
Friday 8 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8-1-2021: Thank God It’s Friday … !

8th January, 2021.

You have been following the news, yes?

Then you’ll know that Capitol Hill — the US equivalent of Parliament Square, and Westminster Palace  — had pro-Trump rioters on Wednesday.

That’s still getting repercussions.

For a start, President Trump’s had to condemn the trouble, in a video posted on Twitter.

Some have suggested he’s done so because he think’s it’s the right thing to do.

Others point out he’s had two members of his cabinet resign, whilst others point out there’s talk about removing him from power, under the US Constitution’s 25th Amendment.

Even though there’s been one police death?

There’s been questions about the Capitol’s security arrangements.

With at least one person pointing out that things could well have gone differently: had this been a Black Lives Matter Protest.

Personally … ?

I can only hope things calm down.

But, frankly?

I can only hope security is ramped up on Inauguration Day.

I think someone’s going to try taking a pot shot at Joe Biden.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Edith^ and Debbiª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, Debbi and Mum, scoring five out of five, and Edith on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        8th January, 2021, is a Friday.   The name, Friday comes from the Old High English name of a Goddess called what: Frigg, Fridge or Fred?

Q2)        According to the old nursery rhyme, Friday’s child is loving and … what?

Q3)        Friday is a novel by whom: Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke or Robert Heinlein?

Q4)        Al-Jumu’ah (Friday in Classical Arabic, written as الجمعة) is a chapter of the Quran.   What’s the Arabic name for those chapters: sūrah, āyah or ḥadīth?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Friday film franchise stars which rapper: Ice T, Ice Cube or Icy Metric?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        7th January, 1964, saw the birth of actor, Nicolas Cage.   He was actually born as Nicholas Kim … whom?
A1)        Nicholas Kim Coppola.

Q2)        Nicolas Cage’s uncle is a famous director.   Which director?
A2)        Francis Ford Coppola.

Q3)        He plays Captain Antonio Corelli in which 2001 film?

Q4)        He won his only Oscar for which 1996 film?
A4)        Leaving Las Vegas.

Q5)        Finally … ?   2020 saw Nicolas Cage appear in The Color Our of Space.   The film’s based on work by which writer: Stephen King, Arthur Machen or H. P. Lovecraft?
A5)        H. P. Lovecraft.
Here’s a thought … 
“For Children:  You will need to know the difference between Friday and a fried egg.   It’s quite a simple difference, but an important one.”
Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Decency … ?   You’re not wrong, Olga!   And, yes, there’s a similar saying in the UK.   I’d imagine both sayings go back to Galatians 6:7: ‘… for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.’   President Trump is certainly reaping!
I don’t think he’ll press the button: he’s too friendly with Putin … and frankly, he seems to like trade war, rather than nuclear ones.   My worry’s more what’s going to happen on the 20th … 
On NICER fronts?   Hopefully, the nurse will be able to do something useful, although I don’t know when they’ll call.   The two calls I’ve had this morning … ?   Were scammers!   At least I think the second was a scammer, they caught me on the loo!   At least I can say I was doing something more important!

†        God, I hope so, Trevor!   Twitter have let him back on: although, as far as I can tell, they’re keeping a VERY sharp eye on him.   Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, is a little rougher.   Hopefully, you’re right: he’ll be politely shown the door.

The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining...

‡        You’re not wrong, Mum: I just hope the Inauguration goes quietly!

^        The Nicolas Cage one, you mean, Edithº?   I saw Wild at Heart, not I think of it: it’s very David Lynch!   (Are you managing to keep safe, Edith?   The Trump situation makes the US seem … unsafe!)

ª        Oh, we can only hope, Debbiº!   Have you heard the latest jokes, though?   Mexico’s decided to pay for a wall.   So has Canada!

º        Debbi, Edith, I hope the pair of you are OK … ?   OK, I know you’re both in safe parts of the US, but with riots on Capitol Hill?   Well, you can appreciate Trevor, Mum, Olga and I, reacting to the news!


  1. Q1) Frigg
    Q2) giving
    Q3) Robert Heinlein
    Q4) sūrah
    Q5) Ice Cube
    They had somebody from a university (he was American as well but teaching here) commenting on the events in the news here, and he observed that most presidents tended to point at outside enemies to rally people around and boost themselves, but Trump had insisted on the enemy within, and we were seeing the result of that. I hope the security forces are better organised for the inauguration, but yes, it has been pointed out that they didn't do much, at least to begin with, and that they usually responded much more forcefully to protesters (and these were rioters).

  2. A1 Frigg
    A2 loving and giving I am Sunday’s Child
    A3 Robert A. Heinlein I have a copy of the book
    A4 sūrah
    A5 Ice Cube

    The troubles in the states are reflected in the cartoons in today’s Telegraph.

    The small Matt one on the front page has a man an woman selling at a food stall in Wuhan with the woman saying “I don’t know where democracy originated ,but they have a lot to answer for”

    The main political cartoon by BOB has a drawing of the guy in the horns and fur with a shredded US flag draped over the horns.

    Also in a short article by a US Lady living in London is a line similar to what I wrote yesterday

    She writes “ ”You’d only see this in films” one of my British friends said. If only”.

  3. 1 Frigg
    2 Giving
    3 Robert HEINIEN
    4 Surah
    5 Ice Tea

  4. I've been wondering about that. :) Can you blame them? :)

    1. Frige
    2. giving
    3. Robert A. Heinlein
    4. surah
    5. Ice Cube

  5. 1. Frigg
    3. Asimov
    4. Surah
    5. Ice Cube


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