
Saturday 16 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th January, 2021.

16th January, 2021.

Did you ever meet a writer called Storm Constantine?

Or read anything by her?

I did the latter, many years ago: The Monstrous Regiment, and her Grigori trilogy.

And really should get to grips with her Wraeththu novels: which kickstarted her career.

I met her a couple of times, as well: back in the late Nineties.

You couldn’t wish to met a warmer woman: nor one with a more bewitching smile, or wickeder sense of humour.

I actually interviewed her, and kept meaning to post the results here.

I never did: for various reasons.

And possibly now never will: in a chat on Facebook, many years later, she told me she wanted to see and approve the finished results, before I published.

Understandably, I think: utter professional that she was, she didn’t want a complete amateur making a pigs ear of things!

Sadly?   I’ll not get that approval.

As Storm died of cancer on Thursday, 14th January, 2021.

She’ll be much missed: by her friends, her family … and her husband, Jim.

All I can do?   Is send him my condolences.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Trevor scoring five out of five, Olga, Mum and Debbi on four and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        16th January, 27BC saw Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus granted the title of Augustus, by the Roman Senate.   The event is seen as the start of the Roman … what?

Q2)        El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha was first published on 16th January, 1605.   Who wrote El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha?

Q3)        The US state of Virginia enacted the Statute for Religious Freedom, on 16th January, 1786.   Which US President authored the Act: Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln?

Q4)        Adriana Hernández was born on 16th January, 2003.   She’s a what: rhythmic gymnast, 100m sprinter or marathon runner?

Q5)        Finally … ?   16th January is the feast day of Saint Titian of Oderzo.   Oderzo is in which European country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        15th January, 1867, saw forty people die.   When ice broke on a lake in which London Park?
A1)        Regent’s Park.

Q2)        The Derveni Papyrus, Europe’s oldest manuscript, was found on 15th January, 1962.   It was found, where: Spain, Greece or France?
A2)        Greece.

Q3)        Molière was baptised on 15th January, 1622.   The actor and playwright was born where: France, Germany or the UK?
A3)        France.

Q4)        Lee Teng-hui was born on 15th January, 1923.   He became President of where: China, Taiwan or Malaysia?
A4)        Taiwan.   (Malaysia’s a monarchy. Mainland China’s currently run by Xi Jinping: in his capacity as Chinese Communist Party General Secretary, President and Military Chairman.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Which online encyclopaedia went live: on 15th January, 2001?
A5)        Wikipedia.
Here’s a thought … 
“I staggered through my career and came out the other end, alive.”
John Carpenter, born 16th January, 1948.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Suspicious is the best way of putting it, Olga.   I’ve let everyone know.   And quietly think your block’s experience is relevant.   It all seemed to start, after a neighbour replaced his ISP/Media provider.   I’ve let as many people I could find, know … but haven’t cornered him … !
I’ll hopefully be out, again later today … assuming the sleet doesn’t get worse!
(By the way … four out of five?   Is everything OK … ?  :D )

†        I’ll have to keep an eye open for something similar, Trevor: best I can do is my big pot that’s not as big as my REALLY big pot.   (I couldn’t manage stir fry sauce: I think those spring onions will have to go in a bolognese …)

‡        Hello, Mum!   Are we OK for Sunday … ?

^        You possibly don’t have to, Debbi!   Oh … did I show you this Tweet? Ahem!

ª        Oh, there’s a US version of Desert Island Discs, Edith?   You live and learn!   Oh … I think Robert Johnson used a slide on Come on In My Kitchen: that scared me, the first time I heard it.   So did Sweet Home Chicago!


  1. A1 Empire
    A2 Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
    A3 Thomas Jefferson
    A4 rhythmic gymnast
    A5 Italy

    I do not use a stir fry sauce when I do stir fried Vegetables. Just very hot cooking oil. I do use sauces when I stir fry with meats or fish.

  2. Q1) Empire
    Q2) Miguel de Cervantes
    Q3) Thomas Jefferson
    Q4) rhythmic gymnast
    Q5) Italy
    Here it's sunny today. This will teach me to read properly (I was in a hurry to leave and wanted to enter the answers before I left. I also started the testing I told you about, so there were a lot of adjustments to be made, so I wasn't very attentive to Wikipedia and just hovered over the name of the president. It sounded weird but..)

  3. 1 Empire
    2 Miguel de Cervantes
    3 Jefferson
    4 Gymnast
    5 Spain

  4. 1. Empire
    2. cavantes
    3. Washington
    4. rhythmic gymnast
    5. Spain

    Yes. It is no longer in production as far as I know.

  5. The sooner the new guy is sworn in and moved into the White House, the happier I'll be. :)

    1. Empire
    2. Miguel de Cervantes
    3. Thomas Jefferson
    4. rhythmic gymnast
    5. Italy

    I'm so sorry to hear about your author friend. Man ... but that's an awesome photo of you with the gang. :)


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