
Friday 15 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th January, 2021.

15th January, 2021.

Right … 

I’ve had a quick look outside.

And?   It’s not actually raining!

That, and the fact I’m not expecting any visitors?

Means I can go out for a walk.

The excitement’s killing me!


Which reminds me … I had someone down from my landlord’s: to look at the communal TV aerial.

Apparently?   The problem’s a bad cable at my end.

I’m going to get a new cable, as soon as I can afford to.   It needs to be a male to female RF cable.

TV aerial cable

But I’m suspicious.

If it’s just a cable in my TV?

Why on Earth are some of my neighbours having issues?


Actually?   And totally off the subject?

The picture of the aerial cable is courtesy of a well known online encyclopaedia: which sees it’s 20th anniversary, today.

I wish I’d realised that, when writing today’s Teaser: I could’ve added another one to the set I did, seven years ago.

At ANY rate … ?

It’s a handy site to have bookmarked.

If you find it as useful as I do … ?

Feel free to donate!


Just as a final thought … ?

Apparently, 150, 000 entries have been deleted from the police national computer.

By accident.


Who wants* to put money on it being human error, rather than the technical issue the government’s blaming?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor†, Olga‡, Mum^, Edithª and Debbiº putting in their answers: with Olga scoring ten out of ten, Debbi and Trevor on nine, and Mum and Edith on eight.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        15th January, 1867, saw forty people die.   When ice broke on a lake in which London Park?

Q2)        The Derveni Papyrus, Europe’s oldest manuscript, was found on 15th January, 1962.   It was found, where: Spain, Greece or France?

Q3)        Molière was baptised on 15th January, 1622.   The actor and playwright was born where: France, Germany or the UK?

Q4)        Lee Teng-hui was born on 15th January, 1923.   He became President of where: China, Taiwan or Malaysia?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Which online encyclopaedia went live: on 15th January, 2001?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Today is the 14th January.   Is 14 odd or even?
A1)        Even.   It’s a multiple of two.

Q2)        Is fourteen a prime number?
A2)        No.

Q3)        What letter represents 14, in Hexadecimal: D, E or F?
A3)        E.

Q4)        14 is a Catalan numbers.   Catalan numbers take their name from what: a mathematician, a Spanish region, or a type of cheese?
A4)        A Belgian mathematician.   I have no idea what Catalan numbers are, either, just that they’re named after a Belgian mathematician!

Q5)        14 is the atomic number of what: Aluminium, Silicon or Phosphorus?
A5)        Silicon.

Q6)        14 is the atomic weight of what: Carbon, Nitrogen or Oxygen?
A6)        Nitrogen. Although, to be accurate?   It’s nearer to 14.00643!   (Carbon’s weight is just shy of 16: Oxygen’s just over 12.)

Q7)        Which Egyptian god was torn into 14 pieces: Set, Horus or Osiris?
A7)        Osiris.

Q8)        There are — in traditional British weights — 14 pounds in a what?
A8)        Stone.

Q9)        There’s fourteen Enigma Variations.   Who composed the Enigma Variations: Benjamin Britten, Edward Elgar or Gustav Holst?
A9)        Edward Elgar.

Q10)        Finally … ?   Woodrow Wilson issued his Fourteen Points.   After what: World War 1 or World War 2?
A10)        World War 1.   (Trevor makes a very good point: Woodrow Wilson wrote these in the last year of the War.)
Here’s a thought … 
“We die only once, and for such a long time!”
Molière, 15 January 1622 (baptised) – 17 February 1673.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        A former Chief Constable’s just been interviewed on the Today programme: and said that the software’s makers need to be held to account.   How much of a twit is that retired policeman?   Any given piece of software is only as good as the person using it.   I make a mistake in writing a question, you’re going to blame me, the person who wrote it, or Wikipedia, which may have incorrect information, rather than Pages, the software I use to write it, or Safari, the browser I use.

†        I’m going to have to give that a try, Trevor: although I don’t actually own a wok!

‡        Hmmm … I have to admit, I’m not fond of eggs or cheese, Olga!   Salads and stir fry it possibly is!   Although I’ve plenty of ready made salad!   I might just risk some in another bolognese sauce.   Or chicken stew.   They’re usually a bit of a hodge podge … !   Oh … and I got some onion and chive double Gloucester … complete with a dark green wax coating … 

^        Hello, Mum!

ª        It’s amazing what you find out, Edith!   Oh, have you heard of a radio show called Desert Island Discs, here in the UK?   Guests have to pick their eight favourite records.   The chap who’s on, today, has picked a hair raising old blues record called Dark was the Night, Cold was the Ground.   Is it me, or is the slide guitar rather scary?

º        It’s rather interesting, Debbi!   And a good source of quotes … assuming you remember to hit CMD-F … !   (Might have an exams issues: they’re getting odd!)


  1. Q1) Regent’s Park
    Q2) Greece
    Q3) France
    Q4) China
    Q5) Wikipedia
    The fact that others are having problems as well sounds quite suspicious when it comes to the aerial. Here we've had issues sometimes when one of the upper flats have tried to move their connection and seem to have affected the whole of the people on that side of the building rather than only their own, but it has been sorted since (we live on the lowest floor, just above the shops (well, a bar, as I told you), so anything that anybody higher up does can have unexpected consequences for us, and there are 7 floors above us...).
    Enjoy your walk!

  2. A1 Regent’s Park
    A2 Greece
    A3 France
    A4 Taiwan
    A5 Wikipedia

    You do not need a Wok to do a stir-fry a large frying pan will do instead.
    Last night instead of using my soup maker to make home made Chicken and mushroom soup I could have used a pan on top of the stove. Main difference being I just loaded all the ingredients in the Soup Maker , set the settings and switch it on and left it until it bleeped to tell me it was finished. Doing it on top of the stove would have involved some stirring and maybe some change in the amount of gas being burned.

    Oh and the soup maker also has an automatic cleaning cycle, just put in water and switch on.

  3. 1 Regents Park
    2 Greece
    3 France
    4 Taiwan
    5 Encyclopdia Brittanica

  4. Careful, guys! Don't let your educational system go to pot. :) I won't mention any names here. :)

    1. Regent's Park
    2. Greece
    3. France
    4. China
    5. Wikipedia

  5. !.Trafalgar
    3. France
    4. Malaysia
    5. Wikipedia

    Yes, that is a scary guitar sound. There used to be a version of the show here.


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