
Thursday 7 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7-1-2021: Nicolas Cage

7th January, 2021.

I have to say, I’ve been following the news: and don’t think the USA’s sane.

Overnight, there’s been a literal riot on Capitol Hill: the site of the US equivalent of Parliament.

Incited by President Trump.

A riot … that’s seen armed protestors … at least one of whom has been shot.

It’s … 

Well … 

Democracy is not supposed to be like this.

I can only hope that — come Inauguration Day — these scenes aren’t repeated.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbi, scoring five out of five, Mum on three and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        7th January, 1964, saw the birth of actor, Nicolas Cage.   He was actually born as Nicholas Kim … whom?

Q2)        Nicolas Cage’s uncle is a famous director.   Which director?

Q3)        He plays Captain Antonio Corelli in which 2001 film?

Q4)        He won his only Oscar for which 1996 film?

Q5)        Finally … ?   2020 saw Nicolas Cage appear in The Color Our of Space.   The film’s based on work by which writer: Stephen King, Arthur Machen or H. P. Lovecraft?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        6th January saw the birth of actor, comedian and writer, Rowan Atkinson.   In which year?
A1)        1955.

Q2)        He came to fame in Not the Nine O’Clock News.   Name one of the other three performers in Not the Nine O’Clock News.

Q3)        In which film did he play Nigel Small-Fawcett?
A3)        Never Say Never Again.

Q4)        From 1990, Atkinson played Mr … who?
A4)        Mr Bean.

Q5)        Finally, and famously?   He played at least four different versions of Edmund whom?
A5)        Edmund Blackadder. (So you know?   There’s a genuine Blackadder family: one of whom, Agnes Forbes Blackadder, has been mentioned on Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar, in 2020.   Her work on the the therapeutic use of music in hospitals is seen as definitive.)
Here’s a thought … 

“There's a fine line between the Method actor and the schizophrenic.”
Nicolas Cage.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Correct me if I’m wrong, though, Trevor: didn’t the Handling Machines have some sort of basket or bucket?   Underneath, somewhere?   I know I’ve not been able to find a reference on a (quick and dirty) search of the version of the novel on Wikisource.

†        Well … the meeting went well enough, Olga.   Apparently, my case worker’s going to be referring me to a nurse, to see what other help they can offer.   I hope he gives them my landline number!
I’m glad it went well, yesterday: it sound like fun!
And good luck with the paperwork!   Lockdown’s not fun!

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        What CAN I tell you, Debbi?   It’s only in the past few years Life of Brian’s been aired in Aberystwyth!   Just as a thought?   The Today programme’s talking about the 25th Amendment.   And, after getting temporarily suspended from Twitter?   Trump’s told us there’ll be an orderly transition.   I’m convinced … … ish … … … 

ª        Morning, Edith: how’s today … ?   Thought you might appreciate a tune, given events.


  1. Q1) Coppola
    Q2) Francis Ford Coppola
    Q3) Captain Corelli’s Mandolin
    Q4) Leaving Las Vegas
    Q5) H. P. Lovecraft
    Fingers crossed the nurse has some useful suggestions. Things in the US are quite mad. It's not what they need right now. I can't help but think of Joseph N. Welch's address to McCarthy, the "At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" and how that applies so well to Trump, but he's been devoid of any sense of decency for so long that one wonders if he ever knew what it was. There's a saying in Spanish "Quien siembra vientos, recoge tempestades" that probably has some equivalent in English "Whomsoever sows winds, will reap storms". A blogger I know was concerned about Trump pressing a button, but he's let others to the work for him. He must be up there with Nero and Caligula...

  2. A1 Coppola
    A2 Francis Ford Coppola
    A3 Captain Corelli's Mandolin
    A4 Leaving Las Vegas
    A5 H. P. Lovecraft

    What can I say about the disturbing scenes coming out of Washington. If I did not know better I would have said that it was a Hollywood horror film.

    As it is it looks like one man has ripped the word United out of USA. Good job that he will be banned for life from all social media in two weeks time after he becomes a private citizen again.

  3. 1 Coppola
    2 Francis Ford Coppola
    3 Captain Corellis Mandolin
    4 Leaving Las Vegas
    5 H P Lovecraft
    Sorry to see the pictures from the States last night, Your American friends must be truly disappointed with some of their fellow countrymen and women.Everyone has a right to protest, but I think that was taking it to far! Our friends in the East must be laughing their heads off!!! Roll on Mr Biden!

  4. 1.Copala
    2. Francis Ford Copala
    3. American Tressure
    4. Wild At Heart
    5. H. P. Lovecraft

    I have only seen that clip and not the whole movie. I don't know what to think

  5. It will be good to see Trump leave the White Office. Preferably in leg irons and handcuffs. :)

    1. Coppola
    2. Francis Ford Coppola
    3. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
    4. Leaving Las Vegas
    5. H.P. Lovecraft


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