
Thursday 14 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-1-2021: The Number 14.

14th January, 2021.

Yes: it’s Thursday.

And I’ve more food than I had, yesterday.

Quite what I’m supposed to be doing with that many spring onions, I don’t know!

At ANY rate … ?

I have to stay in, today: we’re expecting a repair man to look at the communal aerial.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Mum†, Olga‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, Mum and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Edith on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Today is the 14th January.   Is 14 odd or even?

Q2)        Is fourteen a prime number?

Q3)        What letter represents 14, in Hexadecimal: D, E or F?

Q4)        14 is a Catalan numbers.   Catalan numbers take their name from what: a mathematician, a Spanish region, or a type of cheese?

Q5)        14 is the atomic number of what: Aluminium, Silicon or Phosphorus?

Q6)        14 is the atomic weight of what: Carbon, Nitrogen or Oxygen?

Q7)        Which Egyptian god was torn into 14 pieces: Set, Horus or Osiris?

Q8)        There are — in traditional British weights — 14 pounds in a what?

Q9)        There’s fourteen Enigma Variations.   Who composed the Enigma Variations: Benjamin Britten, Edward Elgar or Gustav Holst?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Woodrow Wilson issued his Fourteen Points.   After what: World War 1 or World War 2?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        13th January is the feast day of Saint Mungo.   He’s the patron saint of which Scottish city?
A1)        Glasgow.

Q2)        13th January , 1977, is the birthday of actor, Orlando Bloom.   He plays Will Turner in which well known movie franchise: The Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean or James Bond?
A2)        Pirates of the Caribbean.

Q3)        The Taal Volcano erupted: on 13th January, 2020.   The volcano is where: the Aegean Islands, the Hawaiian Islands or the Philippines?
A3)        The Philippines.

Q4)        Al-Hakam 2nd was born on 13th January, 915.   He was the second Caliph of where: Córdoba, Granada or Marbella?
A4)        Córdoba.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Shots were heard on 13th January, 1997.   At which country’s Peruvian embassy: Japan’s, China’s or Vietnam’s?
A5)        Japan’s.
Here’s a thought … 
“What do you take me for? A fourteen karat sucker?”
Stanley Kubrick.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        As I recall, Trevor?   They got bought by Time-Warner.   I’ve just had a lot at their email site: apparently, they provide a delightful email service.   There’s possibly comments … 
Oh, so you know, Trevor?   The next two ten question sets are on the 17th and the 26th: neither are numbers sets.

†        Hello, Mum!

‡        Here’s hoping those elections go well, Olga: whenever they’re held!   Our next local elections — including ones for the Scottish parliament — are due on 6th May … after being delayed from 7th May, last year.   They’ll possibly be delayed, again!   I think, in Brentwood’s case, it’ll leave the council under the control of the same twits we’ve got now.   But seeing it delayed, again?   Well, it’s frustrating.   US democracy’s suffering from Donald Trump.   Sound’s like the UK and Catalonia’s got a case of COVID-19.

^        Funnily enough, Debbi?   Machen describes Meirion as a ‘seaside town of some repute with holiday-makers for five or six weeks in the summer.’   And in the far west of Wales.  I’m just surprised he didn’t have a giant weather balloon, floating around.   If you can access the Project Gutenburg version of the story, Debbi, it might grab you.
Oh, I mention OMD to Edith.   Did you ever hear a song of their’s called Atomic Ranch?   They’ve got a Mac: it’s where the voices come from!

ª        My pleasure, Edith.   Did you know OMD were fans of Cabaret Voltaire?   OMD’s Architecture and Morality, and Dazzle Ships, were classic albums.


  1. A1 Even
    A2 Not a Prime number
    A3 E
    A4 A Belgium mathematician
    A5 Silicon
    A6 Carbon
    A7 Osiris
    A8 Stone
    A9 Edward Elgar
    A10 At the start of the last year of World War I. So during and not after as you put in the question.

    Spring onions are good in Chinese cookery. I used them when I do a Vegetable stir-fry in my Wok.

  2. Q1) Even
    Q2) No
    Q3) E
    Q4) A mathematician
    Q5) Silicon
    Q6) Nitrogen
    Q7) Osiris
    Q8) Stone
    Q9) Edward Elgar
    Q10) WW1
    We shall see. I hope they sort the aerial. Spring onions... salad, I guess (although I know some people are not keen in the winter), omelette, quiche..., I'm not sure if you like Cottage cheese, but cottage cheese with spring onion is far more interesting than cottage cheese alone. In general, any mix with cheese and spring onion works quite well, I think...

  3. 1. Even
    2. No
    3. E
    4.Spanish Region
    5. Aluminum
    6. nitrogen
    7. Osiris
    8. Stone
    9. Holst
    10. One

    No, I did not know that.

  4. Project Gutenberg is one of my favorite online hangouts! :)

    1. even
    2. no
    3. E
    4. a Spanish region
    5. silicon
    6. nitrogen
    7. Osiris
    8. stone
    9. Edward Elgar
    10. World War I

    If I keep this up, can I earn my A-levels in maths and world history/culture? :)

  5. Mum managed to put her answers, here.

    1 Even
    2 No
    3 E
    4 Spanish Region
    5 Silicon
    6 Nitrogen
    7 Horus
    8 Stone
    9 Elgar
    10 War World 1


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