
Wednesday 13 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th January, 2021.

13th January, 2021.

Right … it’s got to be said … 


I work up this morning, with Cabaret Voltaire’s No Escape banging through my head.

Quite why, I don’t know.

I’m also feeling slightly rushed.

My sister, Ruth, is giving me a lift, at eleven.

To a local (ish) foodbank in Shenfield.

Heigh ho!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum and Edith on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        13th January is the feast day of Saint Mungo.   He’s the patron saint of which Scottish city?

Q2)        13th January , 1977, is the birthday of actor, Orlando Bloom.   He plays Will Turner in which well known movie franchise: The Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean or James Bond?

Q3)        The Taal Volcano erupted: on 13th January, 2020.   The volcano is where: the Aegean Islands, the Hawaiian Islands or the Philippines?

Q4)        Al-Hakam 2nd was born on 13th January, 915.   He was the second Caliph of where: Córdoba, Granada or Marbella?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Shots were heard on 13th January, 1997.   At which country’s Peruvian embassy: Japan’s, China’s or Vietnam’s?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        12th January saw the debut of soap opera, Dynasty.   On which US channel?
A1)        The American Broadcasting Company: known more simply as ABC.

Q2)        In which year?
A2)        1981.

Q3)        The show was about which family?
A3)        The Carringtons.

Q4)        The family was led by oil tycoon, Blake: who played Blake?
A4)        John Forsyth.   (The character was played by Grant Snow, in the 2017 reboot.)

Q5)        Finally?   Esther Shapiro, one of the show’s creators, said the developers based Dynasty on which British TV show: Coronation Street, I, Claudius or The Prisoner?
A5)        I, Claudius.   (Which implies Linda Evans, as Krystle Carrington, is Dynasty’s version of Livia.   I’m not convinced … )
Here’s a quote … 
“Paddington had a very persistent stare when he cared to use it. It was a very powerful stare. One which his Aunt Lucy had taught him and which he kept for special occasions.”
From A Bear Called Paddington, by Michael Bond, 13 January 1926 – 27 June 2017.
And music by William Duckworth …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That it was, Olga: although I was more of a Dallas fan!   I still think J. R. was a bigger villain than Alexis!   I also think Sîan Phillips as Livia was even nastier!   Don’t touch the figs!
We’re already in a Lockdown: although it doesn’t seem as heavy as the original.   And the Today programme’s reporting that NHS staff are starting to suffer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the big hospital in Southend is running out of oxygen … and hotels are starting to take overspill patients.

†        Hang on, Trevor, AOL did what … ?   Good god!

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        It was that one, Debbi!   Over there!   Behind the sofa!!!   
On a more serious note, Debbi, it was The Terror: in The White People and Other Weird Stories.   It’s set in Meirion … and I’ve just got to the bit about the Z rays … !   (You know, Joan Collins could’ve had someone’s eye out with those shoulder pads!)

ª        You missed a fun one, Edith!   Cheers for The Elvis video, by the way.   Any idea who the blonde lady was, near the start of the video?   She sounds very familiar!   And did you hear the Cabaret Voltaire song at the start of today’s post?   They’re very strange: but usually worth a listen …


  1. A1 Glasgow
    A2 Pirates of the Caribbean
    A3 Philippines (started 12 January 2020)
    A4 Córdoba
    A5 Japan’s

    Yes back in the very early days of the Internet AOL had more power than Google or Apple or Microsoft has today. wonder what happened to AOL?

  2. 1 Glasgow
    2 Pirates of The Carribean
    3 Phillipines
    4 Cordoba
    5 Japan

  3. Q1) Glasgow
    Q2) Pirates of the Caribbean
    Q3) The Philippines
    Q4) Córdoba
    Q5) Japan’s
    Here we're supposed to be having the Catalan elections next month (the 14th, very suitably), but they are talking about cancelling them. We shall see (the Socialist Party have put forward as a candidate to be president here the current health minister (Salvador Illa) who is Catalan and has become quite popular (?) with the pandemic, so now they are quite insistent on not cancelling, as they think he's likely to win. Who knows? They've advised people to use postal vote, but I'm not sure many people will take it up.

  4. If it's set in the Port of Meirion, that could be quite interesting! :)

    1. Glasgow
    2. Pirates of the Caribbean
    3. the Philippines
    4. Córdoba
    5. Japan's

  5. 1. Glasgow
    2. Pirates of the Carribien
    3. The Aegean islands
    4. Marbella
    5. Japan's

    Thank you for introducing me to Cabaret Voltaire's music

  6. 1 Even
    2 No
    3 E
    4 Spanish Region
    5 Silicon
    6 Nitrogen
    7 Horus
    8 Stone
    9 Elgar
    10 War World 1


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