


  1. Q1) ABC
    Q2) 1981
    Q3) The Carringtons
    Q4) John Forsythe
    Q5) I, Claudius
    Thanks for the good wishes and the advice! Here it's sunny today. The weather is milder, at least during the day, although as soon as the sun goes down it is quite chilly, but it should improve as the week goes.
    I remember I loved the family home in Dynasty. Joan Collins was in her element. And those shoulder pads! It was fun.
    I get e-mails and newsletter on medical matters in the US and the UK and the situation in some UK hospitals sounds quite scary (here we're heading that way as well, especially after the Christmas break). I got the paperwork ready for my other lesson, but I wonder if we won't end up with a total lockdown...

  2. A1 ABC
    A2 1981
    A3 Carringtons
    A4 John Forsythe
    A5 I, Claudius

    I never watched Dallas or Dynasty but always watched I, Claudius.

    I know AOL wanted people to spell Scunthorpe a different way. If only they knew that in one of it’s local dialects it was pronounce “SCANthorpe. But to most of us it was “Sunny Scunny”.

  3. 1 HBO
    2 1981
    3 Carringtons
    4 John Forsthye
    5 I Claudius


  4. Which book was that? What were we talking about? :)

    1. ABC
    2. 1981
    3. the Carringtons
    4. John Forsythe
    5. Coronation Street

    Never watched Dynasty or Dallas. Not even once. :)

    Two words: shoulder pads!

  5. 1.ABC
    3. Carrington
    4. John Forsythe
    5. I, claudius

    Things are super busy here. I am sorry I missed it yesterday.


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